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Præsentationens transcript:

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS SUNDHEDSNETVÆRKS SEMINAR NGO bistand til sundhed i skrøbelige stater Kan vi klare udfordringerne? 22 august 2013 Jens Kåre Rasmussen, Civilsamfundskoordinator UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 1

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS INDHOLD AF OPLÆG Bedt om at sige lidt om ”Danidas støtte til civilsamfundets arbejde i skrøbelige stater” Indhold af mit oplæg: • En diskussion, der kører. Prøv at bygge oven på og ikke starte forfra hver gang. • Behov for afklaring af begreber og definitioner, diskussionens omfang. Skrøbelige stater eller situationer? Humanitær eller civil samfundsstøtte? • Hvad siger Civilsamfundsstrategien og evalueringen af dansk støtte til civilsamfund? • Hvad arbejder vi med i udformningen af en ny civilsamfundspolitik? • Muligheder for støtte: Humanitære strategiske partnerskabsaftaler, civilsamfundsrammeaftaler og enkeltprojekter hos CISU UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 2

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS FRAGILE STATES MORE PROMINENT IN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Just name some of the main partner countries: • Zimbabwe • Somalia • Mali • Pakistan • Burma • Afghanistan UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 3

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS EN DISKUSSION, DER KØRER • Health as a Right Seminar? How to deliver in a context of conflict and fragility. Two days seminar in February 2013 organized by UFT. Several participants from Sundhedsnetværket. • Danish Red Cross International seminar. Session with focus on support in fragile states in May • Build on discussion – don’t start from scratch every time. • Discussion in CISU? UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 4

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS AFKLARING AF BEGREBER OG DEFINITIONER • Skrøbelige stater eller skrøbelige situationer? • Humanitær eller civilsamfundsstøtte? • Støtte gennem danske NGOer eller støtte til det lokale civilsamfund? • Afgræns jeres emne. Undgå at blande begreber sammen. • Kortlæg, hvad der allerede sker. Hvem laver hvad? Hvor? Og med hvilke typer støtte midler? UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 5

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS THE CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY AND FRAGILE STATES • The revision of the Civil Society Strategy in 2008 introduced that a larger degree of flexibility towards provision of services when operating in fragile states • But it also stressed the need to develop the capacity of civil society organisations to act a critic and partner of the state • And mentioned that when international organisations had a more directly implementing role little emphasis was often placed on building long term partnership with local organisations • It stressed that civil society’s engagement in humanitarian tasks should not conceal the principle task of Government to produce durable and long-term solutions • And stressed the importance of civil society organisations to keep on track in their task of supporting people’s ability to organize to get the strength to claim their rights UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 6

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS THE 2013 EVALUATION OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY Three main recommendations: 1.Replace the Civil Society Strategy with a Civil Society Policy aligned to “The Right to a Better Life. Less emphasis on plans for implementation, indicators and reporting, but more emphasis on guidance and support for implementation a cross the array of cooperation mechanisms 2.Support Danish CSOs to develop innovative, effective partnerships. • Value added • Encourage new ways of collaborating with Southern CSOs e.g. new ways of contracting and providing funds more decentralized and directly to Southern CSO 3.A mix of funding modalities that reflect the diversity of civil society Danida should invest in programming capacity to design and development bilateral and multi-donor initiatives that enables CSOs of diverse sizes, approaches and capabilities to access funding. UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 7

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS THE 2013 EVALUATION OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY - CONTINUED And a number of more specific action points. Of particular relevance in this connection is: • Review the status of the Humanitarian strategy in the context of a new Civil Society Policy to ensure that the interdependence of humanitarian and development support to civil society is encapsulated in the Policy. • Now revising civil society policy including interface with humanitarian issues. Humanitarian strategy to be evaluated in Then? UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 8

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS THE 2013 EVALUATION OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY - CONTINUED And for Danish CSOs: • Framework organisations should develop an explicit statement of their distinctive contribution to Southern civil society and of the theory of change involved in their concept of partnership. Members of global con/federations should demonstrate their specific contribution to Southern civil society through their con/federation. • Innovate with new approaches to partnership that test new forms of collaboration and communicate their responsiveness to Southern partner feedback on their performance. • Reflect upon and experiment with their approaches to helping develop the capacity of Southern CSOs to ensure that they are responsive to the needs and demands of partners. UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 9

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS THE 2013 EVALUATION OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY STRATEGY - CONTINUED And for Danish CSOs: • Invest in improving their M&E frameworks so they are capable of monitoring and reporting the impact of their value-added efforts in, for example, capacity building, networking, advocacy, and people-to-people support etc. at output/outcome level. • Collaborate with Danida in developing a Civil Society Policy that articulates their distinctive contribution to Southern civil society; and an intervention logic and impact framework that identify the dimensions of change and relevant indicators by which they can systematically monitor, measure and report on their support to Southern civil society. UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 10

Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS CHALLENGES IN RELATION TO FRAGILE STATES • Strengthen coordination between Civil Society Policy and Humanitarian Action in fragile states • Special opportunities and expectations to organisations as the Danish Red Cross, DanChurchAid, Save the Children, Caritas and ADRA which have both a humanitarian partnership agreement and a civil society framework agreement • Flexibility and analytical skills as situations evolve • Analysis of rights holders, duty bearers and drivers of change resulting in evolving theories of change for support if different countries at different times UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 11


Minimum clear margin for text Fixed margin Keep heading in CAPITALS MULIGHEDER FOR STØTTE UDENRIGSMINISTERIET, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK 13 • I Danmark: • Humanitære strategiske partnerskabsaftaler. 7 organisationer: DRC, DCA, SCDK, ADRA, Caritas, LUG, DFH • Civilsamfundsrammeaftaler. Pt. 11 organisationer: • DRC, DCA, SCDK, ADRA, MS, Ibis, CARE, ULS, 3F, DH og Verdens Skove. Flere på vej. • Særlige muligheder og krav til organisationer med begge typer aftaler. • CISU enkeltprojekter. Følg op med dem på et senere møde.