Welcome to the MarineOmega Product Training


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Præsentationens transcript:

Welcome to the MarineOmega Product Training Welcome to the MarineOmega Product Training. We congratulate you for choosing to receive this special training. This training is designed to outline the key competitive advantages that MarineOmega brings to your business.

Hvad har du brug for at vide? Hvad er MarineOmega? Hvorfor er omega-3-fedtsyrer vigtige for vores helbred? Hvorfor MarineOmega? Der er Pharmanex til forskel: 6-S processen Produktanbefalinger After a brief introduction to this new product offering, this training will discuss the role of omega-3 fatty acids in our body, the nutritional imbalance of fatty acid intake, ultimately identifying the need and health benefits of MarineOmega. The training will also review the ingredients found in MarineOmega, the scientific substantiation behind the ingredients, their safety and the recommended usage of the product. Let’s get started.

“Velværehus” Vægtstyring Løsninger Forbedring af livsstil Opfyldelse af særlige behov If we were to look at a Pharmanex catalog, we would see that the Pharmanex line of products is categorized into three distinct lines. First, LifePak Family and MarineOmega form a solid nutritional foundation for health. Next, Pharmanex Solutions address targeted needs, and allow consumers to identify their own self-care needs. To round out this prescription for health, consumers can enhance their lifestyle with TRA - The Right Approach, and other lifestyle products. LifePak eller LifePak Essentials Super A MarineOmega Opbygning af solidt ernæringsgrundlag

Nyhed! MarineOmega Fremragende kilde til livsvigtige omega-3-fedtsyrer, rig på EPA og DHA Fiskeolie af bedste kvalitet Indeholder unik krillolie med fosfolipider, der bruges af hjernen og cellemembraner MarineOmega is a dietary supplement of ultra-pure omega-3 fatty acids developed and marketed by Pharmanex to promote wellness and longevity. MarineOmega is an excellent source of essential omega-3 fatty acids typically lacking in people's diets. MarineOmega combines the highest grade fish oils with oil from krill harvested from the pristine waters of Antarctica. Krill oil is rich in EPA and DHA in a unique phospholipid form targeted for use in the brain and in cell membranes throughout the body.

Nyhed! MarineOmega Produktet fås i følgende lande: Belgien Danmark Finland Frankrig Holland Island Italien Luxembourg Norge Spanien Storbritannien Sverige Tyskland Østrig

Få mere ud af dine kosttilskud MarineOmega fremmer optagelsen af antioxidanter og næringsstoffer i LifePak og LifePak Essentials Super A. Fatty acids help the body absorb carotenoid antioxidants and other nutrients. In order to get the most out of LifePak or LifePak Essentials Super A comprehensive formula, Pharmanex recommends adding MarineOmega to your nutritional foundation.

Mål dit antioxidantniveau Pharmanex biophotonic-scanneren En avanceret, ikke-invasiv metode til måling af niveauet af carotenoid-antioxidanter i det menneskelige væv. Pharmanex scientists collaborated with the university researcher Dr Werner Gellerman to develop the Pharmanex biophotonic SCANNER – a technology that produces highly sophisticated information about physical well being through an incredibly simple procedure. Just place the palm of the hand in front of a safe, low-energy, blue light laser to obtain an immediate reading of your carotenoid antioxidant level translated into a skin carotenoid score. The Scanner enables you to track your antioxidant carotenoid levels so you can measure the effectiveness of your lifestyle choices along with your Pharmanex supplementation programme, including LifePak or LifePak Essentials Super A with MarineOmega.

Livsvigtige fedtsyrer Omega-3 Alfalinolensyre (LNA) Eicosapentaensyre (EPA) Docosahexaensyre (DHA) Ernæringskilder: grønne bladgrøntsager, fiskeolie, hørfrø eller canolaolie There are two of essential fatty acids - omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Our body can not make these nutrients, yet they are required for survival, so we must obtain them from our diet in sufficient quantities. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids. Alpha-linolenic acid is obtained from plant sources, while EPA and DHA are obtained from marine sources. We can find omega-3 in many foods, including green leafy vegetables, marine oil, flaxseed or canola oil.

Livsvigtige fedtsyrer Omega-6 Linolsyre (LA) Arachidonsyre (AA) Ernæringskilder: solsikkeolie, tidselolie, majsolie, animalsk fedt, stegte fødevarer There are two types of omega-6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is obtained from plant sources, while arachidonic acid is obtained from animal sources. We can find omega-6 in many foods, including sunflower, safflower, and corn oils, and animal fat. Many of these oils are used in cooking, and so fried food is a frequent source of omega-6 fatty acids.

