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DA and the Danish labour market

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1 DA and the Danish labour market
Baltic Sea Labour Forum Round Table Riga, 18 April 2018 Christiane Mißlbeck-Winberg

2 About DA

3 Who is DA? Represents 14 Danish employers’ organisations across different industries DA covers about companies and employees through its member organisations in fields such as transportation, service, trade and construction. DA has 145 employees Member of BusinessEurope Hovedorganisation for 14 arbejdsgiverorganisationer virksomheder inden for bl.a. industri, handel, transport, service og byggeri er medlem af en af DA’s medlemsorganisationer (52%) Medlem af BUSINESSEUROPE To overordnede funktioner: Overenskomstkoordinering i DK Politisk interessevaretagelse i København og Bruxelles 145 ansatte Kontoret her i Bruxelles – 5, som varetager DA’s interesser i EU.

4 One third of every employee is covered by DA
Percentage of full time employees, 2014 percent Financial sector, 3 pct. DA, 31 pct. Other private sector 30 pct. Public sector, 37 pct. Kilde: Specialkørsel fra Danmarks statistik(beskæftigelse for lønmodtagere), DA, FA (Finansiel sektor) og egne beregninger.

5 DA’s main responsibilities
Coordination of general agreements on the labour market Conflict resolution Lobbyism Services

6 The Danish Model works


8 Integration of refugees
What is the IGU? A two-year integrative basic training programme with 84 weeks’ traineeship in a company + 20 weeks’ individually tailored Danish language and vocational education. The conditions for an IGU-programme The IGU-trainees must be between the ages of 18 and 40. They must have stayed in Denmark for less than 5 years. The pay is a combination of training benefits during in-company training and integration benefits from the local authority during classroom education. The company can receive a bonus payment of up to DKK 40,000 (5.369 €) for concluding a traineeship agreement.


10 Our biggest challenge

11 Labor shortages cost production and jobs
Output restrictions/production limits due to labour shortage, Denmark Opdateret: 29. september 2017 (CIP) Uddybende forklaringer: [Angiv, hvis der er informationer om data, som brugeren med fordel kan kende til. Hvis det er vigtige informationer, bør de i stedet angives i anmærkningen under figuren] Baggrundsvariable: Data ligger opgjort på delbrancher i faner bag figuren ANM.: Data for industry is only published on a quaterly basis, so each month has the same value as the specific quater. Data for service is first available from May 2011. KILDE: Statistics Denmark. Dok ID: 38724

12 Unemployment is low and close to its structural level
Gross unemployment, per cent of labour force SOURCE: Ministry for Economic Affairs, Economic Survey, December 2016.


14 Fight for labour force is on
15-64 years, , change in % 0,3 mio Sweden -0,02 mio Denmark -6,5 mio Germany < ÷10 pct. ÷10 pct. – ÷3 pct. ÷3 pct. – 0 pct. 0 pct. – 3 pct. 3 pct. – 10 pct. 10pct. < -3,1 mio Poland Within the coming 15 years countries such as Poland and Germany will experience a significant decline in labour force. There are already signs of reduced growth opportunities for companies in certain European countries as a result of labour shortage. Therefore, free movement of workers as a key driver of growth and jobs must not be compromised -1,7 mio Romenia AMN: Albania, Montenegro, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Makedonien og Serbien mangler data. Cypen og Malta er ikke indkluderet på kortet. Kilde: Eurostat, 2010-baseret befolkningsfremskrivning (EUROPOP2010).

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