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Learning and sharing in a game context LeadershipTHEGAME

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Learning and sharing in a game context LeadershipTHEGAME"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Sinett/FFI symposium 28-04-2014
Learning and sharing in a game context LeadershipTHEGAME Sinett/FFI symposium  

2 Sinett  

3 LeadershipTHEGAME Royal Danish Air Force Academy made the game:
to improve the students learning outcome. to implement new teaching methods. to develop the organisation. to route military leader experiences from current international military operations to our students. to route leader experiences from private organisations/companies to our students. to nurture cadet network building inside the organisation from an early stage of their study.

4 LeadershipTHEGAME Royal Danish Air Force Academy made the game:
to improve the students learning outcome. to implement new teaching methods. to develop the organisation. to route military leader experiences from current international military operations to our students. to route leader experiences from private organisations/companies to our students. to nurture cadet network building inside the organisation from an early stage of their study.

5 LeadershipTHEGAME








13 Gaining points in the game


15 Gaining points in the game
Strukturændringer giver dårligere kvalitet. Modstand mod forandring I min enhed er der en gruppe meget erfarne medarbejdere. Mange af dem har været i min enhed i over 20år. Implementeringen af det nye forsvarsforlig, har betydet en del justeringer i enheden, både hvad angår arbejdsopgaver for enkeltmand, og procedurer og arbejdsgange. Denne gruppe erfarne medarbejdere (7-8 personer, - og deriblandt i særdeleshed 2-3 personer), modarbejder disse nødvendige forandringer i en grad der er skadelig for arbejdsmiljøet. Der hersker en udpreget forståelse blandt gruppen om at vilkårene bliver dårligere med de nye ændringer, og at kvaliteten af arbejdet dermed også bliver forringet. Der har været indkaldt til et "stormøde", men flere af de pågældende medarbejdere mødte ikke op, da de ikke mente at det gjorde nogen forskel alligevel.










25 Gaining points in the game

26 Gaining points in the game

27 Gaining points in the game

28 LeadershipTHEGAME Royal Danish Air Force Academy made the game:
to improve the students learning outcome. to implement new teaching methods. to develop the organisation. to route military leader experiences from current international military operations to our students. to route leader experiences from private organisations/companies to our students. to nurture cadet network building inside the organisation from an early stage of their study.

29 Product Consultant encouragement
Jacob Captain F-16 pilot Lea Learning and development Consultant Copenhagen Business School

30 Product Consultant encouragement
Jacob Captain F-16 pilot Lea Learning and development Consultant Copenhagen Business School Activity needed to be flexible and to have a value.

31 The product consultant interface

32 The product consultant interface

33 LeadershipTHEGAME Royal Danish Air Force Academy made the game:
to improve the students learning outcome. to implement new teaching methods. to develop the organisation. to route military leader experiences from current international military operations to our students. to route leader experiences from private organisations/companies to our students. to nurture cadet network building inside the organisation from an early stage of their study.

34 Statistics Each student participate in 6 conversations during a 3 hour game. 6 conversations x 12 minutes = 72 minutes quality time with an experienced staff member. 72 minutes x 25 students = 1800 minutes of condensed verbal knowledge sharing.

35 Future Make the experience more attractive for the Product Consultants.

36 Future Make the experience more attractive for the Product Consultants. Expand Product Consultant participants

37 Sinett/FFI symposium 28-04-2014
Learning and sharing in a game context LeadershipTHEGAME contact: Michael Frost Consultant - ICT, games & learning Royal Danish Air Force Academy Sinett/FFI symposium  



40 Gaining points in the game

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