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Sequences of sun, space and shelter

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1 Sequences of sun, space and shelter
Journal of Landscape Thinking eye Leca de Palmeria, Porto Sequences of sun, space and shelter

2 Torben Dam og Peter Lundsgaard Hansen
Man tror, at arkitekter skaber et sensorisk fænomen på baggrund af en idé, men de skaber tværtimod et sensorisk fænomen til en idé. Med deres drømme åbner arkitekterne ikke dørene for, at det åndelige kan komme ind i dagligdagen; de hæver derimod det daglige til fantasiens plan og slipper den fysiske virkeligheds imaginære indhold fri. Tektoniske designprocedurer kan derfor ikke gengives. Kun gennem billedlige udtryk og konstruktive analogier kan vi styre dem. Frascari, 2005 Marco Frascari (2005) Three Aspects of Tectonic Imagination, p 9 – 27 in Details, The Architectural Magazine B The Design process can not be guided by a manual, Design has be learn from examples, they can tell about, decisions made, problems solved, obtions choosen. Leca de Palmeria is a small resort along the Atlantic sea in the Northern suburb of Porto. Alvaro Siza was the designer who, develloped the project over a period of 13 years. Space can evaluated by two sequences shown in the following. One dealing with light and the other dealing with wind. Two aspect of landscape architecture that occur nearly always.

3 The sky and horison

4 Narrow, wide space with reflecting white natural stone

5 Deep shadow and privacy, horison a thin line

6 Eyes wide open, tarred timber texture in highlights

7 Coming out open to the sky

8 Coming, coming

9 Light and texture

10 Threshold to the sea

11 The sky and horison

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