Omsætning af fedtsyrer LNA Omega-3 (vegetabilske) Antiinflammatoriske eicosanoider, 3-PG Triglycerider Hjerterytme Hjernefunktion Omega-3 (marine) EPA DHA 1/25 LA Omega-6 (vegetabilske) Omega-6 (animalske) AA This diagram briefly reviews the metabolism of fatty acids. Our body converts alpha-linoleic acid into EPA and DHA therefore, it is most efficient to obtain our omega-3 fatty acids from marine sources. As you can see, when we obtain essential fatty acids from plant sources, our body converts them into EPA and DHA, but this conversion is only a 1/25 ratio. A maximum of 21% and 9% of ALA can be converted to EPA and DHA, respectively. What’s even more interesting is that diets high in linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) inhibit the conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids are metabolized into beneficial compounds such as anti-inflammatory prostaglandin compounds, and DHA, which is involved in heart and brain function. Our body converts linoleic acid into arachidonic acid, the active omega-6 in animals. As you can see, this type of fatty acid is metabolized into pro-inflammatory prostaglandin compounds. Proinflammatoriske 2-PG

Fedtsyrer og den moderne kost 10 20 30 2000 1900 1800 (-10.000 ) Fedtsyrer i alt Mættede fedtsyrer n-6 n-3 Now that we have defined omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, let’s learn why these fatty acids have become such a concern to our health in recent years. Throughout evolution, humans consumed an equal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Beginning in the mid- to late-1800s, as total fat increased, saturated fat and omega-6 intake consumption increased as well. On the other hand, omega-3 fatty acid intake decreased substantially. This has resulted in a current imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3 of approximately 20:1. Mennesket udviklede sig med et optimalt omega-6:omega-3-forhold (1:1)

Afbalanceret indtagelse af fedtsyrer Omega-6 Omega-3 Now why is this imbalance bad? Throughout evolution, our intake of essential fatty acids was approximately equal. If we refer back to the fatty acid metabolism diagram, this would contribute to a balance of inflammation. Balancen var optimal (1:1) under menneskets udvikling

Faren ved uafbalanceret indtagelse Betændelse Omega-3 Omega-6 Over the past 150 years, our diet has drastically changed, resulting in a pro-inflammatory scenario. Remember that omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized into pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Der er kraftig ubalance i den moderne kost (20:1)

I balance med MarineOmega™ By consuming more omega-3 fatty acids in foods and supplements, we are able to balance our essential fatty acid nutrition in favor of the anti-inflammatory scenario. Let’s look at the health impact that the current essential fatty acid imbalance has created. MarineOmega™ skaber balance i tilførslen af livsvigtige fedtsyrer

Hvordan påvirker manglende fedtsyrebalance dit helbred? Indtagelse af større mængder omega-3 virker betændelsesdæmpende og hjælper på proinflammatoriske tilstande: Eksem, psoriasis, dermatitis Hjerte-kar-lidelser Ledbetændelse Allergi Forstyrrelser i immunsystemet It is becoming widely implicated that inflammation is involved in a wide variety of pathologies, including skin conditions, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, allergies, and immune disorders. A number of recommendations have been set forth by leading organizations, such as the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, American Heart Association, and International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids .

Sådan opnås fedtsyrebalance Anbefaling: Begræns mængden af omega-6, og øg mængden af omega-3 i din kost Suppler med omega-3-fedtsyrer The consensus is that we should limit the amount of omega-6 fatty acids in the diet by decreasing the use of omega-6 dominant vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, peanut and corn oils. In addition, we should increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids to balance the types of fatty acids acquired through our diet and supplements.

Næringskilder til omega-3 Vegetabilske kilder Grønne bladgrøntsager Hørfrøolie Canolaolie Sojabønner Valnødder eller paranødder Marine kilder Fede fisk Laks Sild Makrel A concentrate of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are both present in high amounts in MarineOmega. Alpha-linolenic acid can be obtained from green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oil, nuts and soybeans. It is important to couple plant sources with marine sources of omega-3, since the body’s conversion of plant sources of omega-3 is slow and incomplete. On the other hand, omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish are direct sources of EPA and DHA. MarineOmega provides omega-3 from four types of fatty fish and krill.

MarineOmega™ Skaber bedre balance i fedtsyretilførslen Styrker hjerte-kar-systemet Styrker leddenes bevægelighed Styrker immunforsvaret Styrker huden Styrker hjernens funktion, drager fordel af krillolie-fosfolipider MarineOmega helps balance our dietary intake of fatty acids, that currently favor high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. Balanced essential fatty acid nutrition is essential for cardiovascular health, joint mobility, normal immune function, skin health, and brain function.

