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BPIO TDM Customer Deck 4/6/2017

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1 BPIO TDM Customer Deck 4/6/2017 Microsoft Preferred Partner Program How to sell – Server løsninger Essentials Business Server og Small Business Server Torben Marcussen Partner Technology Specialist Lead Microsoft Danmark © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

2 IT-folk skal styrke deres kompetencer og certificeringer på tre hovedområder: teknologi, proces og forretningskompetencer Teknologier, der skiller sig ud som fristende karrieremuligheder på grund af deres kompleksitet og manglen på ekspertise: Virtualisering, unified communications, trådløse netværk og moderne applikationsudvikling. Det er helt klart godt for din karriere, hvis du besidder de efterspurgte kompetencer, men det er ikke nok på længere sigt. Virksomheder kigger i stigende grad efter tværfunktionel ekspertise Evnen til at afdække, definere og styre kundernes krav er særligt værdifuld

3 Løsningssalg baseret på Microsoft Hvorfor gør I det?

4 Temaer Hvem har vi med at gøre? Er du klar
Karakteristik af målgruppen Centrale forretningsmæssige og IT-mæssige problemstillinger Er du klar Krav til salgsmæssige kompetencer Fra sælger til rådgiver … hvor går skillelinien Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Small Business Server 2008 Essential Business Server 2008 10.30 – 10.45: Pause Kobling af problemstillinger til funktionaliteter Fra salg til implementering Værktøjer der hjælper dig og kunden med at formulere en prioriteret handlingsplan Afrunding og diskussion

5 Temaer Hvem har vi med at gøre Er du klar
Karakteristik af målgruppen Centrale forretningsmæssige og IT-mæssige problemstillinger Er du klar Krav til salgsmæssige kompetencer Fra sælger til rådgiver … hvor går skillelinien Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Small Business Server 2008 Essential Business Server 2008 10.30 – 10.45: Pause Kobling af problemstillinger til funktionaliteter Fra salg til implementering Værktøjer der hjælper dig og kunden med at formulere en prioriteret handlingsplan Afrunding og diskussion

6 Den IT ansvarlige Vi holder systemerne kørende og selvom vi ikke har tiden, så bliver vi konstant udfordret på forretningsværdien Ansvarlig for alle dele af IT infastrukturen Desktop/helpdesk, servere mv. Ofte også LOB, ERP og databaser Er ofte IT mæssigt velfunderet Generalist pr. nødvendighed Stærkt iboende ‘gør-det-selv’ gen Har typisk et team på 1½-3 mand Er sjældent erfaren på IT ledelse Reaktiv tilgang til IT administration Få dokumenterede processer Løser (for) mange Adidas-opgaver Lav gennemslagskraft overfor ledelse Føler sig ofte overset(minimaliseret i virksomheden, Key Message: This is a view of the mid-market world. Instructor: Quickly highlight drawing and photo; tie slide to real life Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s look at understanding the midmarket roles

7 Beslutningstageren (øh … hvem
Beslutningstageren (øh … hvem?) “Drop snakken om hvordan motoren virker. Forklar mig driftsøkonomien og vis mig hvad den kan på vejen!” Administrerende Direktør eller Økonomi Direktør Har ansvar uden specifik ekspertise Ser ofte ERP som fundamentet for at have IT Er meget modtagelig for stærke ROI budskaber Er villig til at bruge penge hvis der er dokumentation for besparelser Ser ofte fordele ved teknologi ift. omkostningskontrol Hader spildtid og bryder sig ikke om risiko Værdsætter argumenter, der forholder sig til ROI budskaber og samtidig kan sætte det i strategisk kontekst Investeringer med langsigtet potentiale = gode investeringer Er ikke vant til at IT chef tager denne diskussion Key Message: BDM is the second party in the Midmarket decision making process Instructor: Read the slide; gain agreement from partners Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Now that you understand the buying roles, let’s move on to how to sell to them

8 Hvad er deres agenda? Beslutningstageren Den IT ansvarlige
Vil øge virksomhedens vækst og profit Vil løfte virksomhedens produktivitet mht. kerneydelser og medarbejdere Vil have ‘ro i sjælen’ mht. virksomhedens informationer og mht. infrastruktur er godt kørende IT infrastrukturen skal være pålidelig og han vil vide hvordan systemerne har det Vil have værktøjer, der gør de kritiske opgaver til at køre gnidningsfrit Tror på IT som forretningsdriver, men har brug for hjælp til at formulere det Key Message: Two different people; two different needs Instructor: Communicate differences; tie to partner stories Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: The next slide will give us perspective on midmarket data centers.

9 Kan vi ’tematisere’ deres behov?
4/6/2017 8:58 AM Kan vi ’tematisere’ deres behov? Beskyt forretningen. Hold systemerne kørende. Find ud af hvordan IT kan vokse virksomheden Få mere gjort til den samme tid. Hav en fleksibel arbejdsplads Direktør Storage, Backup & Recovery Produktivitet, Samarbejde Brugeren Sikkerhed Pålidelighed Mobilitet Forret-nings-behov IT chef God kunde (web) oplevelse Database Forretnings- applikationer Find og vind nye kunder og nye markeder. Gør dine kunder tilfredse Gør virksomheden (og medarbejdere) mere kompetente via forretningssystemer CRM Key Message: Four campaigns Instructor: Cover the slide using the four main needs Timing: 4 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s dig deeper into Security and Reliability. Microsoft divides SMB customer needs into four areas, which we will explore more over the next few slides. These areas are: Security and reliability (green) Business productivity (red) Business solutions (blue) Customer acquisition and retention (orange) Here is some interesting context to consider: Tremendous needs and demand in the SMB space. Huge partner opportunity. Approximately 33 million small businesses worldwide, 2 million midsized organizations. IT spending worldwide will grow by 5.2% annually through 2011, while worldwide SMB spending will grow by 7.0% during that same period (IDC). Small business owners are focused on their business, not IT. They typically do not have an IT pro on staff. IT is often associated with cost, trust and complexity issues. Approximately 73% do not have servers. (AMI Worldwide Small Business Overview, June 2006) At least 40% of these companies rely heavily on technology consultants (FY07 SBS Habits and Practices research) Midsized companies – organizations with up to 250 PCs or so – typically have one or very few IT professionals managing the breadth of the company’s IT needs, including networking, servers, messaging, line of business applications and desktops. These IT professionals are commonly stretched very thin on time and resources. They are often in reactive, “fire fighting” mode with little time to focus on strategic IT projects or processes. They want to do more to really contribute to their company’s bottom line, but they are just too busy keeping systems up and running. Many are stuck in the middle on price: They are too big for SBS and don’t qualify for volume enterprise level discounts. Of all segments, they are paying the most for their software. Salgschef, Marketingchef Økonomi Direktør

