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Leaderful Moments Dr Katalin Illes

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1 Leaderful Moments Dr Katalin Illes
Workshop at the British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton, 2009

2 Overview What is a “leaderful moment”? Wood and Ladkin’s work Jyske Bank overview Case study Discussion

3 Leaderful moments are continuous interactions and penetrations of the past and the present where something new is emerging and becoming. Leaderful moments are not the already existing representations of past images.

4 Martin Wood and Donna Ladkin (2008) The Event is the Thing: Brief Encounters with the Leaderful Moment In Kim Turnbull James ed. Leadership Perspectives

5 Process Philosophy Heraclitus – philosophy of evolution “Becoming” – All in Flux” Whitehead – the importance of interconnectedness

6 “Life and society are conceived as a process of creative advances in which many past events are integrated in the events of the present, and in turn are taken up by future events – just as people living in Europe are affected by particles released from Chernobyl, so too do business practices in Japan affect the global community.” (Wood, M. 2005)

7 Concrete things –for example leaders, followers, and organizations – are surface effects. They are simple appearances we employ to give substantiality to our experience, but under whose supposed ‘naturalness’ the fundamentally processual nature of the real is neglected. By making the abstraction we reduce complexity and cut the underlying connectedness of all things. (Wood, 2005)

8 “Perception involves an appreciation of both the up-close appreciation of a particular moment AND a larger awareness of the maelstrom from which it momentarily emerges” (Wood and Ladkin, 2008) Reality is the change process itself.

9 Wood and Ladkin’s research question:
How attentiveness to aspects of context that contribute to leaderful moment can be developed? Methodology Using photography to explore the perceptual world of individuals. Participants take photos and reflect on the events.

10 Key themes from the research
Photography de-centralised a preoccupation with the ‘leader’. Limitations of the photographic method highlighted further process aspects of leadership. Engaging in the project affected collaborators’ perspective of leadership.

11 Jyske Bank – Case study Semi-structured interviews “Special moments of leadership” The impact such moments can make on organisational culture.

12 Profile… Established 1967 in a merger of four banks in the mid-Jutland area, Second-largest, independent bank in Denmark, 3.950 employees, customers, shareholders, 118 domestic branches, Subsidiary banks in Switzerland and Gibraltar, branches in Hamburg (Germany), Cannes (France) and Weert (Netherlands) A full range of financial solutions to private customers and to small and medium-sized enterprises,


14 What is value-based leadership in Jyske Bank?
In everyday operations you have to think for yourself and decide case by case – with the values of the bank in mind. That is what we call valuebased leadership. Letter from the board to all employees,

15 Our foundation – a common frame of reference…

16 The principle of balance…
Jyske Bank is an independent bank as well as being the parent company of the Jyske Bank Group with is registrered office in Silkeborg. Our core values are carved in stone. They are common to us all and govern the way we behave towards each other and towards others. In the eyes of both customers and employees, our values are what make us special. Shareholders Customers Employees The relationsship between shareholders, customers and employees is characterised by interdepence and equity

17 Values… Jyske Bank is undisputedly an independent bank as well as being the parent company of the Jyske Bank Group with is registrered office in Silkeborg. The core values are carved in stone. They are common to us all and govern the way we behave towards each other and towards others. In the eyes of both customers and employees, our values are what make us special.

18 Our values… Common sense Open and honest Different and unpretentious
”With both feet placed firmly on the ground, we think before we act” Open and honest ”We are open and honest in word and action” Different and unpretentious ”We think and act differently and are generally unpretentious” Genuine interest and equal respect ”We demonstrate insight and respect for other people” Efficient and persevering ”We work consistently and with determination to reach our goals”

19 Welcome to a different bank
Over the past couple of years, Jyske Bank has worked on its largest project so far. The second round of Jyske Differences. The original Jyske Differences concept was initiated in 1996.

20 Bank Shop Library A mix of three environments…
The environment and the atmosphere that we create through our new interior design combine three environments: A bank, of course And a shop - which was already introduced through the first generation of Jyske Differences. At that time we did not have the physical products in order fully to meet the requirements for being a shop - we now have these and we will also get other things, and therefore the word "shop" now makes more sense. And we also add another dimension - namely the library. This is an environment in which the customers have the opportunity to relax, immerse themselves in their reading and become wiser.

21 Four "stages”… The welcome area Advisers' area The market place
You will see it all during the tour in a little while. Conference rooms

22 The customers' experience is enhanced…
Learning Individualisation Inspiration Humour and unpretentiousness become a bit wiser work with your own figures feel like realising your dreams - get a good laugh and relax We aim to give the customer a good experience when he enters the bank. This goes for the areas of learning... I'll get back to what we did specifically.

