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BOOK OF MY LIFE Brødrene Løvehjerte (The Brothers Lionheart) -By Astrid Lindgren Sascha 7.C (Denmark)

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1 BOOK OF MY LIFE Brødrene Løvehjerte (The Brothers Lionheart) -By Astrid Lindgren Sascha 7.C (Denmark)

2 ”Brødrene Løvehjerte” The story about two brothers (Jonatan & Karl) Lionheart. Karl is very sick, and cannot be saved. His brother Jonatan is very kind, and love Karl more than anything else. He´s popular. Everyone in the city loves him. He always tells Karl, that when he dies, he’s going to Nagijala. a beautiful place in heaven, with happy people every where. But one day, their house is on fire. -With Karl in it. Jonatan runs in, grabs Karl, and jumps out of the window. (2th floor). Jonatan died from the fall, leaving Karl alone with his mom… (When Karl dies after, because he is sick, the story takes place in heaven. -In Nagijala)

3 ASTRID LINDGREN: Astrid Lindgren was a Swedish author (95 year old / 1907-2002) She wrote children's books, and maneged to speak directly to the children. Her father was a farmer. (Siblings: Gunnar and Stina)

4 I have chosen this book, because it made me think. Think about all the sick an unloved children out there. (like Karl). I read this book on a 2 days trip to Germany with my football team in 2013. In the evening when our coaches said we had to sleep, i read in it. Actually it wasn’t my book, but one of my friends. Her mom said she had to pack a book for the trip, but she hate reading. I love reading, but i forgot a book. So i borrowed hers, i just had to tell her what it was about, so she could tell her mom. Like a deal. But when i read it those two nights, i just couldnt lay it down. I really wanted to know how it ended. So the reason why i picked this book, is basically because it’s the only book, that made me wanna read more. I said to myself: Just one chapter more! But both days my coach had to take it from me, so I would ready to attempt the goal (Goalkeeper)

5 En frygtelig ildebrand hærgede I aftes kvarteret Kattehalen her I byen, hvorved et par af de gamle træhuse brændte ned til grunden, og et menneskeliv gik tabt. En tiårig dreng, Karl Løve, befandt sig alene, syg og sengeliggende, I en lejlighed på anden sal, da branden udbrød. Straks efter kom hans broder, Den trettenårige Jonatan Løve, hjem, og før nogen nåede at standse ham, styrtede Han ind I det brændene hus for at komme sin broder til hjælp. Et øjeblik efter var hele Trappegangen et flammende ildhav. For de to indespærrede var der ingen anden Mulighed tilbage end at forsøge at redde livet ved at springe ud af vinduet. En rædselslagen menneskemængde, der havde samlet sig uden for huset, Måtte se hjælpeløst til, da den trettenårige tog sin broder på ryggen og med ilden Flammende bag sig uden betænkning kastede sig ud af vinduet. I faldet kom drengen Så alvorligt til skade, at han så at sige var dræbt på stedet. Den yngre bror deriomod, som han I faldet havde beskyttet sin krop med, kom ikke Noget til. Moderen til de to drenge, der var henne hos en kunde – Hun er syerske – Fik ved hjemkomsten et alvorligt chok. Hvordan ilden er opstået, ved man endnu ikke. Uddrag af teksten / Extract of the text: Dansk / Danish

6 A terrible fire raged last night “Kattehalen” here in the city, where a couple of the old wooden house burned to the ground, and a human life were lost. A ten-year old boy, Karl Lion, found himself alone, sick and bedridden, In an apartment on the second floor when the fire started. Soon after, his brother, The thirteen year old Jonathan Leo, came home, and before anyone could stop him, he ran into the burning house to help his brother. One moment later, the entire hallway were on fire. For the two trapped, there were no other possibility back than trying to save their lifes by jumping out of the window. A terrified crowd outside the house, had to watch helplessly as the thirteen year old took his brother on his back, and threw himself out the window. The boy got so injured by the fall, he was killed instantly. The younger brother survived though. The mother of the two boys who were at a customer - She is a seamstress - Got a shock when she returned. We still don’t know, how the fire started.

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