10 Hvad kan vi bruge det til
Blive ved med at gøre det I er gode til Holde virksomheden kørende Løfte virksomhedens produktivitet Hjælp kunden med at blive bedre til at sætte IT ift. Forretningsværdi Ved at give et forretningen et overblik over IT mæssige evner Ved at give den IT ansvarlige handlingskraft ift. evner. IT ansvarlige er ‘kun’ din allierede Brug tid på at forstå deres rolle i virksomheden Etablér en relation til IT ledelse og forretningsledelse

11 Temaer Markedspotentialet for preferred partners Er du klar
Markedet Karakteristik af målgruppen Centrale forretningsmæssige og IT-mæssige problemstillinger Er du klar Krav til salgsmæssige kompetencer Fra sælger til rådgiver … hvor går skillelinien Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Small Business Server 2008 Essential Business Server 2008 10.30 – 10.45: Pause Kobling af problemstillinger til funktionaliteter Fra salg til implementering Værktøjer der hjælper dig og kunden med at formulere en prioriteret handlingsplan Afrunding og diskussion

12 Teorien er nem … hvad gør I?
Har du erfaring med at sælge til virksomheder med mellem 50 til 250 brugere? > 5 salg, 1-5 salg, 0 salg Har du jævnligt møder med beslutningstagere i de virksomheder du engagerer dig med? Adskellige gange om måneden, Sjældent, Aldrig Anvender I en defineret salgsproces, indeholdende checkpoints og målepunkter? Ja, alle med salgsansvar, ad-hoc, nej Anvender I modeller der kan kortlægge virksomhedens grad af IT modenhed, som en del af en salgsproces? Ja, flere ift. Kunde og situation, ad-hoc, nej Har I en veldokumenteret reference liste, som du kan dele med andre kunder? +10, 1-10, Ingen/ad-hoc Har I en pre-sales ressource, der har teknisk kompetence til at dimensionere en server løsning med minimum tre servere? Ja, flere, Én, Ingen Key Message: You can evaluate your readiness Instructor: Read the slide; discuss the questions Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s look at the final round of Sales Readiness questions 1.   We are comfortable selling to organizations with users. If the answer is no - Take the Microsoft Solution Selling training 2.   We utilize a consistent sales process involving the use of customer needs assessments. If the answer is no - Leverage the Microsoft Business and Technology Assessment Toolkit to get started. 3.   We train our sales people regularly to enhance their sales skills, including using sales tools like Infrastructure Optimization and Microsoft Financing. If the answer is no - Consider routine training of your sales team so they are kept abreast of the latest sales tactics to keep you effective with your midsize prospects. 4.   We know the Microsoft Solution Selling methodology If the answer is no - Click here to learn more 5.   We have a defined sales process and have it mapped out with checkpoints and accountabilities. If the answer is no - Define a clear sales process and have it integrated with the internal tools you use to manage your business. Leverage the Core Sales Skills Workbook to help you structure your sales process

13 Succesfaktorer i løsningssalg
At du kan synliggøre overblik og handlingskraft i kontekst til kundens konkrete situation = succes IT modenhedsanalyse Linke IT modenhed til ‘lavthængende frugter’ og til virksomhedens vækststrategi At du kan dokumentere ROI i din løsning = succes Erstatter du ‘bare’ uddateret hardware eller tænker du på vækstmuligheder for virksomheden Key Message: Create your own success Instructor: Read the slide; encourage questions around topics Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s now move on and look at Marketing Readiness This section highlights the sales tools available that apply to the core midmarket and Windows EBS.  Many of these tools are available at Partner Sales Resources.    Many partners are familiar with the Business and Technology Assessment Toolkit for performing assessments for customers that focus both on their business and technology needs. The assessment involves a customer interview and typically some type of deliverable that is reviewed with the customer. These assessments may be offered for free, for a fee, or for some kind of blended model that credits back some portion of the assessment should the customer make a purchase based on the assessment. Partners using this toolkit and conducting both business and technology assessments report almost 70% deal close rates.    Moving into the core midmarket creates the opportunity to leverage a variety of tools as part of your assessment. Many partners are now trained to use the Infrastructure Optimization model and its tools. Building these tools into your assessment will give your customers a model for understanding where they are and where they want to go, and then work with you to close these gaps. You will find many additional tools within Partner Sales Resources, a collection of all current Microsoft tools and templates. You may choose to use the Assessment Toolkit, tools from the IO model, or other tools  to perform your assessment. Some partners also combine these tools with templates and questions they have developed on their own.   Many partners report completing billable assessments of four to eight hours or more leading to sales of multi-server solutions to their midsize prospects. Don’t miss the opportunity to better understand the customer’s environment prior to your installation and to profit from your ability to solve both their business and technical issues. Remember that in many cases the customer will have an in-house IT person already on staff. Developing an assessment in cooperation with this person should strengthen your relationship and help validate your decisions about the installation. You have learned the many reasons that Windows EBS can be beneficial for Microsoft partners, but in order to sell your solution the customer must understand its expected Return on Investment (ROI).  This section will focus on building an ROI story around Windows EBS and helping quantify that for the customer.    To purchase a solution based on Windows EBS, customers must convince themselves that there is sufficient ROI to justify the purchase. For customers, the ROI calculations may involve many more variables than the ROI calculation for the partner.   In some cases, customers will determine that an ROI exists simply based on the fact that a purchase must be made due to employee growth or outdated hardware. In this case, the ROI may be based on a comparison between Windows EBS and a standalone Windows Server 2008 with additional servers and services. In rare cases, the customer may simply say to “do it.”    In other cases, customers will measure their ROI based on the incremental improvements over their current systems. In this case, you must determine, either qualitatively or quantitatively, the value Windows EBS delivers to the customer. In most cases this information comes from the assessment performed prior to the sale.    In general, the customer’s ROI will be based on the sum of the ROIs from the various individual servers (Exchange Server 2007, Forefront Security for Exchange Server, System Center Essentials, etc.), plus additional ROI from the integrated Windows EBS management console and additional add-on services (Windows SharePoint Services, managed services, etc.)    In cases where the “return” is not clearly defined, the Windows EBS ROI calculation will be a combination of science and art. It is your responsibility to ensure the customer sees the savings and opportunities in ways that they believe and support. Only then will the sale close and implementation begin. Sample Statement of Work – A Statement of Work (also known as a Scope of Work) is a document that outlines the work to be completed, explains the conditions under which it will be completed, and communicates all key elements of the project to both the customer and the partner. The Statement of Work adds value to your relationship with your customers by reducing uncertainty, minimizing complexity and enhancing overall communication around the project.

