“Planning the agenda for teaching and learning Danish - 1. And 2. grade”


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Præsentationens transcript:

“Planning the agenda for teaching and learning Danish - 1. And 2. grade”

To plan 1.At first – In teams we find all the literature that we have in our school-library for 1. Grad and perhaps try the study-library where we can borrow materials/books – to know the possibilities 2.Then we look at the calendar for the whole school to see if 1. Grad is suppose to participate in some common activities – put it in the form that is for one year 3.Afterwards we read the “National agenda for Danish” to know which aims we are supposed to work with in 1. And 2. Grad. – We pick the aims that we think is best for pupils in first grade and try to find out which activities and methods, we want to work with. The activities are supposed to make the pupil’s reach their aims. I use some ideas from the literature and also ideas that I’d tried before (best practice) or good suggestions from the national agenda. We work from aims and not from activities. 4. Then in teams we decide which teaching we do together all classes and which teaching we do alone in a single class. 5.In the end we fill out a form with all the decisions we have made. 6.Every time we start a new subject we try to think in which way we can do the teaching in more than one way. That makes us aware of teaching different because the pupils learn in different ways.

Dansk; Fælles mål 2009 Formålet med undervisningen i faget dansk er at fremme elevernes oplevelse og forståelse af sprog, litteratur og andre udtryksformer som kilder til udvikling af personlig og kulturel identitet. Faget skal fremme elevernes indlevelsesevne og deres æstetiske, etiske og historiske forståelse. Stk. 2. Undervisningen skal fremme elevernes lyst til at bruge sproget personligt og alsidigt i samspil med andre. Undervisningen skal styrke elevernes beherskelse af sproget og udvikle en åben og analytisk indstilling til samtidens og andre perioders og kulturers udtryksformer. Undervisningen skal udvikle elevernes udtryks- og læseglæde og kvalificere deres indlevelse og indsigt i sprog, litteratur og andre udtryksformer. Stk. 3. Undervisningen skal give eleverne adgang til de skandinaviske sprog og det nordiske kulturfællesskab. Danish; Common Goals in 2009 The purpose of teaching the subject Danish is to promote students' experience and understanding of language, literature and other media as sources for the development of personal and cultural identity. The subject must promote students' empathy and their aesthetic, ethical and historical understanding. Stk. 2. The program teaches the students' desire to use the language personally and versatile in interaction with others. The course will strengthen students' mastery of the language and develop an open and analytical approach to contemporary and other periods and cultures of expression. Education shall develop students' expression and reading pleasure and qualify their empathy and understanding of language, literature and other forms of expression. Stk. 3. Teaching will give students access to the Scandinavian languages ​​and cultural affinity.

Endpoint after 2.kl The spoken language Education shall aim after that students have acquired knowledge and skills that enable them to - use spoken language in conversation and cooperation and interchange between listening and expressing themselves - develop vocabulary, concepts and technical terms - present, refer, tell and dramatize - express imagination, feelings, experiences and describe - knowledge about simple topics - read simple texts with good articulation - listen with understanding to reading and story-telling and retelling content - improvise and experiment with body language, voice and computer capabilities - understand simple Norwegian and Swedish words and phrases. Slutmål efter 2.kl Det talte sprog Undervisningen skal lede frem mod, at eleverne har tilegnet sig kundskaber og færdigheder, der sætter dem i stand til at bruge talesproget i samtale og samarbejde og kunne veksle mellem at lytte og at ytre sig udvikle ordforråd, begreber og faglige udtryk fremlægge, referere, fortælle og dramatisere give udtryk for fantasi, følelser, erfaringer og beskrive viden om enkle emner læse enkle tekster op med god artikulation lytte med forståelse til oplæsning og fortælling og genfortælle indholdet improvisere og eksperimentere med kropssprog, stemme og computerens muligheder forstå enkle norske og svenske ord og udtryk.