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DB analyse og modellering

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1 DB analyse og modellering
Jesper Tørresø DAB1 E08 24. September 2008

2 Metoder! ”Top down” ”Buttom Up”
Work A round (Up, Down, På ”kryds og tværs”) Iterationer. Den ”rigtige” metode medføre design af en normaliserbar database. ”Virkemåden for DDS-Lite er en metode”.

3 Proces

4 Metoder [TEOREY] har en formel omfattende liste af artefakter, som indgår i deres metode. [RUSSEL] giver principperne som er de mest kendetegnede for DB–analyse og –design. Jeg har nogle principnoter

5 [Teorey] metode 1 Overordnede trin
Entity Clustering (Gælder for store systemer med mange entiteter > (Ikke for DAB1) Requirements analysis. What is the DB to be used for,what must it contain and how will i proces data (what comes out)? Conceptual data modeling (The most important part from a technically view) Classifiy entities and attributes or classes and attributes. Identify generaliztion hierecahies (ERD and UML) Define relationships or associations and association classes First all possible binary and unary degreed relationships Review redundant relationships. Then if needed ternary (or n-ary) relationships.

6 Metode: Conceptual Scope
A Schema/Diagram is a data model that is intended to be used with a database system External schemas are defined for the users of a database Logical schema defines the representation as a collection of tables that are stored in a database server Internal schema defines the representation used by the database server to store the tables in memory or files

7 [Teorey] metode 2 View integration methods.
Merging different ”types of abstraction” Goal in schema integration to create a non-redundant unified (global) conceptual schema/diagram completeness - all components must appear in the global schema/diagram minimality - remove redundant concepts in the global schema/diagram understandability - does global schema/diagram make sense?

8 [Teorey] metode 3

9 [Teorey] metode 4

10 [Teorey] metode 5

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