14 Temaer Markedspotentialet for preferred partners Er du klar
Markedet Karakteristik af målgruppen Centrale forretningsmæssige og IT-mæssige problemstillinger Er du klar Krav til salgsmæssige kompetencer Fra sælger til rådgiver … hvor går skillelinien Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Small Business Server 2008 Essential Business Server 2008 10.30 – 10.45: Pause Kobling af problemstillinger til funktionaliteter Fra salg til implementering Værktøjer der hjælper dig og kunden med at formulere en prioriteret handlingsplan Afrunding og diskussion

15 Den rette løsning for den rette kunde
Windows Home Server Small Business Server < 75 PC’ere Essential Business Server < 300 PC’ere Windows Server, Exchange Server, SQL Server Mindre virksomhed Mellemstor virksomhed Hjemme Stor virksomhed Enterprise Multi-PC, broadband connected homes <25 PCs employees PCs 50-1,000 employees 500-1,000 PCere medarbedere >1.000 PC’ere > medarbejdere Key Message: Aligning product with market segments Instructor: Drive enthusiasm around the various segments Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s take another look at right-sizing the solution for customers. This is a great slide that spans the market segments served by Microsoft technologies. For the purposes of product alignment lecture, let’s focus on the two segments: Small Business Server segment and Essential Business Server. Small business: Defined as less than 75 PCs. We recognized that there are 33 million such entities worldwide. Midsize business: The segment is less than 300 PCs. There are over one million such entities worldwide! Questions? What other segmentation approach might you take? 1 mio.  70% 20% 8% 2% Ca. 67% af markedet for servere Ca. 33% af markedet for servere

16 Windows Essential Server løsninger
4/6/2017 8:58 AM Windows Essential Server løsninger Enterprise løsning, designet for mellemstore virksomheder 300 PC’ere eller mindre Best practice samlet i én kasse Integreret løsning og centraliseret konsol Prissat for mindre og mellemstore virksomheder Windows SBS: Prissat 35-45% lavere ift. stand alone Windows EBS: Prissat ca. 30% lavere ift. Stand alaone Key Message: Meet the Family - Introducing a new family of server solutions built specifically for small and midsize businesses Instructor: Help partners understand the high-level view Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s now overview the Windows Essential Server Solutions family Integrated business server solutions for small and midsize companies are some of the simplest ways to get the power and reliability of Windows Server 2008, plus Microsoft unparalleled server products for , collaboration, PC and server management, and security. Built on the newest innovative technologies from Microsoft, these business server solutions help produce time and money saving IT infrastructures that also significantly boost user productivity. Designed and priced specifically for small and midsize business needs, as your company grows, there is a natural progression of products to suit your needs. All simplified to deploy, manage, license, and use. © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

17 Premium handler om Line of Business
Premium udgaven inkluderer en anden licens for Windows Server 2008 og SQL Server 2008 Kan installeres på begge servere Server to er idéel til LOB applikationer Terminal Server i Application Mode Anden domæne controller Anden standalone anvendelse Sharepoint Services server nr. 2 Key Message: Make these distinctive points about SBS 2003 Premium Instructor: Focus on LOB opportunities Timing: 2 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s move on to discussing details around EBS 2008. Premium includes a second license for Windows Server 2008 technologies Premium also includes SQL Server 2008 Can be installed on either server Second Server ideal for: LOB applications TS Application Mode Secondary Domain Controller Other standalone uses