23 In 1996 they chose to abandon the traditional office environment….
Pre-1996 interior design In 1996 they chose to abandon the traditional office environment…. Our interior design in and actually this is still what you see in many banks today - in Denmark and abroad. As a matter of fact we had hired some very expensive consultants who told us to focus on the Internet. That was the way to go. - And we did quite the opposite. "The employees' office - not the customers' platform"

24 Let's see where they are heading.....
Interior design Open plan environment 80% of the area for the customers before 20% of the area for the customers Cafe Team desks Pleasant conference rooms We started the process back in 1996. During the first round we refurbished all branches and that was a very heavy process - that's the reason why it took quite a number of years to complete it. We refurbished the branches to the tune of about DKK 1bn. Let's see where they are heading.....

25 The welcome area… Screens in the window displays
- and "hands-on" doorknobs A different poster stand

26 Products are strengthened - physically and virtually…
Initially, we launch 35 new products - wrapped in physical packages - that are supported by new virtual possibilities - both at the branches and on the Internet.

27 Why physically - in packages?
In order to: make them visible make them easier to understand make them inspiring give experiences offer customers the opportunity to take the product home Why physical packages? Because we would like to make it clear what you can buy as a customer at Jyske Bank. But also because the packages offer room for material that in a language that is easy to understand facilitates your understanding of the products and help you as a customer to make the right decision. If your fervently wish to buy a new car, the package "Jyske Første Bil" [Jyske First Car] offers good advice on car purchases; you make calculations indicating whether it will be most advantageous for you to buy a petrol or diesel-powered car, etc. Many of the products also offer inspiration - for instance with respect to investments in your house or flat. And then you can take the product home - and log on to Jyske Netbank and gain access to even more information and inspiration.

28 Products also on the Netbank site – the virtual part
New product zone Inspiration Information - always at the tip of your fingers A large number of new opportunities are available through Jyske Netbank - via the new product zones. In these zones you can get inspiration, make calculations and many other things depending on which product you brought home.

29 The market place… AskBar: Your host is ready to help you
Ask any question - and have most of them answered

30 The market place… Theme Island displaying current offers
Supported by screen messages

31 The market place… CoffeeBar: Enjoy!
Enjoy a cup of - coffee - tea - cappuccino - latte - chocolate Enjoy!

32 The market place… The Oasis: Take a seat and get inspired
Study product packages or find inspiration from magazines and books

33 The market place… MoneyBar: Cards or cash? no beating around the bush

34 The market place/ the advisers' area…
TryBar: The virtual fitting room where you 'try on' packages Use the scanner and watch a video about the product.

35 The advisers' area… Go directly to your adviser or account manager at the round table Have brief meetings and make minor decisions here

36 Different conference rooms…
”Børsen” (the Stock Exchange)

37 Different conference rooms…
"Inspirationen" (Inspiration)

38 Different conference rooms…
”Rejsen” (the journey)

39 Communication… Digital video images in many ways The aim is:
better exposure of products useful and open information for customers a friendly atmosphere We invest in new communication technology giving us a cutting-edge position when it comes to video images. The screens in the departments expose our products, offer useful information - and contribute to the special Jyske Bank sentiment. Each product comes with a brief video, which gives information - either on the TryBar or at home via the Internet - on what the new products can do for you.

40 Communication… An integrated customer experience is created by
interior design, products, employee behaviour and the content shown on the screens come together in a way not previously seen in a bank or anywhere else…

41 What are the lessons of the case?
Case Study What are the lessons of the case? How can we do research in a process mode? What are the methodological challenges of working with the “Leaderful Moment” method? How could we research the process in order to deepen our understanding of leading and following?

42 New forms of communication…
Our new forms of communication do not only relate to communication with our customers - but also internal communication.

43 Spreading the news… Live TV Video-on-demand integrated in the Intranet
Internal news programmes Daily briefings from Jyske Markets Trading & Investment to the advisers Ad hoc news Video-on-demand integrated in the Intranet Archive for live TV spots - they can be viewed later Product presentations Internal use: introduction of new systems Etc. - only your imagination is the limit The screens and the technology behind them offer the opportunity to broadcast live to all branches at the same time. Examples of such broadcasts are our new news programme (News on Friday), briefings from Jyske Markets and presentations of new products or systems.

