Modtagelse er fortolkning


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Præsentationens transcript:

Modtagelse er fortolkning Interkulturel Erhvervskommunikation ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Kommunikationsteorier Kommunikationsprocesser Kommunikationsplanlægning epi-KU 2017 People buy things not only for what they can do, but also for what they mean. Sidney Levy (1959) Modtagelse er fortolkning

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Synopsisvirksomhed (eller organisation, institution m.m.) Analysér jeres virksomhed ud fra de 4 C’ere. Kan marketingmikset blive mere (for)brugerorienteret? Hvordan? Analysér de vigtigste politiske, økonomiske, sociokulturelle og teknologiske faktorer der påvirker virksomheden. Er virksomheden tilstrækkeligt opmærksom på de makroøkonomiske faktorer på forskellige markeder? Hvordan kunne dette forbedres? Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Forklar kort Lasswells samt Shannon og Weavers modeller Hvilke mangler har de klassiske markedskommunikations-modeller ifølge Frandsen & Co.? Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Hvad karakteriserer IMK-modellen? Hvilke tilføjelser til ovennævnte aspekter er forudsætninger der kan fremme viral kommunikation? Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave A sign (or representamen)[125] represents, in the broadest possible sense of "represents". It is something interpretable as saying something about something. It is not necessarily symbolic, linguistic, or artificial. As Peirce sometimes put it (he defined sign at least 76 times[123]), the sign stands for the object to the interpretant. An object (or semiotic object) is a subject matter of a sign and an interpretant. It can be anything thinkable, a quality, an occurrence, a rule, etc., even fictional, such as Prince Hamlet.[126] All of those are special or partial objects. The object most accurately is the universe of discourse to which the partial or special object belongs.[126] For instance, a perturbation of Pluto's orbit is a sign about Pluto but ultimately not only about Pluto. An object either (i) is immediate to a sign and is the object as represented in the sign or (ii) is a dynamic object, the object as it really is, on which the immediate object is founded "as on bedrock".[127] An interpretant (or interpretant sign) is a sign's meaning or ramification as formed into a kind of idea or effect, an interpretation, human or otherwise. An interpretant is a sign (a) of the object and (b) of the interpretant's "predecessor" (the interpreted sign) as a sign of the same object. An interpretant either (i) is immediate to a sign and is a kind of quality or possibility such as a word's usual meaning, or (ii) is a dynamic interpretant, such as a state of agitation, or (iii) is a final or normal interpretant, a sum of the lessons which a sufficiently considered sign would have as effects on practice, and with which an actual interpretant may at most coincide. 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Kommentér følgende udsagn: Modtagelse er fortolkning Sammenlign Frandsens analyse af de 4 P’er med de tre designaspekter (modul 3) Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen De fire P’er Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave A sign (or representamen)[125] represents, in the broadest possible sense of "represents". It is something interpretable as saying something about something. It is not necessarily symbolic, linguistic, or artificial. As Peirce sometimes put it (he defined sign at least 76 times[123]), the sign stands for the object to the interpretant. An object (or semiotic object) is a subject matter of a sign and an interpretant. It can be anything thinkable, a quality, an occurrence, a rule, etc., even fictional, such as Prince Hamlet.[126] All of those are special or partial objects. The object most accurately is the universe of discourse to which the partial or special object belongs.[126] For instance, a perturbation of Pluto's orbit is a sign about Pluto but ultimately not only about Pluto. An object either (i) is immediate to a sign and is the object as represented in the sign or (ii) is a dynamic object, the object as it really is, on which the immediate object is founded "as on bedrock".[127] An interpretant (or interpretant sign) is a sign's meaning or ramification as formed into a kind of idea or effect, an interpretation, human or otherwise. An interpretant is a sign (a) of the object and (b) of the interpretant's "predecessor" (the interpreted sign) as a sign of the same object. An interpretant either (i) is immediate to a sign and is a kind of quality or possibility such as a word's usual meaning, or (ii) is a dynamic interpretant, such as a state of agitation, or (iii) is a final or normal interpretant, a sum of the lessons which a sufficiently considered sign would have as effects on practice, and with which an actual interpretant may at most coincide. 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Beskriv med stikord gruppens eksamensprojekt ved brug af fig. 21.3 på side 133 Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave A sign (or representamen)[125] represents, in the broadest possible sense of "represents". It is something interpretable as saying something about something. It is not necessarily symbolic, linguistic, or artificial. As Peirce sometimes put it (he defined sign at least 76 times[123]), the sign stands for the object to the interpretant. An object (or semiotic object) is a subject matter of a sign and an interpretant. It can be anything thinkable, a quality, an occurrence, a rule, etc., even fictional, such as Prince Hamlet.[126] All of those are special or partial objects. The object most accurately is the universe of discourse to which the partial or special object belongs.[126] For instance, a perturbation of Pluto's orbit is a sign about Pluto but ultimately not only about Pluto. An object either (i) is immediate to a sign and is the object as represented in the sign or (ii) is a dynamic object, the object as it really is, on which the immediate object is founded "as on bedrock".[127] An interpretant (or interpretant sign) is a sign's meaning or ramification as formed into a kind of idea or effect, an interpretation, human or otherwise. An interpretant is a sign (a) of the object and (b) of the interpretant's "predecessor" (the interpreted sign) as a sign of the same object. An interpretant either (i) is immediate to a sign and is a kind of quality or possibility such as a word's usual meaning, or (ii) is a dynamic interpretant, such as a state of agitation, or (iii) is a final or normal interpretant, a sum of the lessons which a sufficiently considered sign would have as effects on practice, and with which an actual interpretant may at most coincide. 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Skitsér et udvidet promotionmiks: Reklame (betalt) Salgspromotion (tilbud, m.m.) PR (’gratis’) Events Sponsorering Personlig salg (interaktiv face-to-face) Direkte salg (brev, mail, telefon) Online marketing Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Nævn de vigtige faktorer ved sammensætning af et promotionmiks Beskriv jeres virksomhed/produkt ved hjælp af ovenstående Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Identitet og image Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Med udgangspunkt i en af den valgte virksomhed kampagner eller andet promotiontiltag, beskriv med stikord kommunikationsplanlægningens punkter 1-4 samt 7 (altså ikke Måling af effekt og Budget): Målgruppe(r), herunder beskrivelse af den primære målgruppes placering i købsprocessen ud fra AIDA-modellen) Målsætninger(ne) for kommunikationen (evt. værditilbuddets placering på PLC-kurven) Beskriv hvordan budskabet er designet (indhold, struktur, udformning samt kilde) Beskriv kommunikationskanalerne 7. Beskriv og den valgte promotionmiks Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 Med udgangspunkt i forgående analyse, skitsér en ny, kulturelt tilpasset kampagne (eller andet promotiontiltag) Uddyb kundesegmenterne på det nye marked Bestem kommunikationsmålene Design og argumentér for et kulturelt tilpasset budskab Udvælg de bedst egnede kommunikationskanaler (7.) Skitsér en prioriteret liste over promotionsmikset Opsamling Klassiske modeller IMK-modellen Pierces tegnmodel Kommunikations-planlægning Promotion-mix Gruppeopgave 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2

ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2 31. december 2018 ikek 7 Markedskommunikation 2