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Pervasive Healthcare (TISIH0) Presentation 1: Introduction.

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1 Pervasive Healthcare (TISIH0) Presentation 1: Introduction

2 Agenda What is Pervasive Healthcare? Why is it important? Assistive Living / Home Care / Research The need for an open and extendible infrastructure Technologies used Læringsmål + Curriculum + This Course Miniprojects + Examination

3 Pervasive Healthcare Emerging Discipline / No Wikipedia Elements from Bio Medical Engineering Medical Informatics Tele Medicine Pervasive Computing iHospital ElderCare Assistive Living Acute Medicine

4 Why is it Important?

5 Class Discussion Divide into Groups at table Discuss for 5 minutes What could we do to solve this? Plenum: 5 minutes

6 Assistive Living / Home Care Keep Elderly at home longer Avoid Transport to Hospital / GP Early Warning: Blood Pressure ECG / HRV Fall Detection Fluid Balance Others SIH Project at IHA Continua Alliance Video:

7 Current Research Projects Zero-Configuration Framework Automatic Medicin Dispenser Heart Rate Variability & ECG Personal Communication Device and Fall Detection Efficient and Open Infrastructure

8 What is Infrastructure? Getting sensor data to the right recipients, Secure and reliable communications, Ressource redundancy, Providing UI and persitence features, Hiding away the complexties of a distributed system Fast development and deployment of 3rd party sensors

9 Why is it Important? If infrastructure is not designed carefully you will get problems with: Security Distribution of data Bandwidth (both PAN, LAN, WAN) Operating time of Power Cells (Batteries) Extendibility of your software

10 The Need for an Open and Easily Extendible Infrastructure If each sensor vendor provided his own infrastructure, then each vendor would have to integrate with hundreds of Hospital EPR and GP systems – Extremely costly and inefficient Healthcare professional will not be able to combine equipment from different vendors, as the economic overhead of the infrastructure equipment would be too great Most existing vendors protect their gateway and infrastructure, instead of opening up (vendor lock-in) Our idea: open standards, open source code, component oriented, and multiple middleware platform support

11 Technologies Used We have choosen the.NET platform Very efficient and easy Deployment on Mono/LINUX and Windows platforms Effective for pervasive platforms Multiple programming languages Excellent integration with legacy C and C++ Excellent wireless capabilities Excellent GUI capabilities / high usability

12 Technologies Used Supports Bluetooth Planning on several others Open platform: write your own Supports ADSL, UMTS, GPRS Combine for redundancy Will support Web services, CORBA/IIOP,.NET Remoting Component based - low coupling – replace components Supports plug-in of GUI / SUI elements and more Change the whole GUI, integrate into own system

13 Technologies Used Windows Touch-screen based PC chosen Considered using a mobile platform but: Mobile platforms have huge battery issues Limited wireless capabilities Very limited GUI/SUI capabilities Low processing power Windows PC platform does not have these problems: Touch-screen UI is extremely user friendly interface for healthcare professionals and relatives Only problem: it is not mobile, what happens when the user gets mobile?

14 Technologies Used A Symbiotic Web-of-Technologies Personal Communication Device supports mobile users Periodically activates the BT stack to check Synchronizes drivers with stationary PC Performs wireless sensor handoff when out of range

15 Alternative Areasof Use Smoke Divers Police Military Agriculture Children

16 Challenges Security is still a challenge Will other research teams join in on our open source idea and participate in developing it further? Will commercial vendors join and open up their systems- or integrate with this? Is this too complex to unify?

17 Course Content / Læsekursus Pervasive og Ubiquitous Computing paradigmet Pervasive Computing teknologier på overordnet plan Pervaisve Healthcare aktuel teoridannelse, teknologier og produkter SIH laboratoriet (Pervasive Healthcare Lab) på IHA Aktuelle og tidligere projekter i SIH laboratoriet Litteratursøgning af forskningsartikler (ved ATB) Diverse workshops med Pervasive Computing teknologier: Bluetooth, WiFi, ZigBee, RFID, Mobile Computing, Sensorer Foredrag og workshop om Innovation og kommercialisering Miniprojekt med SIH prototype (kan være en del af AFP projektet)

18 Læringsmål definere og redegøre for begreber og teknologier tilhørende de teoretiske discipliner Pervasive Computing og Ubiquitous Computing definere og redegøre for begreber og teknologier tilhørende feltet Pervasive Healthcare redegøre for tidligere og aktuelle projekter ved IHA’s Pervasive Healthcare laboratorium anvende litteratursøgning til at finde forskningsartikler indenfor Pervasive Healthcare området og sammenligne dette med eget og andres projekter i IHA’s Pervasive Healthcare laboratorium analysere et industrielt produkt indenfor området Pervasive Healthcare og sammenligne dette med eget og andre projekter i IHA’s Pervasive Healthcare laboratorium anvende kursets pensum samt de fundne artikler og produkter til at designe og implementere en Pervasive Healthcare prototype, samt reflektere over produktets innovative niveau og mulighed for kommercialisering, samt præsentere disse resultater

19 Form / Miniprojekter Det er meningen at hver studerende skal bruge 20 timer på at finde/læse/præsentere relevante videnskabelige artikler på området, samt 20 timer på at arbejde med et praktisk miniprojekt. Hertil kommer mindst 20 timers afrapportering i form af en 4 siders artikel. De øvrige 80 timer forventes at blive brugt på at deltage i de 7 ugers undervisning, og læse de andre studerendes artikler. Miniprojektet, som der altså forventes 20 timers praktisk arbejde lagt i, samt 20 timers afrapportering og refleksion, kan være ét af nedenstående, defineret af undertegnede, eller det kan være et projekt efter eget valg. I sidstnævnte case skal der produceres en problemformulering/synopsis, der skal godkendes af faglæreren.

20 When & Where? Monday: 13:00 – 15:45 Thursday: 8:00 – 9:15 Location 524 & 515 / 614 Regular participation required Workshops are not mandatory The other sessions are Notify me in advance if you can’t come

21 Exam Mini conference at IHA? Groups of 2-3: Poster + Short Paper + Presentation Group of 1 Short Paper + Presentation Best Paper Award? Best Presentation Award? Pass / Failed

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