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Forskning i affald og ressourcer

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Forskning i affald og ressourcer"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Forskning i affald og ressourcer
Per Christensen Aalborg Universitet Inst. for Samfundsudvikling og Planlægning

2 Miljøuddannelserne ved AaU
Plan & Miljø (1.-6. Semester) urban management and planning ( Sem.) environmental management ( Sem.) Miljøteknik ( Sem. - overbygning på bygningssektoren) Miljøgruppen består af 8-10 personer

3 Vores emneområder Plan & Miljø Miljøteknik Renere produktion
Miljøledelse Miljøregulering Miljøpolitik Miljøplanlægning Miljøvurderingsmetoder Miljøteknik Renere produktion Miljøgennemgang Miljøledelse LCA

4 LCA på nye måder Livscyklusvurdering af livsstile
5 familietypers livsstile Family A (2 adults and 2 children). Typical “American lifestyle”, 2 careers such as consultants or accountants. They have two cars that run 25,000 and 15,000 km/year respectively. They have an ordinary house of 144 m2. Heating is supplied by an oil burner. They eat more meat than the average and the adults go on holiday twice a year by airplane, preferentially to the Bahamas or Southeast Asia. Family B (2 adults and 2 children). A more average household, 2 careers. They only have one car that runs 15,000 km/year and the rest of the household use bikes. They also have a house of 144 m2. Heating is supplied by a district heating system, which is supplied by a coal-fired power plant that co-generates heat and electricity. They have an average consumption of meat and go on a holiday twice a year, in summer they fly to the Mediterranean and in winter they go skiing in Austria by car. Family C (2 adults and 2 children). A typical (modest) “green lifestyle” family, 2 careers. They do not have a car but use public transportation, 15,000 km/year, and they also use bikes. They have an ordinary house of 125 m2. Heating and electricity is also supplied from a district heating system based on a coal fired plant that co-generates electricity. They eat meat as the average population but all the meat they buy are of "organic origin". They spend their summer holidays in a cottage by the sea and get there in a rented car. In winter they to on a bus trip to Norway to ski. Family D (2 adults and 2 children). A radical “green lifestyle”. 2 careers that are consciously chosen within a proper distance from home so they only use their bikes for transportation. They have a rather big “low-energy” house where part of the heating is provided by a solar heating system and a windmill provides all the electricity used. They also eat “organically grown” foodstuffs but eat more vegetables (here it is calculated as wheat) and less meat than the average. They only go on holiday once a year, preferentially to a summer cottage by the sea in a rented car. Family E (2 adults and 2 children). An ordinary working class family living in a flat of 73 m2. Both parents work in the vicinity and use bikes or public transportation (5,000 km by bus or train per year). The flat is heated and provided with electricity from a district heating system based on a coal fired plant that co-generates electricity. They too have an average consumption of meat but due to economic constrains they always stay at home during the holidays playing with their children and visit some of the local museums and amusement parks.

5 LCA på nye måder Livscyklusvurdering af livsstile
5 familietypers livsstile

6 Mulighederne LCA kan bruges til at miljøvurdere forskellige strategier
Livsstile Renere teknologi-strategi og regulering Afkoblings-strategien Affaldshierarkiet

7 Natur og Miljø 2001. Udvalgte indikatorer
Afkobling Miljøloven : - forebyggelse og renere teknologi - produktorientering Fra øko-effektivitet til afkobling Natur og Miljø Udvalgte indikatorer

8 Nationale strategi for bæredygtig udvikling
opretholde et højt velfærdsniveau og bryde sammenhængen mellem vækst og miljøpåvirkning skabe et sikkert og sundt miljø for alle og opretholde et højt beskyttelsesniveau sikre en høj biologisk mangfoldighed og beskytte økosystemerne udnytte ressourcerne bedre yde en aktiv international indsats sikre at miljøhensyn indgår i alle sektorer sikre at markedet understøtter bæredygtig udvikling opnå at bæredygtig udvikling er et fælles ansvar, og vi skal måle fremskridt Udvikling med omtanke - Fælles ansvar

9 Afkobling i bæredygtighedsstrategien
Kilde : Udvikling med omtanke - Fælles ansvar (Regeringen 2001, side 4) Udvikling med omtanke - Fælles ansvar

10 Dåse makrel i tomat

11 Er faktor 4 realistisk ?

12 Konklusion Renere teknologi på virksomhederne er en begrænset en strategi Faktor-4 kan godt nås, men det kræver indgreb fra vugge til grav Energisystemerne er væsentlige komponenter i en faktor-4 strategi LCA kan bruges til strategisk miljøvurdering

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