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By Green Cotton A/S. Prizes 1993 Cairo: IFOAM “the international organic cotton award” 1994 The Danish Environmental award “Environmental Management.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "By Green Cotton A/S. Prizes 1993 Cairo: IFOAM “the international organic cotton award” 1994 The Danish Environmental award “Environmental Management."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 By Green Cotton A/S



4 Prizes 1993 Cairo: IFOAM “the international organic cotton award” 1994 The Danish Environmental award “Environmental Management and sustainability” 1994 EBEAFI “Good Environmental Management award” 1994 New York: American Fashion and Ecology award in cooperation with UNEP “Green Cotton” 2002 Brussels: Environmental award, EU eco label

5 Green Cotton Konceptbutik anno 2013

6 Et butiksvindue i Tokyo

7 Kommunikation og markedsføring

8 Den Japanske forbruger

9 Butiksindretning en større udfordring

10 Glade kunder

11 Co-branding butikker i Tokyo

12 Green Cotton i MiniPuu

13 Produktspredning i MiniPuu

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