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Satisfaction and the Phd Education at ISE-PhD

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1 Satisfaction and the Phd Education at ISE-PhD
Lisa Ann Richey, Professor of International Development Studies, Dept. of Social Sciences and Business @BrandAid_World Satisfaction and the Phd Education at ISE-PhD

2 123 pages the point of which is that investing in PhD Education in Denmark has produced good results

3 MAIN FINDINGS The goal set out in the Globalisation Agreement in 2006 regarding a significantly increased intake of PhD students particularly within the medical and health sciences, natural sciences and engineering and technology fields has been achieved. The intake of PhD students in the period doubled from approx. 1,200 to 2,400. In 2015, approx. 2,300 new PhD students were registered and 2,119 students completed their PhD programme, of which 630 and 575, respectively, were within medical and health sciences and natural sciences.

4 Internationalisation and Academic Level
The proportion of international PhD students rose by 19 per cent from 2003 to Five years after graduation, 41 per cent of the international PhD students from the 2009 graduation cohort remain in Denmark. 75 per cent of the responding international assesors of Danish PhD theses deem the quality of the PhD theses to be good or very good compared to international standards of the academic discipline in question. 24 per cent of the responding PhD supervisors consider the academic level of PhD students is higher than ten years ago, and 48 per cent deem the academic level to be the same as ten years ago.

5 Satisfaction- PhD students
41 per cent of the responding PhD students are very satisfied with their PhD programme and approx. 40 per cent are satisfied. The PhD students report to spend on average 54 per cent of their working hours conducting their own research, and 9 per cent of their time on others’ research. Likewise, they report spending 10 per cent of working hours on teaching and 10 per cent of their time on PhD courses. 19 out of 20 PhD graduates are employed placing Denmark as number five among OECD countries. 37 per cent find employment in the private sector, placing Denmark first among OECD countries. Satisfaction- PhD students

6 PhDs are a good public investment
In the first few years during and after the PhD programme, the disposable income of PhD graduates is lower than comparable Master’s graduates in both the public and the private sector. Overtime, however, a PhD graduate attains a higher income after tax and benefits. Two decades after graduating with a Master’s degree, the disposable income of PhD graduates exceeds that of Master’s graduates by approx. 5 per cent. During a working life of 40 years, PhD graduates achieve a total income surplus after tax and benefits of DKK 700,000 and DKK 400,000, respectively, in the private and the public sector. This yields a relative financial return of 4 per cent and 3 percent for a PhD in the private and the public sector, respectively.

7 ISE PhD School Report 2016 Fokusområder 2016/ Focus Areas ) Internationalisering/internationalisation 2) Ph.d.-vejledning/phd supervision

8 Recruiting How do we make sure to recruit international applicants?
How many applicants for our PhD positions are non-Danish nationals? Ph.d.-skolen for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv har generelt en stor tilstrømning og interesse fra udenlandske studerende. Hver gang en potentiel kandidat henvender sig til ph.d.-skolen, får vedkommende et fyldestgørende svar vedr. proces og optag-procedure. Samtidig får de mulighed for at tilmelde sig en mailingliste, hvor de derigennem vil få besked når en ph.d.-stilling er opslået. Siden vi igangsatte mailinglisten (i 2014) har vi tilføjet lidt over 100 potentielt interesserede kandidater, hvoraf ca. 95% er udenlandske. Opslag af ph.d.-stillinger annonceres via RUC’s hjemmeside og deles i netværk på tværs af VIP og ph.d.-studerende på instituttet. Til vores 2 friforskningsopslag, som blev slået op i slutningen af 2016 modtog vi i alt 56 ansøgninger. Ud af disse var 46 ansøgninger fra udenlandske ansøgere (dvs. 82%).

9 Guest Researchers We have a policy of welcoming all guest researchers who meet the following criteria: Be enrolled as a full time PhD student in a recognized PhD program Be supported financially from external sources Be sponsored by a full-time faculty member who will introduce them to the research environments and deal with practical things

10 PhD Students Involvement in International Activities
PhD Plan Involvement and responsibility of the supervisors Awarding 4 ECTS for international conference paper presentation

11 Participation in a Different Research Environment
Supervisors 01 Contacts 02 Logistics 03 Academic needs first 04 Participation in a Different Research Environment

12 PhD Supervision How does ISE-PhD support PhD students and not only their projects? How does ISE-PhD support supervisors in developing their supervision competences – both experienced and inexperienced? How does ISE-PhD assure the quality of supervision on a regular basis? Ph.d.-skolen for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhvervs praksis ifm. miljøskifte er/har været, at alle ph.d.-studerende skal gennemføre et miljøskifte og der kun i ekstraordinære tilfælde kan dispenseres for denne regel. Det fremgår således også af det statistiske materiale at ud af i alt 37 studerende, så er det kun 4, som ikke har været på miljøskifte. Dette bør dog tages med et vis forbehold idet vi i perioden er overgået fra et datasystem til et andet og der her kan være sket nogle fejlregistreringer, således at nogle af en eller to af de studerende faktisk har gennemført et miljøskifte. Kigger man på hvor de studerende har foretaget miljøskifte, så er det en bred vifte af steder og det bevidner om det store karakter af internationalisering, der hersker på instituttet/ph.d.-skolen. Praksis ifm. planlægning af miljøskiftet er således: - Den studerende bliver allerede ved start gjort opmærksom på, at der er en god idé at starte så tidligt som muligt (og i forbindelse med udarbejdelsen af ph.d.-planen) med planlægningen af et miljøskifte. Og det diskuteres efterfølgende under ph.d.-plansmødet, hvor den studerende, hovedvejleder, ph.d.-skoleleder og admin sidder sammen og diskuterer ph.d.-planen. - Den studerende kan hente inspiration og få vejledning på ph.d.-skolens Intraside: - Planlægningen af miljøskifte er et samarbejde mellem den studerende og vejlederne. - Hjælp til kontakter med relevante forskningsmiljøer sker gennem vejlederne, forskningsgruppen, ph.d.-programgruppen og andre relevante fora.

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