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Gruppe Udvikling Femte etape ’Adjourning’ Fjerde etape ’Perfroming’

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Gruppe Udvikling Femte etape ’Adjourning’ Fjerde etape ’Perfroming’"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Gruppe Udvikling Femte etape ’Adjourning’ Fjerde etape ’Perfroming’
Gruppe effektivitet Gruppe Udvikling Tid Første etape ’Forming’ Anden etape ’Storming’ Tredje etape ’Norming’ Fjerde etape ’Perfroming’ Femte etape ’Adjourning’

2 Kulturkort Fortællinger Symboler Ritualer Magtstrukturer Kontrol-
systemer Organisations- strukturen Paradigmet for Organisationen

3 Rekonstruer Eller udvikle en ny strategi
Paradigmet Virksomheds Performance Implementering Udvikling af Strategi Trin 1 Stramme kontrol Trin 3 Opgiv Paradigmet Og få et nyt Trin 2 Rekonstruer Eller udvikle en ny strategi Hvis utilfredsstillende Dynamikker i paradigmeskift

4 Fire typer organisationskultur
       Magtkulturen Rollekulturen Opgavekulturen Personkulturen

5 Strategisk management
Mission Formål og målsætning Vision, værdier og forventninger Strategi Formulering Alternativer Vurdering og valg Strategisk kontrol implementering og planlægning Situations analyse Omgivelser Muligheder/ Trusler Organisations ressourcer og kvalifikationer Police og forretningsorden Strategisk management Hvorfor? Hvad? Hvordan? Retningslinjer

6 Organisk vs. Mekanistisk managementstil
Organic Mechanistic Specialized differentiation and definition of tasks in the organization Hierarchical supervision and reconciliation of problems Precise definition of job responsibilities, methods, rights and obligations. (Perceived) location of superior knowledge at the top of the hierarchy. Vertical interaction of individuals between subordinate and superiors. Insistence on loyalty to organization and obedience to superiors. More prestige attached to job than to general knowledge, experience and skills. Contributive nature of special knowledge to the total concerns of the total concerns of the organization. Redefinition of tasks and responsibilities through interaction with others. Commitment to the organizations beyond any technical/precise definition; such commitment more valued than loyalty. Network structure of control, authority and communication. Omniscience not imputed to senior executives; knowledge located anywhere in the organization and this location may become centre of authority for given issue. Lateral, rather than vertical, direction of communication. Communication consists of information and advice rather than instructions and decisions. Organisk vs. Mekanistisk managementstil

7 Ni standardiserede strategier
Low Medium High Corporate strengths Market attractiveness Ni standardiserede strategier Serious entry into the market Selective growth All-out struggle Limited expansion or withdrawal Selective expansion Maintenance of superiority Loss minimizing Overall harvesting Limited harvesting

8 Profitstrategi Market structure Strategy and tactics Performance
Market differentiation Market growth rate Entry conditions Unionization Capital intensity Purchase amount Competitive position Relative perceived quality Relative market share Relative capital intensity Relative cost Pricing R&D spending New product introductions Change in relative quality and variety of products/services Market expenses Distribution channels Relative vertical integration Workforce productivity Profitability (ROS, ROY, etc) Growth Cash flow Value enchantment Stock (share) price

9 Stakeholderkort Legitimitet Magt Presserende behov Dominerende
Passiv Stakeholder Diskret Krævende stakeholder Afhængige Definitive Farlige

10 Forandringskvadrant Organisation Foranding Koldt Varm Innovation
Transformation Implementering Intervenere

11 Belbin’s team roles Menneskelige roller Beslutnings roller  Afslutter
Koordinator Beslutnings roller Afslutter holdkammerat Resource investigator Implemeter Opfinderen Shaper Specialisten Monitor Intellektuelle roller

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