Ingredienser i MarineOmega™ Indhold Ultrarene fedtsyrer fra fiskeolie Krillolie-fosfolipider E-vitamin Naturlig citronolie MarineOmega provides high quality omega-3 fatty acids from fish and krill oil. Vitamin E and the carotenoid antioxidant Astaxanthin are included in the formula to provide antioxidant protection and ensure freshness and quality. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are highly unsaturated and may easily undergo oxidation. These powerful antioxidants present in MarineOmega help prevent the pro-oxidant effects of fish oil, and also provides nutritional benefit. Natural lemon oil is added for a pleasant aroma and flavor.

Ingredienser i MarineOmega™ Egenskaber Fremragende EPA- og DHA-kilde Standardiseret, så man altid får de samme nyttevirkninger Analyseret for indhold af forurenende stoffer, heriblandt tungmetaller, dioksiner og pesticider The constituents in MarineOmega are concentrated through scientific and analytical methods in a sterile environment to ensure that every capsule contains the prescribed level of constituents. Other routine testing includes analysis of heavy metals, pesticides (DDT, DDE, HCB), dioxins, full microbial testing and residual solvent content.

Krillolie (Euphasia pacifica) Zooplankton/krebsdyr fra Sydhavet Største biomasseressource Euphasia pacifica, commonly known as Krill, are small shrimp or prawn-like crustaceans found in oceans off the West coast of Vancouver Island, Russia, Ukraine, Antarctica, and Japan. Amazingly, Krill is the most abundant biomass in the world, with less than 1% of the resources harvested each year. Krill live most of the year at the bottom of the ocean, coming to the surface to feed on algae for only three months of the year. The consumption of algae dramatically increases Krill’s omega-3 content. Krill are a primary nutrition source for whales, fish, sea birds… and are considered a delicacy in Japan.

Krillolie (Euphasia pacifica) Enestående egenskaber: Højt indhold af fosfolipider (40 %) Rig på EPA og DHA Naturligt indhold af flavonoid og carotenoid-antioxidanter (astaxanthin) (<1 % høstet) Krill Oil is a marine oil offering a unique and natural combination of phospholipids high in EPA and DHA, potent antioxidants such as vitamins A, E, carotenoids (astaxanthin), a flavonoid extracted from a non-plant or algae source and omega-3 and omega-9 (oleic) fatty acids. Krill Oil offers an ideal ratio of omega-3:omega-6 at approximately 15:1.

Krillolie (Euphasia pacifica) Med fosfolipider, der bruges af hjernen og cellemembraner 2 Glycerol EPA eller DHA 3 EPA eller DHA DHA appears to be an extremely important fatty acid for brain function. Research has shown that DHA and other long chain fatty acids are associated with improved visual and cognitive development. In addition, phospholipids, naturally found in krill oil, are important in forming nerve membranes and in protecting nerve membranes from toxic injury and free radical attack. Krill oil, with its phospholipid structure and high content of omega-3 fatty acids, provides a unique brain health benefit not provided by typical marine oils. A standard marine triglyceride is composed of a glycerol molecule and three long chain fatty acids. EPA and DHA are randomly present on all three of these fatty acids. During digestion, the fatty acids in the number 1 and number 3 positions are cleaved by enzymes and are absorbed into the body as isolated components. The glycerol molecule is typically absorbed with the number2 fatty acid intact, essentially protecting the nutrients present in this position. The isolated DHA and EPA will either be burned for calories (fat is an energy source), or attached to other glycerol molecules in the number 2 position. Marint triglycerid

Krillolie (Euphasia pacifica) 1 1 EPA eller DHA 2 2 DHA Glycerol Glycerol Now let’s look at Krill phospholipids. A phospholipid, on the other hand, is composed of a glycerol molecule, two long chain fatty acids, and a phosphate group (typically phosphatidylcholine). We’ve already mentioned that phospholipids are important for brain and nerve development. An added benefit is that phospholipids are absorbed better than standard triglycerides. Now the third and most exciting benefit of Krill is that it preferentially places DHA in the number 2 position. During digestion, the number 1 position fatty acid and the phospholipid are cleaved by enzymes and are absorbed into the body as isolated components, and the glycerol and number 2 fatty acids are absorbed intact. 3 Fosfatgruppe Marint triglycerid Krillolie-fosfolipid

