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Tone Madsen, Danish Energy Agency

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Tone Madsen, Danish Energy Agency"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Tone Madsen, Danish Energy Agency

2 Where are we heading? The long-term target is 100% renewable energy in energy and transport sectors by 2050 Key elements: - Energy efficiency - Electrification - Renewable energy - Research and development in new technologies Despite changing governments

3 Why are we doing it? Figure showing global energy demand acc to IEA

4 Where are we coming from? (1)

5 Where are we coming from? (2)
Shows Denmark’s GDP, adjusted gross energy consumption and energy intensity since 1990

6 Where are we coming from? (3)
Shows Denmark’s GDP, adjusted co2 emissions and Co2 intensity since 1990

7 Development in gross energy consumption

8 Share of renewable energy in final energy consumption

9 Renewable energy in

10 Electricity consumption by energy source
in 2010 and 2020

11 Thank you for your attention Questions?
Contact Tone Madsen,

12 Financing the initiatives

13 Wind Energy Hanne Windemuller Head of Department Danish Energy Agency

14 Share of wind power in electricity consumption 2010-2020

15 Danish Energy Agreement 2012
In % of electricity consumption supplied by wind power A solid and ambitious framework 1000 MW of large scale offshore wind at: * Horns Rev (400 MW) * Kriegers Flak (600 MW) 500 MW offshore turbines in coastal areas Net capacity of 500 MW wind power onshore

16 Measures to promote the expansion of wind energy
Compensation for loss of value to neighboring real estate due to the erection of wind turbines Local citizens’ option to purchase wind turbine shares  Green scheme to enhance local scenic and recreational values Guarantee fund to support financing of preliminary investigations by local wind turbine owners’ associations

17 Planning off shore wind
Energieffektivitet Havdybde og bundforhold Naturbeskyttelses-interesser Visuelle aspekter Råstofinteresser Sejladsforhold Transmissions-netforhold Økonomi (samfund og aktør) 4200 MW identificeret Heraf er 1000 MW nu vedtaget

18 Why has the Danish wind development been a success?
Firm political commitment The planning process and one stop shop Production for both domestic market and abroad Danish manufacturers in the lead globally Bottom-up process to gain local initiative and acceptance from neighbours

19 Model for installing offshore capacity
Tender for large scale farms Political agreement Dialog with potential bidders Fixed feed in tariff for peak-load hours Fixed/flexible time schedule Cable to shore provided by TSO

20 Future challenges Smart Grids and more flexible usage, such as electric vehicles and heat pumps are necessary Meget stærk integration til nabolandene, har medvirket til indpasningen. Kapaciteten på forbindelserne svarer stort set til max forbrug Elektriciteten handles på spotmarkedet på Nord Pool (producenter melder forventninger ind indtil kl. 12, regionale markedspriser for næste døgn (midnat- mindnat) meldes ud kl 14 – systemet er mere smidigt end det normalt kendes i europa) Samfundsøkonomien i nye forbindelser analyseres, fx. Cobra, Kriegers Flak, KBH- Sverige Indenlandske virkemidler også nødvendige: Elpatronloven gjort permanent Varmepumper, el-biler Balancering af elforbrug også vha. forbrugs-styring , smart grid Nordsønet bliver ikke nødvendigvis direkte koblet på Danmark, da vores havmølleudbygningsområder ligger på lavt vand tæt på kysten. Men den øgende integration af landenes elsystemer og harmonisering af VE støtten, som må forventes grundet nordsønettet vil være relevant for Danmark. Danske erfaringer med stor udveksling af el vil kunne udnyttes i samarbejdet omkring nordsøen

21 Thank you for your attention WWW.ENS.DK

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