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Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Digital communication of performance literature.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Digital communication of performance literature."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Digital communication of performance literature Possibilities and challenges in the libraries’ digital communication Lise Vandborg, Editor in Chief The Danish Public Libraries’ website on literature

2 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Gather and introduce in a theme:  Sound and videorecordings (performance)  Articles and reportages  Reviews and analyses  Links  Lists with 10 best apps and digital works  Experiences with communication of performance and digital literature Theme: Literature taking place

3 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Selection and Communication Everyone can find videoes on YouTube Libraries: Not enough to give access to content  Select and ensure quality, ”filtering info”  Communication  Put into context  Personal communication, meeting the reader in the physical library!

4 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Experience (new) works Video of a performance, the work in itself, Klimakrisen by Lars Skinnebach Klimakrisen The library becomes the publisher? Videoes which add a new dimension to the work: Amalie SmithAmalie Smith

5 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Communication and context Performance/reading based on a work:  Recording by review, portrait: HørslevHørslev  The users first interest is in the author and the book, not the recording! Performance is the work:  Recording by article, reportage

6 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Before, during, after events Flow:  Advance publicity of events  Streaming  Reportages  Recordings  Relive

7 Litteratursiden / forfattere / anmeldelser / analyser / lister / temaer / læseklubber / video / brugere Reaching the users Communicate literature which readers do not find everywhere – no forum does it! Users are not only interested in performance & digital literature, communicate along with other genres. Communication where people are

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