18 Windows Essential Server, USP’ere
4/6/2017 8:58 AM Windows Essential Server, USP’ere Designet og prissat for midmarket Forenklet køb og licensiering Standardiseret platform, ideel for line-of-business (LOB) applikationer Lavere indkøbs omkostninger ift. standalone Mindre kompleksitet og mere kontrol Færre IT brandslukningsopgaver Mere forudsigelig IT infrastruktur ‘Rigtige’ versioner, integreret i en ‘best practice’ udrulning Bedre vedligeholdelse og administration Løfter virksomhedens forretnings-mæssige kapacitet Sikker adgang til virksomhedens systemer, uanset hvor man befinder sig og via mobile enheder Skalérbar platform, der vokser med virksomheden Pålidelig platform med høj oppetid Key Message: Introduction to Windows Essential Server Solutions Instructor: Help partners understand the benefits Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s move on and look at details of SBS 2008 Main objective: Speak to solutions as powerful, full version server software with security technologies integrated and packaged in a way that meets the unique needs of SMB customers. Talking Points: What we’re announcing: We are introducing Windows Essential Server Solutions – a family of integrated server solutions designed to meet the unique needs of small and midsize businesses. These forthcoming products are the best way for SMBs to get Windows Server 2008 plus Microsoft’s server software and security technologies, at a discount compared to stand alone products 2. Why we’re building solutions designed for SMBs: SMB customers have needs similar to enterprise (large company-level reliability, management, and security) but lack the resources and personnel. Traditional infrastructure products are often too complex and assume a level of expertise that most SMBs do not have. To address these challenges, we are building solutions based on the our enterprise-class server technologies and integrating them in a way that simplifies our customers’ experience when using the software. 3. What we’re delivering: Our customers describe their day as fighting fires – reactive to IT issues and leaving little time to focus on innovation and growing the business. They are resource constrained – usually 1-3 full time IT professionals on staff to run IT (and in the case of many small businesses, no full time IT staff person). We often hear “I am IT in my company”. Windows Essential Server solutions deliver the same powerful servers that enterprise companies use, and we integrate them into an all in one solution that simplifies the initial setup and ongoing management – best practices are built in by default providing greater predictability. In addition to the integration to best practices, we have designed our solutions with unique features tailored to the needs of our customers that further simplify the experience, such as a single administration console, remote access through Remote Web Workplace, single license for all included products, and extensibility – the ability to monitor additional and third-party applications from the single console. (This eliminates the need to log on to multiple and disparate tools.) 4. What customers will get: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (the operating system, WS, being the heart of the solution integrated with products that enable business productivity, improved security against threats, and a foundation to run third-party or business applications). All-in-one solutions give SMB customers a platform or IT foundation of core products to run a network infrastructure while improving efficiency and productivity and enabling them to grow their business capacity, multiplying the capabilities of the individual server products to an optimized and simplified experience. Customers will get the server software they are familiar with while taking advantage of more of the component products’ rich functionality and receiving more value from our products. © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

19 Key Message: HEADER SLIDE
Instructor: Help audience move to EBS details. Timing: 1 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s look at EBS 2008 Standard and Professional

20 Windows Essential Business Server 2008
Standard Premium Management Server Windows Server 2008 Netværk Active Directory Fil- og print System Center Essentials Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Messaging Server Windows Server 2008 Exchange Server 2007 Forefront Security for Exchange Server Security Server Windows Server 2008 Exchange Server 2007 Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition Standard, Plus… Database Server Windows Server 2008 SQL Server Standard 1 produkt, 1 pris, 1 CAL Over 300 siders best practice er indbygget Ensrettet konsol, der kan udvides Understøtter op til 300 brugere eller devices

21 Værdi for dig som partner Udrulning med ‘indbygget indsigt’
Nedbring planlægnings- og udrulningstiden Mindre kompleksitet Forberedelses- og planlægnings wizards Intelligent krydstjek på bruger input for at modvirke installations-fejl Planlægnings arbejdsdokumenter Vejledning Rollebaseret konfiguration Key Message: Highlight streamline deployment Instructor: Provide an overview Timing: 2 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s talk about the topic of migrations This is interesting to sales professionals speaking with customers. Reduce deployment and planning complexity and time Preparation and planning wizards Intelligent checks on user’s inputs to remove setup errors Planning worksheets Guidance Role based configuration

22 Værdi for dig som partner Migreringsassistance
Simpel checkliste Følger best practice metodik Detaljeret hjælp ved mere komplekse opgaver Mest almindelige scenarier out-of-the-box Udnytter Microsoft migrerings værktøjer Vejledning (whitepaper) for Small Business Server migrering Key Message: Migration is an important topic. Instructor: Provide an overview; emphasize the support Timing: 3 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s look at Remote Web Workplace Migration is a large area of study, so only a few points are highlighted here. First and foremost – it is important to understand MIGRATIONS ARE SUPPORTED! Simple checklist Follow best-practice methodology Detailed help with the complex tasks Most common scenarios out-of-the-box Utilize Microsoft migration tools Whitepaper guidance for SBS Kindly note that further migration discussions are beyond the scope of this course.

23 Et ord om hardware og software partnere
Key Message: Robust vendor support Instructor: Review the list of partners Timing: 3 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s review what we’ve learned. OEMs committed to deliver SBS products: Dell Inc., Fujitsu Siemens, HP and IBM, Maxdata and Wortmann OEMs committed to deliver EBS products: Fujitsu Siemens, HP, IBM and Intel – announcing Dell and Wortmann ISVs committed to do EBS “Add-Ins:” Citrix, CA, FullArmor, Mimosa Systems, Quest Software, ScriptLogic, Symantec and Trend Micro. ISVs intending to integrate into SBS – CA, Symantec, and Trend In addition, the hundreds of ISV applications certified to run on Windows Server 2008 will run on the second WS08 (and SQL Server) in SBS08 Premium.

24 (USB-) demo af Windows Essentials Business Server 2008
Demomate demo, som alle virksomhedens medarbejdere kan levere

25 Key Message: SECTION HEADER
Instructor: Introduce section Timing: 30 sec. Slide Transition Note: Let’s look at comparing SBS 2008 Standard and Premium

