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Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes) brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Perspectives and dilemmas in the pedagogical work with children’s transitions from kindergarten to school Nera, Helsinki, 2016 Lone Johansen and Kira Saabye Christensen UCC, Denmark

2 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen This part of the study has investigated how pedagogues in kindergartens think about and work with the children’s transitions to school. & How pedagogues in the first year of school (kindergarten class) think about and work with the children’s transitions from kindergarten. The analysis is still in progress. For now, we will present some of the perspectives and dilemmas, that the pedagogues emphasize when they talk about their work with the children. ‘Learning for All’ About learning environments for children Children’s transitions from kindergarten to school Background

3 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Context and obligations Kindergarten The kindergarten must, together with the parents, ensure a good transition to school by developing and supporting the children’s qualifications and their desire and motivation to learn. ( Act 167, LBK §7) Kindergarten class Kindergarten class is a year, that has to bridge the pedagogical work in the kindergarten and the subjects and teaching in the following year in school. They also have to work with both the children’s desire and motivation (Act nr. 855, §1, stk. 2)

4 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen A little more about the context The children in Denmark have to start school in the year they turn six years old (since 2009). It is pedagogues with the same educational degree as kindergarten pedagogues who teach the kindergarten class in school. The number of children who need to repeat the kindergarten class has increased during the last ten years From 2,11 % in 2005/2006 to 3 % in 2010/2011.

5 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Perspectives from pedagogues in kindergarten Between children’s curiosity and self-esteem & A requirement to develop ‘more school-oriented skills’

6 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes) brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Children’s curiosity and self-esteem ”We must encourage the children to be curious and to explore the world. We must take care of the general education of the child. Children learn when they play and explore their surroundings.” ” What I believe is most important for the children starting school and managing the transition, is self-esteem and the belief that they can cope. Not getting upset or sad at the smallest obstacle. That, I believe, is more important than to manage being quiet or sitting still. If not I think we have lost a lot.”

7 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen A pedagogical approach under pressure ”It requires a lot of energy to insist on working in this way, focusing the children’s own initiatives and play. It requires very good arguments. We could very easily succumb to the demands that we do more planned activities that focus on a specific outcome and readiness for school, because we want others to know that we are actually doing our job. We have to be good at explaining why we think this child-centered approach is so important.”

8 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen A requirement to work with school-related and ‘school-useful’ qualifications ”We know what society wants. They want children, who almost do not need to attend kindergarten class in order to manage school. Instead we have to make them ready. I sense an attitude from the society that we are not at this point providing enough learning in the kindergarten.” ”Of course the school has to be ready to meet the children as they are. But it is not. And this is a fundamental and big problem.” ”I am very conscious that the children will face the real world after kindergarten, and therefore I have to prepare them to cope with it. I have to make them as ready as I can. The school has a different structure to the kindergarten. Therefore I think it is important, that we prepare the children to adapt to that during the last year of kindergarten.” If not it will affect the children in a negative way”

9 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Perspectives from kindergarten class in school Between high standards & A lot of immature children

10 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes) brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ High standards ”The requirements in the kindergarten class has increased within the last ten years. Today the kindergarten class is a small first grade.” ”That means that I do school. I teach Danish, mathematics, religion, and physical education. I mean everything, all subjects.” ”But for some of the children, it is actual child abuse.” ”But this is something the government has decided. It is not my decision. This means that the children have to hang on, although it is a shame. It is not funny for the child who is falling a little bit behind.”

11 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes) brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ A lot of immature children ”Well, I think we both agree that the biggest problem right now is that the government has decided that the children have to start school in the year that they turn six years old. And every year we have some children that should not be here but in kindergarten instead. Last year I had more than a handful of children that should have stayed in kindergarten longer, and I feel it is a violation of the children.” ”For instance I have a boy who is crying all day because he cannot find the tooth that he lost the same day and which has now gone missing. He cries and cries and cries. That is immaturity. All in all the children cry a lot. Especially the boys, whom I often think are very young. They like doing homework and assignments, but they find it tough, and they are discouraged by small things. They should have been allowed to stay in kindergarten. I think it is a shame.”

12 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Some impacts on the everyday life in kindergarten class – HIGH SPEED Finish the assignments fast Learn the school routines fast Make friends fast So the class is able to fulfil all the requirements So they can spend the time learning about the subjects So they can use the breaks to play – instead of creating friendships

13 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes) brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ Questions for further analysis, investigation, and consideration In the hunt for proficiency are we producing children who appear to be immature and not at all ready for the school we offer them? What happened to the kindergarten class as a preparation year? And what happened to the children’s chance to adjust to and learn going to school during the first year? What happened to the opportunities for the professionals to support the children in a way and at a pace that fit the different kinds of children? Have we, without notice, moved the preparation for school into the kindergarten? And what kind of kindergarten child is it possible to be then?

14 Vælg layout 1. Højreklik uden for dit slide 2. Vælg et passende layout fra “drop ned” menuen Ønskes bullet brug da: Bullets generelt: For at få punktopstilling på teksten (flere niveauer findes) brug ‘Forøg listeniveau’ For at få venstrestillet tekst uden punktopstilling, brug ‘Formindsk listeniveau’ What does it mean that both the pedagogues in the kindergarten and in the kindergarten class look at and understand the school system as a system that cannot be changed by them as professionals, as a unchangeable system that it is the children’s job to fit into? Thank you for your attention Kira Saabye Christensen - Lone Johansen -

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