Krillolie (Euphasia pacifica) 1 EPA eller DHA Fosfatgruppe 2 DHA Glycerol By preferentially placing DHA in the protected number 2 position, Krill provides a form of essential fatty acids that can be targeted for use by the brain and cell membranes. This absorbed glycerol/DHA molecule can be incorporated into the cell membrane, allowing it to become a messenger for brain function and prostaglandin synthesis. The cleaved EPA and DHA will either be burned for calories, or attached to other glycerol molecules in the number 2 position, while the phospholipid phosphate group will be incorporated into cell membranes to form cell structure and other bodily functions. Combining Krill oil with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil provide unique benefits by providing a significant dosage of EPA+DHA from fish oil along with the unique brain health benefits provided by krill phospholipids. Krillolie-fosfolipid

Videnskabelig dokumentation Styrker hjerte-kar-systemet1 Lindrer smerte og ømhed i forbindelse med ledstivhed2 Hjælper på UV-inducerede hudskader og ældning som følge af sollys3 Øger hjernens indhold af DHA og forbedrer åndsevner og psykisk sundhed4 Scientific studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil support the cardiovascular system. Several studies correlating fish consumption (providing omega-3 fatty acids) and longevity from cardiovascular health have shown that consumption of fish is associated with a substantial improvement in longevity. Research has shown that supplementation with fish oils can markedly reduce interleukin-1beta and inflammatory eicosanoid metabolite production, and results in significant reductions in morning stiffness and the number of painful joints in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Some evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may be effective in protection against UV-induced skin damage, cancers, and photoaging. This may be due to their anti-inflammatory properties acting to reduce the UV-induced release of cytokines and other mediators in a variety of skin cell types. An association between the brain content of DHA, mental capacity, and mental health has been observed. The ratio of membrane omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids can be modulated by dietary intake, and this ratio influences neurotransmission and prostaglandin formation, processes that are vital in the maintenance of normal brain function. 1. Kris-Etherton PM, Harris WS, Appel LJ. American Heart Association Scientific Statement: Fish consumption, fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and Cardiovascular Disease. Oplag 2002;106:2747-2757. 2. Simopoulos AP. Omega-3 fatty acids in health and disease and in growth and development. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:438-463. 3. Rhodes LE, Shahbakhti H, Azurdia RM, et al. Effect of eicosapentaenoic acid, an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, on UVR- related cancer risk in humans. An assessment of early genotoxic markers. Carcinogenesis 2003;24:919-925. 4. Haag M. Essential fatty acids and the brain. Can J Psychiatry 2003;48:195-203.

Videnskabelig dokumentation American Heart Association (AHA) Videnskabelig udtalelse om omega-3-fedtsyrer: “Epidemiologiske og kliniske forsøg har vist, at omega-3-fedtsyrer mindsker risikoen for hjerte-kar-sygdomme. Omega-3-fedtsyrer gavner alle, både raske, personer med stor risiko for at få hjerte-kar-sygdomme, og patienter, som tidligere har haft hjerte-kar-sygdomme. Vi anbefaler, at kosten indeholder omega-3-fedtsyrer, hovedsagelig fra fisk og planter.” 1. Kris-Etherton PM, Harris WS, Appel LJ. American Heart Association Scientific Statement: Fish consumption, fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and Cardiovascular Disease. Oplag 2002;106:2747-2757. (tekst med fed er tilføjet) The American Heart Association (AHA) states: “Epidemiological and clinical trials have shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Healthy people, people at high risk of CVD [cardiovascular disease] and patients with preexisting CVD all benefit. We recommend including omega-3 fatty acids in the diet mainly from fish and plant sources.”

Sikkerhed Fiskeolie er en fødevareingrediens MarineOmega er sikkert i den anbefalede dosis Analyseret for indhold af forurenende stoffer Kontakt læge, hvis du: er i behandling med høje doser aspirin tager blodfortyndende medicin tager andre former for medicin MarineOmega is safe and has no side effects at the recommended dosage. Fish oil is a food constituent. At relatively higher doses, gastrointestinal complaints, including loose stools have been reported. Krill Oil is recognized as safe for human consumption at many times the dose level used in MarineOmega. If you are pregnant or lactating, or taking a prescription medication, consult a physician prior to use. People on high-dose aspirin therapy, or those taking anticoagulant drugs or other medications should consult a physician before taking this or other dietary supplements. Discontinue use of this product two weeks prior to and after surgery.