26 Windows Small Business Server 2008
Standard Premium Windows Server® 2008 Windows SharePoint Services Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Forefront Security for Exchange Windows Live OneCare for Server Integration med Office Live Small Business Standard edition plus en ekstra server, der kører: Windows Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Standard Key Message: Important slide defining Windows Small Business Server 2008. Instructor: Start with high-level discussion and then proceed to more depth. Timing: 3 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s look at new features and benefits of SBS 2008. Windows Small Business Server 2008 is designed for small businesses. It is designed to work with existing technology, build on Microsoft best practices, and delivers a comprehensive network at an affordable price. Affordable, Integrated Solution High-level: Have virtually anytime, anywhere access to your business desktop, including , files, business applications, and more. Share resources and equipment, such as Internet access, printers, and fax machines, to get the most value from your technology investments. Enjoy compatibility and scalability. As your business needs change, Windows Small Business Server 2008 can change with you--easily add users, servers and applications, or expand into other Microsoft technologies. Work more efficiently and add more value to your business with an integrated administrative console. Work confidently with a top performing network based on Windows Server 2008 technologies. Protect Your Business Data Windows Small Business Server 2008 helps protect your vital business information from loss by automatically backing up the computers and servers in your network and helping enable you to recover accidentally deleted files. Use anti-virus and anti-spam protection to help protect your information from malicious attacks, viruses, and spam. Keep your computers and servers current and your network healthy and up-to-date with the latest updates. Get better control over your business and business information with daily and weekly reports alerting you on the health and security of your technology. A single administrative console gives you or your IT consultant a daily view of PCs and servers and makes it easier to manage common IT tasks. Get an at-a-glance snapshot of the security and health of your PCs and servers from a 'green check' report. Windows Small Business Server 2008 gives you highly secure access to business contacts, calendars, , files, and other important desktop resources from any Internet-connected computer, virtually anywhere at any time, so you can be productive while you’re away from the office or on the road. Grow Your Business Capacity Improve your day-to-day efficiency by using a central repository for storing and sharing information. Connect with customers, vendors, and suppliers easily and professionally, with access to contacts, appointments, and files from any Internet-connected computer or a Windows Mobile-powered smart phone, so you can be responsive even when you are away from the office. Create a bigger business presence with online marketing tools from Microsoft Office Live Services Small Business, so you can differentiate your business and present a more professional image to your customers. Strong IT Foundation: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 product technologies provide the core foundation of Windows Small Business Server Windows Server 2008 is the most flexible and robust Windows server operating system to date. For more information, visit the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Web site. DEPTH: Messaging and Collaboration: Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 product technologies introduce advanced and calendar functionality to Windows Small Business Server Exchange Server 2007 delivers a seamless end user collaboration experience and unparalleled security features. For more information, visit the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Web site. Collaboration and Productivity: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a versatile technology that organizations and business units of all sizes can use to increase the efficiency of business processes and improve team productivity. Share internal documents, coordinate calendars, manage issues, and participate in discussions while you’re on the road. Windows SharePoint Services gives people access to information they need. For more product-specific information, visit the Windows SharePoint Services Web site. Security: Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server (Forefront) helps protect from viruses, worms, and spam. Forefront incorporates multiple antivirus engines for layered protection against the latest -based threats. For more information, visit the Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server Web site. Network Updates and Protection: Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) enables deployment of the latest Microsoft product updates to computers running the Windows operating system. It offers automatic system checks for new software updates and makes it easier for you or your IT consultant to monitor and distribute updates. For more information, visit the Windows Server Update Services Web site. Server Protection: Microsoft Windows Live OneCare for Server (OneCare) helps protect, maintain, and manage your server. Working quietly in the background on your computer, OneCare helps protect against viruses, spyware, hackers, and other unwanted intruders. For more information, visit the Windows Live OneCare Web site. Take business online: SBS 2008 integrates with Office Live Small Business to provide everything needed to take, promote, and manage a business on the Internet. Customers can create a professional Web presence without the hassle or expense of setting up a complicated infrastructure or hiring technical staff to maintain it. Office Live Small Business is a hosted service for customers with an Internet connection. For more information, visit the Office Live Small Business Web site. Database: Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium Edition adds a second server to Standard Edition. Premium Edition includes a copy of Windows Server 2008 Standard technologies for SBS Premium and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition technologies, providing customers with a comprehensive data management and analysis solution. SQL Server 2008 is a performance leader and the fastest growing database solution in the industry today. For customers using applications that are not yet certified for use on SQL Server 2008, a copy of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition is included in Premium Edition. For more product-specific information, visit the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition Web site. 1 produkt, 1 pris, 1 CAL Hostet sikkerheds- og marketing services Supporterer 75 brugere eller devices

27 Beskyt forretningen: Data beskyttelse
Beskyt virksomhedens data Ny konsol Anti-virus og anti-spam Windows Updates Firewall ‘Typiske Opgaver’ menupunkt Add users Connect computers Configure backups Add trusted certificate Bedre administration Ideel for partner services Muliggører at I – som løsningspartner – kan håndtere en lang række kunder Key Message: Key technology functionality related to Data Protection and Growth. Instructor: Focus on key features and benefits. Timing: 3 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s move on to discussing SBS 2008 Premium. Protect Your Business Data Windows Small Business Server 2008 helps protect your vital business information from loss, by automatically backing up the computers and servers in your network and helping enable you to recover accidentally deleted files. Use anti-virus and anti-spam protection to help protect your information from malicious attacks, viruses, and spam. Keep your computers and servers current and your network healthy and up to date with the latest updates. Get better control over your business and business information with daily and weekly reports alerting you on the health and security of your technology. A single administrative console gives you or your IT consultant a daily view of PCs and servers and makes it easier to manage common IT tasks. Get an at-a-glance snapshot of the security and health of your PCs and servers from a 'green check' report. Grow Your Business Capacity Windows Small Business Server 2008 gives you highly secure access to business contacts, calendars, , files, and other important desktop resources from any Internet-connected computer, virtually anywhere at any time, so you can be productive while you’re away from the office or on the road. Improve your day-to-day efficiency by using a central repository for storing and sharing information. Connect with customers, vendors, and suppliers easily and professionally, with access to contacts, appointments, and files from any Internet-connected computer or a Windows Mobile-powered Smartphone, so you can be responsive even when you are away from the office. Create a bigger business presence with online marketing tools from Microsoft Office Live Services Small Business*, so you can differentiate your business and present a more professional image to your customers.

