Business Integration Jørgen Rahbek Salgschef, Business Integration


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Præsentationens transcript:

Business Integration Jørgen Rahbek Salgschef, Business Integration Microsoft Danmark

Executive Circle Ét program – to spor: Forretningsmæssig udnyttelse af teknologi Fokus på forretning – lidt teknologi Målgruppe: Forretningsbeslutningstagere Teknologi der understøtter forretningen Fokus på teknologi – noget forretning Målgruppe: IT beslutningstagere

Executive Circle forår 2003 22. maj 2003 - Intranet og Portaler 6. maj 2003 - “Greatest Hits” – afholdes i Jylland

Det praktiske… Hent præsentationer, læs om kommende arrangementer …. Evalueringsskemaer

Dagens menu - Pause Velkomst Business Integration – et overblik 9:30 - Velkomst Jørgen Rahbek, Business Integration salgschef, Microsoft Danmark 9:40 Business Integration – et overblik 10:00 Kundecase – Dansk Supermarked Jens Christensen – Afdelingsleder, Dansk Supermarked Gruppen 10:30 Pause 11:00 Kunde case – Bon’A Parte Brian Andersen – E-commerce manager 11:30 Kom i gang med Business Integration Michael S. Hansen, Technology Specialist, Microsoft Danmark 12.00 Tak for i dag

Business Integration - et overblik Jørgen Rahbek Salgschef, Business Integration Microsoft Danmark

Agilitets analyse 75 % af de danske virksomheder mener, at forandringsparathed er den vigtigste konkurrenceparameter. Virksomhederne oplever i dag en meget høj grad af forandring i deres omgivelser. 52 % vurderer, at deres evne til at omstille sig ikke lever op til omgivelsernes krav.

Offentlig eller privat virksomhed Business Integration Offentlig eller privat virksomhed Samhandelspartnere Egne forretnings-applikationer Lager og logistik Leverandør Firewall EDI Leverandør markedsplads Finans og regnskab XML Key Message: Whether a business is concerned with accessing data, knowledge, and improving processes internally, or looking to open those up to virtual enterprise partners, the idea of business process integration is the same. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: Within the company, there are applications and platforms that serve different business functions. Accounting has its own systems, for example, and so does finance, sales and manufacturing. Most firms today are running these departments with their own applications independently. Most may or may not have experienced the pain of not having any sort of integration among them. Certainly only a much smaller group of companies have benefited from integration among enterprise applications. Let’s look at this diagram. How do you integrate your internal and external business processes to maximize efficiency and create value? What’s the engine that drives all the integration we’ve been talking about EAI is the first step before any company’s pursuit of B2B communications and integration. Get your internal house in order before you link it to the outside world. B2B is very cool and sexy, but what good does it do if the docs and files you received from your trading partners cannot be directly integrated with your own systems, or vice versa. Thanks to the magic of key standards, today the picture of “comprehensive” integration -- starting from EAI and going outside of the firewall to B2B -- can be achieved. XML is the key standard behind this latest development. XML-based integration technology will be able to allow applications to talk to applications, companies communicate externally to other companies as well. Companies today have the benefits of taking advantage of these XML based integration tools to really look at how they can integrate their “Business Processes,” and not just enterprise applications. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down xCBL Kunde markedsplads CRM ERP EAI B2B

Et reelt problem? a`gil [a`gi´l] - rask, bevægelig, adræt Barrierer for værdi af IT investeringer Kilde: Danmarks Statistik, januar 2002 a`gil [a`gi´l] - rask, bevægelig, adræt

Den agile organisation Føl forretningens puls Tid? Analysér afvigelser Beslutning Kommunikér Gennemfør

Forretningskrav Forøg hastigheden i forretningsprocesserne Træf bedre beslutninger – hurtigere! Acceptér – og udnyt - dynamiske handelsrelationer Key Message: Key drivers for business of all sizes Slide Builds: None Slide Script: MSFT has been discussing these themes a lot lately, we refer to orgs that can do this effectively as an “agile enterprise”. The agile organization requires systems that Meet enterprise needs Are extremely flexible Deliver faster time to benefit Empower employees Interestingly, before we move on, these challenges are all about integration. Your integration infrastructure is critical to achieving these goals: The market looks for companies to generate profit and return on shareholder value; no longer is revenue the only driver for success To achieve profit growth, in addition to seek new ways to generate revenue, companies must also learn how to reduce costs Maximizing efficiencies would lead to reduction in costs Ways to maximize efficiency: leverage existing IT infrastructure, reduce process cycle times via integration, faster time to benefit or market on new projects Companies must also learn how to flexibly respond to changes in customer demands and competitive landscape Finally, any company will benefit from maximized collaboration – IT must work hand in hand with other groups of the company to produce better results faster Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Reagér hurtigt på ændrede kundekrav Reagér hurtigt på trusler for konkurrenter

Den “ideelle” virksomhed Opkoblede kunder Integrerede samhandelspartnere Beslutningsdygtige medarbejdere Website Marketing E-handel Kundeservice/CRM Indkøbssystemer Salgssystemer Markedspladser Supply chain mgmt Integrerede produktivitetsværktøjer Medarbejderportaler Business intelligence Mobile løsninger Key Message: Juxtaposition between this ideal enterprise and the reality on the next slide Slide Builds: None Slide Script: In the dream e-business enterprise, a corporation has data, knowledge and process. Management wants to get information to customers, partners and employees. In a perfect world that would lead to connected customers who understand how they interact with this company, integrated partners who have a seamless role in the supply chain management of this corporation -- they become a virtual part of this organization, and empowered employees who can get their job done because they smoothly see information they need to get their job done Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down IT Infrastruktur Fælles applikationer Fælles data-model