Anbefalet brug Anbefalet til personer, som: ønsker balance i tilførslen af livsvigtige fedtsyrer ønsker flere omega-3-fedtsyrer i kosten tager LifePak® eller LifePak Essentials Super A Som kosttilskud tages 2-4 softgelkapsler dagligt sammen med et måltid MarineOmega is recommended for anyone who would like to balance their essential fatty acid nutrition and who would like to add omega-3 fatty acids to their diet. This product is formulated to be taken in addition to any member of the LifePak family. Used together, MarineOmega and LifePak® constitute a highly comprehensive anti-ageing supplementation regimen. As a dietary supplement, take two (2) to four (4) softgel capsules daily, with meals.

Supplerende produkter til særlige behov Til ømme og stive led: MarineOmega + FlexCare + FlexCrème If you are targeting long term relief by providing benefits that support your cartilage, combine FlexCrème and FlexCare with MarineOmega to receive extra anti-inflammatory benefits, promoting flexibility and cartilage health.

Supplerende produkter til særlige behov FlexCare + FlexCrème FlexCare fås i: Belgien, Holland og Luxembourg FlexCrème fås i: Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Frankrig, Holland, Island, Italien, Luxembourg, Norge, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland, Østrig

Supplerende produkter til særlige behov Styrker hjernens funktion: MarineOmega + BioGinkgo BioGinkgo fås i: Danmark, Holland, Island, Italien, og Storbritannien It has been shown that BioGinkgo 27/7 helps stimulate memory and concentration and overall circulation to the brain, arms and legs. MarineOmega also promotes neural function and wellness by delivering phospholipids that target brain health. By combining BioGinkgo 27/7 with MarineOmega you can receive maximum benefits to promote brain function and support neural function.

Supplerende produkter til særlige behov Til pleje af huden og beskyttelse mod ældning (rynker): MarineOmega + Moisture Restore Day lotion The skin is the body’s largest organ and it reflects your overall health. For young-looking and healthy skin it is important to add a comprehensive nutritional supplementation to your daily personal care habits. Used together, LifePak or LifePak Essentials Super A and MarineOmega provide your body with optimal levels of essential nutrients and antioxidants, including carotenoids supporting longevity and well-being. Particularly MarineOmega, can be highly beneficial to help fight the ageing process, like the formation of wrinkles, which is related with an inflammatory process that leads to the breakdown of collagen. Omega-3 fatty acids in MarineOmega delivers anti-inflamatory benefits helping to spare your collagen structures. If you want to support your skin health from the outside as well, Colourless carotenoids when applied topically onto the skin help boost the skin’s immune support while shielding against environmental damage. They are the key ingredient of Nu Skin’s Moisture Restore Day Protective Lotions, part of the Nu Skin Nutracentials line.

Oversigt Opbygger sammen med LifePak eller LifePak Essentials Super A et solidt ernæringsmæssigt grundlag Rig på EPA og DHA Dobbelt så højt indhold af omega-3-fedtsyrer som Optimum Omega™ Tilsat krillolie med fosfolipider Garanti for 6S-kvalitet Marine Omega delivers nutritionally significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids to help balance the disporportionately high amounts of omega-6 we obtain from our modern eating habits. LifePak and MarineOmega form a solid foundation of optimal nutrition by providing comprehensive anti-aging benefits. MarineOmega contains krill oil that provides highly bioactive EPA and DHA in a unique phospholipid form targeted for use in the brain and cell membranes throughout the body, contains the powerful antioxidants carotenoid astaxanthin and flavonoid. Krill oil is also high in phospholipids important for forming and protecting nerve membranes. MarineOmega has been developed and manufactured in accordance with the Pharmanex 6S Quality Process, using an ultra-pure source of fresh fish oil tested free of toxins, pollutants, and heavy metals.

Generelle sundhedsråd Pharmanex tilbyder generel rådgivning om en lang række kosttilskud. Denne information må ikke erstatte kontakten til det professionelle sundhedssystem. Hvis du er bekymret over dine symptomer eller har andre spørgsmål vedrørende din sundhedstilstand, bør du altid søge læge. ®/™/© 2005 Nu skin International. Husk at en afbalanceret kost indeholder tilstrækkeligt med vitaminer og mineraler. The General Well-being advice is as follows: Pharmanex provides general information on a wide range of food supplements. The information is not a substitute for professional care by a qualified practitioner. If you are concerned about symptoms or have any other concerns or questions about your well being, you should always consult an appropriate healthcare professional.

Thank you for attending this training Thank you for attending this training! We hope that now you have a clear understanding of the superior health benefits of MarineOmega and how you it can help you and your customers in the quest for a long and healthy life.