28 Løft virksomhedens produktivitet
Remote Web Workplace Intranet Adgang til PC udefra Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Dokument samarbejde Wikis, blogs, sikkerhed pr. dokument Office Live Small Business integration Offentligt website Arbejdsrum Key Message: Key technology elements that are exciting to customers who want to increase business productivity. Instructor: Lecture from the slide. Timing: 3 min. Slide Transition Note: Let’s see how SBS 2008 improves data protection and growth. Remote Web Workplace Intranet Remote PC access Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Document collaboration Many new features: Wikis, blogs, per item security Office Live Small Business integration Public facing Web site Workspaces

29 (USB-) demo af Windows Small Business Server 2008
Demomate demo, som alle virksomhedens medarbejdere kan levere

30 Pause Vi mødes igen 10.45…

31 Temaer Markedspotentialet for preferred partners Er du klar
Markedet Karakteristik af målgruppen Centrale forretningsmæssige og IT-mæssige problemstillinger Er du klar Krav til salgsmæssige kompetencer Fra sælger til rådgiver … hvor går skillelinien Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Small Business Server 2008 Essential Business Server 2008 10.30 – 10.45: Pause Kobling af problemstillinger til funktionaliteter Fra salg til implementering Værktøjer der hjælper dig og kunden med at formulere en prioriteret handlingsplan Afrunding og diskussion

32 Salgschef, Marketingchef
Repetition af behov Data beskyttelse og replikering Sikre at love og regulativer overholdes Sikker mod interne og eksterne trusler IT chef Få teams til at arbejde (bedre) sammen Adgang uanset hvor du er Adm. Direktør Bedre forretnings performance og produktivitet Nedbring omkostninger ved IT administration IT som vækstmotor Key Message: Multiple priorities to address Instructor: Discuss the types of priorities Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: Let’s build on these priorities and look at up-sell opportunities Small businesses have IT spend priorities that differ from those of other businesses. Small businesses have very specific needs that prioritize how and when they spend money on IT.  In general, they are looking for solutions that can reduce complexity; they need IT to save them time, not cost time. Økonomi Direktør Effektiv salgs- og markedsførings indsats Bedre styring af pipeline og kunderelationer Salgschef, Marketingchef

33 Få teams til at arbejde (bedre) sammen Adgang uanset hvor du er
Adm. Direktør Funktionalitet Hvad kan teknologien Udbytte for kunden Remote Access Remote Web Workplace TS i Application Mode på server 2 Øget forretningsproduktivitet Sikker messaging og Unified Communication Exchange Server 2007 Forefront Security for Exchange Voice mail i din Outlook Outlook Voice Access Sikring af mail compliance Færre spam mails og virusangreb Mobile muligheder Windows Mobile 6.1 telefoner Vær forbundet, uanset hvor du er og hvornår du logger på Dokument håndtering og deling Windows SharePoint Services v3.0 Key Message: Business Productivity: a key challenge and pain point Instructor: Help partners talk to IT Generalists and BDMs on their level Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: How can we capitalize on what IT Generalists and BDMs care about? Customer Challenges Business Productivity is a key area of concern for SMB organizations. Customers continue to demand more in an always-on world where the competition is often just a click away. SMBs that want to stay in the race know that they need technology solutions that will continue to improve their employee productivity and connectivity. From management to sales to service, SMBs need access to business applications and data 24/7, no matter where they choose to work.

34 Funktionalitet Hvad kan teknologien Udbytte for kunden
Data beskyttelse og replikering Sikre at love og regulativer overholdes Sikker mod interne og eksterne trusler IT chef Funktionalitet Hvad kan teknologien Udbytte for kunden Overvågning og support over afstand Administrator konsol Daglige helbredsrapporter Remote Web Workplace Ro i sjælen Fokus på virksomhedens kernekompetencer Sikkerheds løsninger Forefront Threat Management Gateway Medium Business Edition Forefront Security for Exchange Server Windows® Server Update Services Secure, reliable platform Compliance Secure data, Edge sikkerhed Sikkerhed ud mod omverdenen Rapportering og kontrol med netværket Styring af båndbredde og hvad medarbejdere kan/må Backup/Restore Indeholder backup løsning Muliggører restore testis og validering Sikkerhed for at restore virker Disaster Recovery Virtualization med Hyper-V Mulighed for at komme hurtigt i drift i tilfælde af en katastrofal fejl Key Message: Security and Reliability: key challenges and pain points Instructor: Help partners talk to IT Generalists and BDMs on their level Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: How can we capitalize on what IT Generalists and BDMs care about? Customer Challenges Most customers have concerns around network security and reliability. Problems with computer access and lost data can heavily impact an organization. Customers don’t want to worry about losing company data or having IT systems be unavailable when needed. Rather, they want to focus on their business, and they want help from tools, processes, and technology. Specific areas to explore include: Vulnerabilities associated with unprotected business data Growing demands on infrastructure Remote workers and administration Backup and recovery of files Virus protection and crisis management Frequent network or server outages Multiple end user passwords or accounts for different work activities

35 Salgschef, Marketingchef
Effektiv salgs- og markedsførings indsats Bedre styring af pipeline og kunderelationer Salgschef, Marketingchef Funktionalitet Hvad kan teknologien Udbytte for kunden Line of Business Applikations udrulning SQL Server 2008 Standard Anden Server i Premium for LOB Bedre understøttelse af virksomhedens forretnings applikationer Stærke muligheder for dataintelligens via SQL Server Customer Relationship Management Stærk platform for implementering og drift af forretningsapplikationer Bedre styring af deres virksomhed Styring af salgspipeline Bedre forretningsmæssig forudsigelighed Andre Microsoft produkter og services Windows Server 2008 platform, der kan udbygge løsningen med produkter og løsninger, såsom Dynamics™ CRM Dynamics AX Essential Server løsninger er gearet til at håndtere andre forretningskritiske løsninger Key Message: Customer Engagement: a key challenge and pain point Instructor: Help partners talk to IT Generalists and BDMs on their level Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: How can we capitalize on what IT Generalists and BDMs care about? Customer Challenges As SMBs grow their businesses—adding employees, increasing customers, and expanding their products and services—they need to take a more systematic approach to decision making and operations. The old ways of doing business may need to be bolstered. This is particularly true when it comes to dealing with customers, both existing and prospective. SMBs turn to CRM solutions to more effectively manage customer interactions, track sales activities, evaluate the performance of sales staff, and perform more targeted advertising and lead generation.