Den virkelige virksomhed (…hvis man er heldig) Kunder Partnere Medarbejdere Kundeservice ERP Human Resources Key Message: Most companies are not leveraging data, knowledge, and process efficiently or completely Slide Builds: None Slide Script: If you’re lucky some of your business processes are already integrated somehow allowing you access to data. However, this type of point-to-point integration has probably been done with the technology equivalent of chewing gum and duct tape. It can be costly to maintain and an inefficient way for the organization to run. All the data, knowledge, and process that you need often resides in islands of information… separate ERP systems… customer service systems -- employees, partners, and customers can’t get access to the key information. One way to address this is to improve connectivity between these island of information. Why is this important to your business? Because it can either help or hinder your business value drivers… Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Finans- og regnskab Supply Chain

Integrationsservere – fundament for reducerede omkostninger og nødvendig fleksibilitet Order entry Logistics Sales force automation eCommerce Web server Call center Financials Purchasing Marketing Process integration server

BizTalk Mapper - simultantolken

Det virkelige integrationsmål Business Integration – ikke systemintegration Bank Lager Tjek kredit-status Tjek lageret Fakturér kunde Levér fra lager Kunder Opdatér ERP Indkøbsordre ERP Key Message: The real value of EAI comes from integrating processes, not just systems. Slide Builds: There are nine clicks on this slide, please go thru all of the details step by step, as this is perhaps one of the most important slide in this entire deck! Slide Script: [BEFORE ANY CLICKING] In the beginning of this presentation, we saw a slide just like this with just blocks or boxes on both sides, and we said on the left hand side is about EAI and internal integration, and going thru the Internet, it’s outbound and integrating with external partners, or B2B. Now, let’s really see what this diagram means. You see that all the boxes are labeled with a name now, and it’s really the business function they represent – distribution, inventory, order management, and ERP. [FIRST CLICK] So let’s take a look at what a business process is all about – when a customer places an order via the Internet, the order will first hit the order management system first. [SECOND CLICK] At the same time, the order management system will perform a credit check by sending the command over the Internet to the Bank [THIRD & FORTH CLICKS] Order management, playing the role of the quarterback here, will also trigger an inventory check to make sure that there are stock in the warehouse to fulfill. [FIFTH CLICK] When all of these steps in this business process are performed, order management then will then be able to tell “distribution” to initiate a shipment to the customer. [SIXTH CLICK] At this time the customer will be charged via the bank – an outbound command is sent across the Internet to the bank. [SEVENTH CLICK] The company’s main ERP system is finally updated, so that all levels of transactions are updated such as inventory and parts deduction, financial recording, etc… and at last, [EIGHTH CLICK] At last, we ship the goods to the customer. So, is your order management application really capable of doing the role of what’s known as an “integration broker” and playing the role of the quarterback to drive all these steps in the business process – maybe not. So what you really need is a product that can integrate all of these steps and routines into a coherent business process, like the one we just described, in a seamless but highly-automated fashion. This is what our solution – BizTalk Server can do for you. [NINTH CLICK - on this final click the boxshot comes in] Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Ordrestyring Send varerne Begynd afsendelse Distribution

BizTalk Adaptere - nu mere end 340 tilgængelige AS/400 ADDS Regent 40 ADDS Viewpoint ADM11 AFP ALL-IN-1 Ampex 230 AXIS Navigator Bull TP CORBA Cobol Cufer T205 DEC VT Deployment DG 216 DG5220 DL/1 DMS EBCDIC EDI (X12) EDIFACT Essbase Focus Galileo Hazeltime 1500 HP 700/92/2392A IBM 3101 IBM3151/3161 IBM 3270/E ICL 7561 IDS-II IN2 SM9400g/j INFOAccess Infoman Java EJB Oracle DB2 Sybase Informix Progress CICS IMS IMS DC/TM Flat files CA-Datacom/DB CA-IDMS CA-Ingres Ingres dBase ADABAS ISAM C-ISAM Cloudbase ALLBASE/SQL SQL/DS MS SQL Server XA Transactions ODBC OLE DB JDBC HTTP/S FTP Rdb Net-ISAM Mega Navision Onyx Oracle e-bus Peachtree PeopleSoft Peregrine Pivotal QAD Quickbooks Remedy RethinkNDo SAP Scala ServiceSwitch Siebel Staffware Ultimus Vantive Visibility Walker Int Worldtrak JMS KSAM Loopback MDIS PRISM 8/9 Microfusion MF-30 MODEL 204 MQSeries MVS Mumps Omnidex Oracle AQ P9 ANSI PACE PC Monitor Pick PT200 QSAM QUME QVT Red Brick RMS RPG SCO ANSI Baan Broadvision Cove Systems Covisint FrontStep Hogan i2 Integral J.D. Edwards Mapics McHugh ShareBase SIF SUPRA System 2000 Tandem NonStop/ TS530 Televideo 910-955 Teradata TI924 Total VT WYSE HIPAA, HL7 (Healthcare) RosettaNet (High Tech) CIDX (Chemical) O/POS & RBI (Retail) FIX, SWIFT (Financial) cXML, xCBL (Suppliers)

Markedets vurderinger Gartner Group EAI Magic Quadrant: June 2002 ?