Goal number 8: «Decent Work and Economic Growth»


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Præsentationens transcript:

Goal number 8: «Decent Work and Economic Growth»

How can education solve the global youth unemployment crisis? The key for employment Need of knowledge about the world

No education= no job No job= no income No income= poverty and no taxes for the state Picture: http://whitecatcoaching.com.au/wp- content/uploads/2015/04/White-Cat-Coaching-not-problem.jpg Why is this a problem?

Why is this a global problem? Emigration Poverty Brain Drain in Developing Countries Why is this a global problem?

Who/what is being harmed by the problem? Developing countries Youths The economic growth of DCs Who/what is being harmed by the problem?

How big is the problem? 73 million youths were without a job in 2013! (Gilbert Jeff (8/5/2013 updated on: 11/2/2014) 73 millioner unge uten jobb) How big is the problem?

«Brain Drain» Poverty Why must we act now?

The course of action: SOS Barnebyer Fundraisings- support organisations like SOS Barnebyer and UNICEF Support UNICEF 90% of all children are getting educated UNICEF: For the first time we have an equal ammount of boys and girls recieving an education! The course of action:

UN(unknown date of publishment), Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 8http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable- development-goals/goal-8-decent-work-and-economic- growth.html Paul Collier Migration Hurts the Homeland(nov.29.203) http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/30/opinion/migration-hurts-the- homeland.html Gilbert Jeff (8/5/2013 updated on: 11/2/2014) 73 millioner unge utenjobb, https://www.dn.no/nyheter/utenriks/2013/05/08/73- millioner-unge-uten-jobb UNICEF,Vi kjemper for utdanning for alle. https://www.unicef.no/dette-gjor-vi/skole-og-utdanning SOS Barnebyer(date not mentioned), Stadig flere barn går på skolen https://www.sos-barnebyer.no/dette-gjor-vi/stadig-flere- barn-gar-pa-skolen Sources