36 Funktionalitet Hvad kan teknologien Udbytte for kunden
Bedre forretnings performance og produktivitet Nedbring omkostninger ved IT administration IT som vækstmotor Økonomi Direktør Funktionalitet Hvad kan teknologien Udbytte for kunden Forudsigelige udrulnings-omkostninger Forudsigelig platform Pålidelig platform Fornuftig sammenhæng mellem pris og udbytte Bedre binding af IT drift til forretningen Træning og uddannelse Gode værktøjer til hjælp og vejledning Indbygget best practice Opretholdelse af høj faglig funktionalitet Mere produktive (IT-) medarbejdere Licens styring Centraliseret licens information Ingen ‘spildlicenser’ Effektiv styring af software compliance Key Message: Company Operations: a key challenge and pain point Instructor: Help partners talk to IT Generalists and BDMs on their level Timing: 3 mins. Slide Transition Note: How can we capitalize on what IT Generalists and BDMs care about? Customer Challenges As SMBs grow in size and complexity, they often outgrow manual processes and existing software systems. To keep pace in the marketplace, SMBs turn to LOB solutions to improve the efficiency of their operations, reduce costs, gain insight into business processes, and make better decisions.

37 Temaer Markedspotentialet for preferred partners Er du klar
Markedet Karakteristik af målgruppen Centrale forretningsmæssige og IT-mæssige problemstillinger Er du klar Krav til salgsmæssige kompetencer Fra sælger til rådgiver … hvor går skillelinien Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Small Business Server 2008 Essential Business Server 2008 10.30 – 10.45: Pause Kobling af problemstillinger til funktionaliteter Fra salg til implementering Værktøjer der hjælper dig og kunden med at formulere en prioriteret handlingsplan Afrunding og diskussion

38 To centrale værktøjer Hvad ville vi adressere
IT ledelse manglede (overblik og) handlingskraft Forretningsledelse manglede overblik Overblik og handlingskraft Infrastructure Optimization; struktureret analyseværktøj fra Microsoft Indsigt og konkret ROI Assessment and Planning Solution; automatisk indsamling af hardware og software samt analyse af infrastruktur

39 To centrale værktøjer Hvad ville vi adressere
IT ledelse manglede (overblik og) handlingskraft Forretningsledelse manglede overblik Overblik og handlingskraft Infrastructure Optimization; struktureret analyseværktøj fra Microsoft Indsigt og konkret ROI Assessment and Planning Solution; automatisk indsamling af hardware og software samt analyse af infrastruktur

40 BPIO TDM Customer Deck 4/6/2017 IT ledelsen anno 2008! Vil du godt fortælle mig, hvilken vej jeg skal vælge? Det afhænger af, hvor du vil hen? Det bekymrer jeg mig ikke specielt meget om… Så spiller det heller ikke nogen rolle, hvilken vej du vælger… © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

41 På banen, IT BPIO TDM Customer Deck 4/6/2017
Topledelsen vil fremover fortsætte med at øge kravene til, at it-organisationen og især it-ledelsen skal komme frem på banen og i højere grad selv drive innovation og skabe ny forretningsværdi ved proaktivt at udfordre forretningsmodeller, processer og produkter. For mange it-organisationer kræver dette en revitaliseringsproces, som for alvor kan ændre it-ledelsens rolle ved direktions- og ledermøder fra ”aktiv lytter” til initiativtager og proaktiv driver af innovation på tværs af hele virksomheden. IT ledelsen skal Drive innovation Skabe ny forretningsværdi Proaktivt udfordre forretningsprocesser, modeller og produkter Kilde: ”IT i praksis 2007” © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

42 Hvorfor måle ens IT modenhed
Business Value Launch 2006 4/6/2017 8:58 AM Hvorfor måle ens IT modenhed Viden om hvor ens IT budget giver størst afkast Et instrument til at måle fremdrift ”Modellen er utroligt velfungerende for man kan tydeligt se, hvor man befinder sig IT-mæssigt på de forskellige områder. Man kan sige, at vi på den måde fik løsningerne serveret på et sølvfad” ”Med det her værktøj kan vi undgå at lave nogle af fejlene og vælge rigtigt første gang. Den grafiske oversigt gør det mere gennemskueligt hvor vi skal bruge vores krudt!” Klaus Fossing, IT-chef, DCS Group Vi måler på hvor godt vi anvender det vi har Vi får et redskab til at prioritere de ting vi har i støbeskeen Vi ser på hvor vores næste investeringskrone ser ud til at være bedst givet ud © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

43 Hvordan måle IT og hvad kan det give?
Business Value Launch 2006 4/6/2017 8:58 AM Hvordan måle IT og hvad kan det give? En struktureret metode til afdække virksomhedens IT modenhed (…fortløbende) Et redskab for IT ledelsen til at identificere og prioritere IT projekter omk. Center Effektivt omk. Center Forretnings-driver Strategisk aktiv Tale om de enkelte tilstand og hvad det vil sige Brandslukning Vi har fået færten af noget godt men er der ikke endnu Vi har vredet karkluden så meget vi kan IT er en konkurrenceparameter Progression © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

44 Microsoft Infrastruktur Optimering
Statusbillede af ens IT modenhed Forslag til forbedring Redskab for IT ledelse ift. forretningsledelse 82 spørgsmål Styring af identitet Sikkerhed og netværk Desktop og server administration Databeskyttelse og gendannelse Proceser for sikkerhed og administration 63 spørgsmål Kommunikation Unified Communication Styring af information (dokumenter, formularer, søgning) Søgning Business Intelligence Bilinspektion + Jyllandsringen 44 44

45 Infrastructure Optimization – princippet Herunder hvordan I kan linke det til egne ydelser
Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Styring/administration af Identitet og adgang Styring/administration af desktops, servere og mobile enheder Sikkerhed og netværks adgang Data beskyttelse og gendannelse Anvendte administrations- og styrings processer Anvendte sikkerheds processer og metodik

