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Cand. Soc. International Security & Law, SDU

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Cand. Soc. International Security & Law, SDU"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Cand. Soc. International Security & Law, SDU
Daniel Kristensen KAT2012F 2nd year MOISL student

2 MSc. Int. Security & law Struktur: Uddannelsen og opbygning
Case: Syria (2016) Relevans og motivation Optagelse

3 MSc. Int. Security & law Uddannelsen:
Interdisciplinær krydsning af lov og samfundsvidenskab Engelsksproget, 50/50 DK/EU, 80 pladser Analyse af internationale konflikter og interventioner Juridisk Politisk Etisk

4 MSc. Int. Security & law Opbygning: 1. Semester 2. Semester
International Order since 1815 Introduction to International Law Introduction to International Relations Philosophy of International Law New Wars and Conflicts The Laws of War The Ethics of War and Peace Laws of Cyber Warfare International Organisations Transitional Justice and International Security Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Building (Greenland at the Crossroads, KU) (Politics of Cyber Security, KU) Thesis (States of Emergency & Emergency Powers, KU)

5 MSc. Int. Security & law Opbygning: 1. Semester 2. Semester
International Order since 1815 Introduction to International Law Introduction to International Relations Philosophy of International Law New Wars and Conflicts The Laws of War The Ethics of War and Peace Laws of Cyber Warfare International Organisations Transitional Justice and International Security Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Building (Greenland at the Crossroads, KU) (Politics of Cyber Security, KU) Thesis (States of Emergency & Emergency Powers, KU)

6 MSc. Int. Security & law Opbygning: 1. Semester 2. Semester
International Order since 1815 Introduction to International Law Introduction to International Relations Philosophy of International Law New Wars and Conflicts The Laws of War The Ethics of War and Peace Laws of Cyber Warfare International Organisations Transitional Justice and International Security Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Building (Greenland at the Crossroads, KU) (Politics of Cyber Security, KU) Thesis (States of Emergency & Emergency Powers, KU)

7 MSc. Int. Security & law Opbygning: 1. Semester 2. Semester
International Order since 1815 Introduction to International Law Introduction to International Relations Philosophy of International Law New Wars and Conflicts The Laws of War The Ethics of War and Peace Laws of Cyber Warfare International Organisations Transitional Justice and International Security Humanitarian Intervention and Peace Building (Greenland at the Crossroads, KU) (Politics of Cyber Security, KU) Thesis (States of Emergency & Emergency Powers, KU)

8 MSc. Int. Security & law Case Syria (2016):
Juridisk ret til brug af magt: Assad Regime & Oprørerne

9 MSc. Int. Security & law Case Syria (2016):
Juridisk ret til brug af magt: Assad Regime & Oprørerne Rusland & Iran Samtykke fra Assad

10 MSc. Int. Security & law Case Syria (2016):
Juridisk ret til brug af magt: Assad Regime & Oprørerne Rusland & Iran Samtykke fra Assad Tyrkiet Selvforsvar mod Kurderne

11 MSc. Int. Security & law Case Syria (2016):
Juridisk ret til brug af magt: Assad Regime & Oprørerne Rusland & Iran Samtykke fra Assad Tyrkiet Selvforsvar mod Kurderne US Kollektivt og individuelt selvforsvar mod ISIL/Al-Qaida

12 MSc. Int. Security & law Case Syria (2016):
Juridisk ret til brug af magt: Assad Regime & Oprørerne Rusland & Iran Samtykke fra Assad Tyrkiet Selvforsvar mod Kurderne US Kollektivt og individuelt selvforsvar mod ISIL/Al-Qaida Frankrig Kollektivt og individuelt selvforsvar mod ISIL

13 MSc. Int. Security & law Case Syria (2016):
Juridisk ret til brug af magt: Assad Regime & Oprørerne Rusland & Iran Samtykke fra Assad Tyrkiet Selvforsvar mod Kurderne US Kollektivt og individuelt selvforsvar mod ISIL/Al-Qaida Frankrig Kollektivt og individuelt selvforsvar mod ISIL DK/England Kollektivt selvforsvar (Iraq) mod ISIL

14 MSc. Int. Security & law Relevans og motivation:
Metaperspektiv på verdens sammenhæng Teknisk forståelse for International Lov (Især Folkeretten) Højt niveau og mulighed for at tage fag jvf. egne interesser

15 MSc. Int. Security & law Relevans og motivation:
Metaperspektiv på verdens sammenhæng Teknisk forståelse for International Lov (Især Folkeretten) Højt niveau og mulighed for at tage fag jvf. egne interesser I forhold til KATRISK…

16 MSc. Int. Security & law Optagelse Adgangsgivende bachelor:
Political Science, Public Adm., Law, Sociology, Social Science, Economics, History Bachelor med 45 ECTS inden for følgende fag: Law, Social Issues, IR, Comparative Politics Relevant erfaring, karaktergennemsnit og suppleringskurser (30 percent of the seats allocated) Militær- eller NGO erfaring vægter højt!

17 MSc. Int. Security & law Kontakt

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