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Forslag til indretning På vej mod et æstetisk læringsmiljø i Midgård

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Forslag til indretning På vej mod et æstetisk læringsmiljø i Midgård"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Forslag til indretning På vej mod et æstetisk læringsmiljø i Midgård
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown.

2 Æstetisk læringsmiljø
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. Forslag til indretning af fællesrum og atriumgård i Midgård September 2008

3 Konkurrencen Eleverne var med til at inspirere til indretningen
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown.

4 Eksisterende rammer oversigt over rum og indretning
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. I Midgård har børn og undervisere besluttet sig for at gøre en indsats for fællesrummene.

5 Nyt indretningsforslag oversigt over rum og indretning
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. Gult område Atriumgård Grønt område

6 Ankomstareal fællesarealer blevet til et skofrit område
Tumle eller stillerum Sko hylder Skuffereoler Materiale skab EDB-ø Kaffe-ø Hule 1. 2. 4. 7. 3. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. 5. 6. Vi anbefaler at gøre Midgård til skofrit område. For det første fordi undervisning efter læringsstile inddrager gulvet og for det andet fordi hygiejne/støjniveau vil blive mindsket. Vi foreslår at EDB rummet flyttes ud til en ø. Dels fordi det vil give mulighed for at kunne udføre støjende eller stille aktiviteter i det nye rum og dels fordi EDB vil blive integreret mere i fællesrummet.

7 Taktile arbejdsområder opbevaring fungerer som rumdelere
Ankomstareal EDB-ø Taktil arb.plads Materiale skabe Skuffereoler Kartonbord Kinæstetisk arb.plads 4. 4. 3. 4. 4. 5. 3. 5. 6. 2. 1. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. 7. Kartonreolerne (6) er blevet til et bord ved montering at en stor plade. Her kan eleverne samles og arbejde med hænderne. Der er placeret to taktile arbejdspladser (3) langs væggen. De inderste reoler (4) der afgrænser rummet kan anvendes til taktile materialer, og bagsiderne kan fungere som opslagstavle for den klasse der bor ved siden af reolen.

8 Hule og læsetrappe Det gamle køkken er blevet til en hulde med hems
Ankomstareal Hule Materiale skab Læsetrappe 1. 2. 4. 3. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. I hulen(2) er køkkenbordet fjernet og der er monteret en plade væg til at skjule vandinstallationerne. Der er placeret en hems med balustre for at hindre børnene i at falde ned. I midten er der en stang til at glide nedad som fra legepladser og brandstationer. Læsetrappen (4) er fremstillet af spånplade (forældre?). Hvis den bliver monteret med hjul kan den bruges til mange formål. Med låger kan den tjene som opbevaring af gulv spil mm.

9 Uformelle arbejdsområder Slængehjørner, sceneområde og masser af gulvplads
Kartonbord Sofahjørne Ligge/slængeområde Scene 4. 3. 2. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. 1. Scenen (4) kan anvendes i hverdagen som uformelt arbejdsområde, med puder og løse tæpper. Scenen kan også fungere til projektpræsentationer og skuespil. Hvis man monterer et projektor lærred over scenetæppet, med en loftmonteret projektor kan stedet blive brugt til filmforevisning.

10 Stå arbejdspladser let møbleret område til flere formål
Kartonbord Sofahjørne Ligge/slængeområde Scene Ståarbejdspladser 1. 3. 2. 4. 5. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. Stå arbejdspladser (5). Tæt ved atriumgård og afskærmet af skabe har vi placeret nogle let flytbare stå arbejdspladser. De er gode til børn der har behov for at bevæge sig og som spisepladser i pauserne.

11 Grønt område oversigt over rum og indretning
Ankomstareal Larme/stillerum EDB-ø Taktil arb.plads Materiale skabe Skuffereoler Kartonbord Kinæst. arb.plads Scene Stå arb. Plads Læsetrappe Hule 6. 5. 4. 2. 9. 8. 7. 3. 1. 10. 12. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. 11.

12 Atriumgård uderum er inddraget som lærings- og legerum
Armgang Blomsterkasser Udeværksted Dobbelt arb. pladser 3. 2. 4. 1. This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. I atriumgården er der plads til både leg og læring. Som fast installation foreslår vi at I bygger et overdækket værksteds område til natur/teknik mm.

13 Undervisning i det fri ved brug af slidstærk og funktionelle møbler
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. Vi foreslår at I køber 25 murespande (15 kr./styk) og bruger dem som et multimøbel se de næste slides…

14 Et simpelt møbel… til en billige penge og mange formål

15 Gult område samme princip som i grønt område med få undtagelser
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown.

16 Rum i rummet Eksisterende pude område er bevaret
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. Hyggehule/læsegrog i Gult køkken med skovtema

17 Nyt indretningsforslag oversigt over rum og indretning
This deeply rooted tradition is very hard to change. Even at the innovative schools. I have worked with teachers who immediately adopted the learning style model and implemented it into the teaching, but kept the tables and chairs in the traditional rows or in the horseshoe shaped formation as shown. Gult område Atriumgård Grønt område

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