46 IO har bevist sin værdi som gap-fit analyse redskab for IT ledelse, hvor IT strategi sættes ift. status Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Styring/administration af Identitet og adgang Styring/administration af desktops, servere og mobile enheder Sikkerhed og netværks adgang Data beskyttelse og gendannelse Anvendte administrations- og styrings processer Anvendte sikkerheds processer og metodik 76 8.500 172 3.770 442 1.500 Gns. PC/IT medarb. IT medarb. omk./PC . 1.770

47 Hvor er danske virksomheder placeret
Hvor er danske virksomheder placeret? Microsoft resultater for grundlæggende Infrastruktur Optimering Basal Standardiseret Rationaliseret Dynamisk Styring/administration af Identitet og adgang Styring/administration af desktops, servere og mobile enheder Sikkerhed og netværks adgang Data beskyttelse og gendannelse Anvendte administrations- og styrings processer Anvendte sikkerheds processer og metodik 32% 56% 10% 2%

48 IO i praksis Presales: Indsamling af data, udarbejdelse af rapportering Aflevering: Hvor er kunden og hvor anbefaler Kerfi kunden skal være, herunder afdækning af løsningsopportunities Konsulent workshop: How to Get Going

49 Fase 0+1: Sæt scenen og opsamling af viden
omk. Center Effektivt omk. Center Forretnings-driver Strategisk aktiv Progression

50 XXX Infrastructure Optimization Fase 2: Resultat af IO analyse
Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Identity & Access Management Desktop, Device and Server Management Security & Networking Data Protection and Recovery ITIL/CobIT based Management Process & Governance IT and Security Process Security Process

51 XXX Infrastructure Optimization Fase 2: Resultat af IO analyse
Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Identity & Access Management Desktop, Device and Server Management Security & Networking Data Protection and Recovery Identity and Access Management 2, 3, 4 Desktop, Device and Server management 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Security and Networking 33, 34, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 Data protection and recovery 50, 51 Security processes 55, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 ITIL/CobIT based Management Process & Governance IT and Security Process Security Process

52 (fakturérbare) Anbefalinger ift. progression
Fase 3 (fakturérbare) Anbefalinger ift. progression

53 XXX Infrastructure Optimization Fase 2: Bruttoforslag
Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic Identity & Access Management Desktop, Device and Server Management Security & Networking Data Protection and Recovery ITIL/CobIT based Management Process & Governance IT and Security Process Security Process

54 Anbefalede projekter; inspiration via HTTG
Identity and Access Management Desktop, Device, and Server Management Security and Networking Data Protection and Recovery IT and Security Process

55 Anbefalede projekter; inspiration via HTTG
Identity and Access Management Desktop, Device, and Server Management Security and Networking Data Protection and Recovery IT and Security Process

56 To centrale værktøjer Hvad ville vi adressere
IT ledelse manglede (overblik og) handlingskraft Forretningsledelse manglede overblik Overblik og handlingskraft Infrastructure Optimization; struktureret analyseværktøj fra Microsoft Indsigt og konkret ROI Assessment and Planning Solution; automatisk indsamling af hardware og software samt analyse af infrastruktur

57 Foretag en analyse af din kundes IT infrastruktur
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Solution Foretager analyse af virksomhedens PC og Server infrastruktur Indsamler detaljeret information om hardware fra alle computere Intet behov for at installere klienter Udarbejder database og laver rapporter i Word og Excel Rapporten taler økonomichefens sprog Regneark er samtidig et indgående indblik for dig i dine kunders infrastruktur

58 Hvad kan værktøjet? ‘Portal’ med værktøjer og vejledning
4/6/2017 8:58 AM Hvad kan værktøjet? MAP Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Virtual Server 2005 R2 Windows Vista 2007 Microsoft Office Microsoft Application Virtualiz-ation Terminal Services System Center VMM Other Products ‘Portal’ med værktøjer og vejledning Agent-løs inventory af klienter, servere og (server-) roller Salgsanalyse redskabet kan vurdere og give forslag på Hardware og enheds kompatibilitet for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 og 2007 Microsoft Office System Server Virtualization kandidater for konsolidering med Microsoft Hyper-V Infrastruktur analyse for kundens miljø ift. Microsoft Application Virtualization (tidligere SoftGrid) Let’s take a look at what Microsoft Assessment and Planning is about. Microsoft Assessment and Planning is an integrated portal with a suite of automated tools and guidance to help your migration needs, from desktops to servers and now also include virtualization. Its unique agent-less inventory technologies allow remote assessment of clients, servers, applications, devices and roles – all without deploying any software agents to the machines on your customer’s network. The auto-generation of readiness assessments and proposals makes it easier for you to prepare for bids and produce customer-ready materials to help you win more sales engagements. MAP is a multi-product pre-sales assessment tool that is designed to help Partners like you to speed up the pre-sales process by offering tangible and actionable upgrade recommendation in just an hour or so. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

59 Fordele for Jer som partner
4/6/2017 8:58 AM Fordele for Jer som partner I får en reel tilgang til at diskutere hvorvidt Windows Vista er rigtig for kunden I ‘standardiserer’ Effektiv udnyttelse af konsulenttimer Færre (spild-) timer pr. Kunde Forudsigelig pris (gratis for nye kunder?) Hurtig generering af professionelt arbejde Godt indblik i kundens infrastruktur Dybdeanalyse af PC’ere ift. Windows Vista Analyse kan foretages af servere ift. Windows Server 2008 plus virtualisering … plus … plus … når vi nu alligevel er i gang MICROSOFT CONFIDENTIAL © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

60 MAP – New User Interface
4/6/2017 MAP – New User Interface Database Drevet (= database pr. kunde) Analyserer flere teknologier © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.



63 4/6/2017 8:58 AM 63 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

64 Opsummering IT ansvarlige skal have hjælp til at løfte diskussionen
Kan I levere på de salgsmæssige kompetencer Overblik over Windows Essential Server Solutions Kobling af problemstillinger i virksomheden Fra salg til implementering med Infrastructure Optimization og Assessment and Planning Solution

65 Afrunding og diskussion

66 Business Value Launch 2006 4/6/2017 8:58 AM © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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