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Udsagnsordets/verbets bøjning

Opdrift på vindmøllevinger
Adverbier - really - absolutely - somehow
Kongruens og tællelighed.
Sted og dato (Indsæt --> Diasnummer) Dias 1 Navn på enhed (Indsæt --> Diasnummer) Jacob Thøgersen DGCSS/ LARM, University of Copenhagen Nik-fest 2011.
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Ordstilling Ordstilling er bl.a. rækkefølgen af grundled og udsagnsled i en sætning. Hvis grundleddet står før udsagnsleddet, taler vi om ligefrem ordstilling.
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Omskrivning med do i spørgende og nægtende sætninger
Tillægsord Et tillægsord er et ord der lægger sig til navneord, stedord eller sætningsdel, for at fortælle noget om det/den.
Biord fortæller om tid, sted, måde eller grad.
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“Cheshire Puss,” she began, …… ”Could you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,”
SOME eller ANY Joan Neesgaard Continue Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue…
A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and.
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Overskrift her Navn på oplægsholder Navn på KU- enhed For at ændre ”Enhedens navn” og ”Sted og dato”: Klik i menulinjen, vælg ”Indsæt” > ”Sidehoved / Sidefod”.
Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Digital communication of performance literature.
….at være eller …… …… ikke at være.
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Overskrift her Navn på oplægsholder Navn på KU- enhed For at ændre ”Enhedens navn” og ”Sted og dato”: Klik i menulinjen, vælg ”Indsæt” > ”Sidehoved / Sidefod”.
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Præsentationens transcript:

Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! A eller AN Tryk på F5-tasten for at starte! og derefter Continue… Continue Joan Neesgaard

? She is ___ nice girl. a an Klik på det rigtige ord! Klik på spørgsmålstegnet, hvis du vil have hjælp!

Correct! She is a nice girl. Continue

There is ___ supermarket round the corner. an ?

There is a supermarket round the corner. Correct! There is a supermarket round the corner. Continue

I took ___ egg from the fridge. a an ?

I took an egg from the fridge. Correct! I took an egg from the fridge. Continue

He gave her ___ ice cream. an ?

Correct! He gave her an ice cream. Continue

She is ___ old woman. a an ?

Correct! She is an old woman. Continue

There was ___ teapot on the table. an ?

There was a teapot on the table. Correct! There was a teapot on the table. Continue

He was here ___ hour ago. a an ?

Correct! He was here an hour ago. Continue

Mallorca is ___ island. a an ?

Correct! Mallorca is an island. Continue

Greenland is ___ very big island. ?

Greenland is a very big island. Correct! Greenland is a very big island. Continue

There is ___ animal in the garden. ?

There is an animal in the garden. Correct! There is an animal in the garden. Continue

Take ___ umbrella with you. It's raining. an ?

Take an umbrella with you. It's raining. Correct! Take an umbrella with you. It's raining. Continue

There was ___ yellow car outside the house. an ?

There was a yellow car outside the house. Correct! There was a yellow car outside the house. Continue

Is this ___ new car? a an ?

Correct! Is this a new car? Continue

In the Bible ___ angel came to Maria. ?

In the Bible an angel came to Maria. Correct! In the Bible an angel came to Maria. Continue

She cut ___ onion into small pieces. an ?

She cut an onion into small pieces. Correct! She cut an onion into small pieces. Continue

The policeman was wearing ___ uniform. ?

The policeman was wearing a uniform. Correct! The policeman was wearing a uniform. Continue

It was ___ excellent meal. an ?

It was an excellent meal. Correct! It was an excellent meal. Continue

Why don't you give me ___ answer?

Why don't you give me an answer? Correct! Why don't you give me an answer? Continue

Is there ___ telephone in the hall? an ?

Correct! Is there a telephone in the hall? Tryk på ESC-tasten for at afslutte… og luk derefter filen!

A bruges foran konsonanter fx: a boy, a friend Bemærk, at det er udtalen, der gælder! Derfor hedder det "a university", fordi u'et udtales som et j AN bruges foran vokaler dvs. foran a - e - i - o - u fx: an animal, an island Bemærk, at det er udtalen, der gælder! Derfor hedder det "an hour", fordi h'et her er stumt. Tilbage til øvelserne

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