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1 Welcome! The search process:  How to handle the search process (strategies)  Transform your topic into search terms  Search techniques  how to use.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "1 Welcome! The search process:  How to handle the search process (strategies)  Transform your topic into search terms  Search techniques  how to use."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 1 Welcome! The search process:  How to handle the search process (strategies)  Transform your topic into search terms  Search techniques  how to use search terms  to find relevant literature Examples of searching databases  Library database  PsycInfo Search for your own topic

2 2 Help to get started: Den gode opgave BAC-up How to write a paper / Knudsen, Ann-Christina Lauring How to write a paper Studymetro

3 3 Trin 1: Find de gode søgeord: 1.Hvad er det egentlig dit speciale skal handle om?  Hvilke vinkler/aspekter er der?  Hvad er dit fokus?  Hvilke nøgleord er der i din problemformulering? 2.Lav indledende emnesøgninger Søg på 2-3 af dine nøgleord Hvad er der egl. skrevet? Hvilke andre søgeord findes der for emnet? Hvad dukker op? Lad dig inspirere … 3.Først når du er helt afklaret om dit emne, kan du begynde at søge mere målrettet

4 4 Make a good start: define your key concepts Define your key concepts: - and use them consistently. Get help from textbooks and: Encyclopedia of psychology Sage Reference Online Oxford Reference Online International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences Example

5 5 Types of materials What do you need? EncyclopediasDefinitions; Background information BooksEstablished in-depth knowledge and research Scholarly journals eg peer reviewed articles Most recent research Literature reviews”State of the art” for a research area

6 6 Where to find … ? Publication typesWhere EncyclopediasThe Library & Database list BooksThe Library Database The Library Database & Scholarly journals (incl. Literature reviews & peer reviewed articles) Databases eg PsycInfo

7 7 Search strategies: to get started … Searching for inspiration / clarification  Do some searches with a couple of keywords (PsycInfo, Google etc.)  Collect background information from encyclopedias and literature reviews.  Talk to your fellow students, instructors, teachers etc.…  Get the first overview of how much is written on the topic.

8 8 Search Strategies: ”Kædesøgning” Check out the bibliography of relevant titles  Strenghts  quick way to get to know of a lot of literature and the researchers of the field.  Weaknesses  Some authors tend to quote authors who agree with them  You won’t get the newest literature

9 9 Search strategies: Searching systematically Systematically going through databases and library catalogues. Make sure that you have a well defined topic before you start this process  Do a preliminary analysis of your topic

10 10 Preliminary analysis of your topic Take a good look at your topic / your research question What is actually the focus of your assignment Which aspects & approaches could you take?  what is your focus? Check out ScriboScribo

11 11 Kom godt fra start - definer dine nøglebegreber Grundbøger og andre centrale tekster Opslagsværker Encyclopedia of psychology Sage Reference Online Oxford Reference Online International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences Eks.: Assignment, psychology

12 12 Strategier: Systematisk søgning Systematisk gennemgang af biblioteks- kataloger og databaser. Kræver at du er fokuseret ift. dit emneområde  Lav en foreløbig analyse af dit emne (hvad er det egl. din opgave skal handle om)  Identificer de vigtigste nøgleord ud fra din problemformulering etc. Hmm …

13 13 Identify the keywords of your topic: Brainstorm Make an analysis of your topic and identify 3 or 4 of the most important keywords Do some brainstorming on which other words could work as good search terms, eg: Synonyms Related topics Narrower terms Broader terms Try out ”Scribo light”.

14 14 Search techniques Search techniques in PsycInfo (and other databases) 1.Use your keywords. 2.And combine using operators:  eg. adolescence AND identity  eg. female OR women OR girls 3.Truncation / wildcard (use * or ?) child * will search for eg. child, children, childhood etc.

15 15 When to use the AND-operator? If you want to narrow down your search (your search returns records containing BOTH of the search terms)  relevant when combining different aspects adolescence identity AND

16 16 When to use the OR-operator? If you want to broaden your search (your search returns results containing records in which AT LEAST ONE of the search terms is present.  relevant when combining synonyms/related aspects women girls OR

17 17 Søgeteknik i www-databaser 1.Brug søge ord 2.Brug operatorer:  fx children OG/AND parents  fx parents ELLER/OR mother ELLER/OR father 3.Trunkering (oftest med * eller ?) child * søger fx på child, children, childhood etc.

18 18 Everything is for free (almost …) If you cannot find the text online??  Try this:  Search The Library Database   Fill out the form at The State Library websiteThe State Library website Libraries across the world cooperate!  You can order materials from any library in the world – if you are willing to wait…

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