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Exchange of experiences

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1 Exchange of experiences
from the P0-project PV4 Autumn 2012 Medialogy Lars Peter Jensen Lone Stub Petersen

2 Writing a process analysis Exchange of experiences across P0 groups
Lecture considering Reflection Writing a process analysis Exchange of experiences across P0 groups Group work: Write your process analysis for tomorrow (12 pm) Billede: primitive/agenda.html

3 Exchange of experiences from the P0-project
Program 9.15: Lecture about reflection and writing the process analysis. 10.00: Experience exchange in cross groups (see your cross group in the menu on moodle). 12.00: Hand in the good advices from the cross group work including the number of your cross group by to: Continue to write the process analysis in your own group for the rest of the day. It is possible to call for help until 2 pm. by sending an with group number to or

4 Learning objectives Knowledge about the concept of reflection as an integrated part of a learning process Knowing what a process-analysis is, what the purpose is and how it can be structured Overview of experiences with P0 in the groups and beyond the group Billede:

5 What is reflection …. Refleksion betyder spejling, tilbagekastning, eftertanke. Relaterede handlinger er at vi overvejer, har lagt mærke til, tænker over eller ser tilbage på. Vi hæver os op over handlingerne og går i dialog med os selv og de implicerede – hvad skete der egentlig. Vi genkalder os handlinger i erindringen, overvejer hvad der gik godt/skidt og hvorfor. Vi skaber afstand til handlingerne – og de følelser der var tilstede dengang. I hverdagen reflektere vi mere eller mindre ubevidst og ustruktureret, og vi kan derfor sjældent præcisere disse og diskutere dem med andre. En bevidst, fokuseret og struktureret refleksion giver derimod mulighed for at opstille gode råd, og arbejde bevidst og målrettet med disse. Man reflekterer fx når man lægger mærke til, at der mangler væsentlige information i en tekst og opsøger disse andet steds eller identificerer, hvordan matematikopgaven adskiller sig fra opgavens eksempler. Man reflekterer ikke, når man videregiver informationer, man ikke forstår, eller indsætter tal i en formel og får et resultat.

6 WHAT is reflection? Examples of reflection:
A student is reflecting when: She notices that important information is missing in a text, thinks about possible reasons for leaving out the info and looks up the info in other places. She realises that the given math exercise is different from the standard exercises in the book, identifies the difference and knows what to do differently. He looks back at an overruled time plan, identifies the time-consuming activities and makes allowances for these kinds of activities in the next time schedule.

7 WHAT is reflection NOT? Examples of lack of reflection:
A student is NOT reflecting when: He inserts numbers in a given formula and calculates a result without understanding the context She re-formulates an explanation and passes it on without having understood it herself He describes the time schedule for the P0-project without noticing and commenting on the mismatch between planned and realised time consumption.

8 WHAT is reflection? Oxford English Dictionary
The action, on the part of surfaces, of throwing back light or heat (beams, etc.) falling upon them But also The action of turning (back) or fixing the thoughts on some subject; meditation, deep or serious consideration. From the examples: Notice Think about Look back at Identify Plan based on experience

9 Reflection is a precondition for:
Methodological competence Problem solving Project management Conflict management Metodiske færdigheder – at overføre en metode fra en situation til en anden (transfer) – kræver refleksion over situationernes forskellighed og metodernes holdbarhed. Problemorientering kræver refleksion over problemet – hvorfor er problemet et problem, hvordan har problemet gjort sig gældende osv. Projektarbejde kræver refleksion over arbejdsprocessen og de personlige relationer, der indgår i denne, hvorfor gik det som det gik, og hvordan kan vi gøre det anderledes næste gang. Omstillingsevne kræver refleksion over den situation vi skifter fra, og den vi skifter til – hvad er fordelene og ulemperne, og hvad skal vi lære og ”aflære” for at træde ind i den nye situation. Innovation er en teknologiske udvikling, der rækker ud over rutinerne, dvs. at vi skal have nye ideer og arbejde kreativt. Det kræver refleksion over den viden, vi har til rådighed – hvordan kan det vi ved kombineres på nye måder for at skabe innovation.

10 HOW to reflect? Make conscious observations by asking questions:
WHAT went well until now? … and WHY did it go well? WHAT went wrong until now? and WHY did it go wrong? The reflection is embedded in the WHY? questions

11 Experiential learning, Kolb’s learning cycle
Test Generalization Reflection Experience P0 has given you experiences Why did it go like that = reflection How can we improve = generalization The ideas is then tested in P1 and giving new experiences

12 Documentation of reflection
Reflection on the scientific methods and theories used to solve the problem OF the project is a part of scientific documentation and is documented in the project report. Reflection on the process is ONLY documented in the process analysis.

13 P0-process analysis Project management Group collaboration
Collaboration with supervisor Problem statement Structure of the project report Description – What happened Analysis – How and why did it happen Assessment – Was it for the better or worse Perspective – what should we do next time Se P0 procesanalyse – en vejledning af Mona Dahms – ligger på nettet som pdf fil. Billede:

14 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
REMEMBER: Be constructive We expected more contact with our supervisor. He was very busy and we did not make sure to arrange meetings in due time, and then his calendar was fully booked when we needed help. Next time we will discuss what we can expect from the start (how many meetings) and make sure to get notified if there is weeks were the supervisor is unavailable. We feel that our supervisor was too busy provide the support we needed for our project. The supervisoin was no good Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

15 Introduction to cross-group work
Start out with a round of presentation, giving name, project topic and supervisor Do a series of rounds describing how your project group organises the following: Project management, team work, co-operation with your supervisor, problem statement and structure of the project report. Do a series of rounds of analysing and assessing your project process, taking your point of departure in the questions: WHAT went well until now? … and WHY did it go well? WHAT went wrong until now? WHY did it go wrong?

16 Introduction to cross-group work (cont.)
4. From the answers to the above questions generalise in the following format: What we will continue to do in the future What we will do differently and better in the future What we will not do again Give ’Good advice’ to yourself and your fellow students (and possibly also to your supervisors) aimed at improving the project work process in the rest of this semester and in the future Write down the ’Good advice’ on a PC and send them to: no later than 12 pm.

17 Now share your experience across P0 groups….

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