44 Why Value Based Leadership…
A wide and stable framework, Ethics and personal responsibility, It is motivating, Situational approach to clients, Abolish bureaucracy,

45 Value Based Leadership…
Began in 1990 Proactive approach, Rules were replaced, De-centralized and flat organisation, Focus area in 2002 Shared frame of reference, Myths and misunderstandings, Fundamentals Leadership is universal, Good leadership makes the difference, Leadership is a profession, Leadership is dynamic, Leadership contains both tasks and processes, Illustration: ”Forside af JB2002” Tekstforslag: Vi har i mange år praktiseret Værdibaseret Ledelse i Jyske Bank-koncernen. Det er ikke den nemmeste ledelsesform at lede ud fra værdier, for der er ikke altid noget, der er helt rigtigt eller helt forkert. Derfor besluttede vi i 1999, at vi i den planperiode, vi er på vej ud af, ville blive mere klare på, hvad vi egentlig forstår ved Værdi- og holdningsbaseret adfærd og lederstil. Vi er i JB2005 er blevet mere klare i udtrykket af den adfærd, vi ønsker alle i Jyske Bank-koncernen skal have. Men vi har ikke stukket klare rammer ud for hele vores lederskare - endnu. Derfor har der i løbet af i år været et arbejde i gang for at definere, hvad vi forstår ved Værdibaseret ledelse”. Dette arbejde har taget udgangspunkt i en række input fra forskellige dele af organisationen, og vi har så i ledelsen taget den endelige beslutning.

46 Transformation of the bank
From Bureaucracy Centralized control Campaign marketing (nationwide) Standard products Traditional branches Hierarchy Fixed policies and rules To Two-/single tier decisions Local authority Personally and locally based marketing Taylor-made solutions Shop-like interior Flexible teams Common values and goals

47 Leadership and/or management?
Equilibrium? Values and relations Structure Values and relations Structure even pure network organizations need structure and control!

48 The system theory… Leadership system The strategic focus area
The technological focus area OUTPUT of products and services INPUT of human, financial, material and information ressources Leadership system The social focus area The organisational focus area

49 Value Based Leadership…
Possibility of evaluating Financial results, Leadership system, Leadership behaviour, The right efforts generate value! Illustration: Værdikæden Tekstforslag: Hvad får vi så ud af det? Udover de fordele, vi allerede har nævnt, giver det os mulighed for - sammen med jer - at kunne evaluere på 3 ”niveauer”; resultater, ledelsesopgaven og lederadfærden. Alle elementer indgår i værdikæden, men med forskellig ”tidsdimension”. Vi ved, at de rigtige indsatser skaber resultater, men jo før, vi kan evaluere indsatserne (og evt. korrigere), jo bedre resultater har vi mulighed for at præstere. Det giver os mulighed for en bedre og mere fair helhedsvurdering af jeres indsatser som ledere - og dermed opfylder vi et ønske hos mange af jer. Hvordan den evaluering nøjagtigt vil foregå, er ikke fastlagt - og det er ikke sikkert, det bliver ens i hele koncernen. Men det er noget af det, der nu vil blive arbejdet på - ”evaluering af ledelse” er et af indsatsområderne i JB2005. Nu er det jo ikke noget, vi forventer kommer fra den ene dag til den anden - omvendt ved vi, at for en hel del af jer er der ikke meget nyt i det, jeg har sagt her. Vi vil lade det bundfælde sig i organisationen, og så forventer vi, at det er fuldt på plads i løbet vores nye planperiode. Nu vil I få lejlighed til at drøfte det lidt yderligere her og lige smage lidt på begreberne - og så vil planen overordnet være følgende: - jeg tror, det er vigtigt, at man i det enkelte område/forretningsenhed får drøftet, hvilke specielle forhold, der gør sig gældende her, og hvordan vi ser dette her; derfor vil emnet tages op af områdelederne i løbet af 4. Kvartal, - vi vil selvfølgelig heller ikke lancere disse begreber uden at orientere medarbejderne, og det vil ske gennem et generelt skriv i 4. kvartal, men I er selvfølgelig velkomne til at referere det tidligere, - det bliver naturligvis omdrejningspunkterne i vores fremtidige lederuddannelse, - og vi vil også begynde at se på evalueringen; i hvilken form skal det foregå og i hvor høj grad skal medarbejderne involveres i denne evaluering; det er jo dem, der skal opleve det! Men I kommer til at høre mere om det løbende fra jeres OC’er og Koncern-HR.

50 Illustrating the thoughts of evaluating leadership…
Quality Management Management Quality Is the leadership system ideal for the branch? Standard ISO 9004 System theory ISO-9000 auditing Quality Man. System Leadership system Is the leadership system reflected in the everyday life of the branch? Quality behaviour Leadership behaviour Aim: An improving dialogue…

51 Self- and leaderevaluation
MIS Self- and leaderevaluation Management information 360 feedback Sales Customers Credit Economy Results Staff and culture Structure and control Information and eff. Viosion and goals Leadership system Leadership behaviour Overview Empathy Courage Sound judgement Culture bearer Positive energy Clear speech Business sense Self-insight Initiative Professional insight Information source Utilization The dialogue tool… Input for career and salary Input for education and personal development Input for goals and focus areas for the following period

52 Value Based Leadership – in short…
Core values, vision, strategy and leadership there is a strong coherence, De-centralized organisation creates both opportunities and expectations of the individual employee, Teams strengthen cooperation, There is nothing like a gut feeling…

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