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DGI Quality Project status... Our Challenges.. •Quality reform in the Danish public sector to ensure a higher level of quality in the public sector (Danish.

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1 DGI Quality Project status..

2 Our Challenges.. •Quality reform in the Danish public sector to ensure a higher level of quality in the public sector (Danish Confederation of Trade Unions, DA, Government) The results are published in June 2007 •A recently published fitness sector survey (consumer agency) shows lack of quality in a main part of the training centres (competencies, prices, subscription terms etc) •A new independent organisation – Danish Fitness- and health organisation has been established

3 The purpose of the Quality Project The purpose is to improve the quality level for the benefit of the members, instructors and management. The Quality process must: •lead to continued improvement of performance – staying competitive •Lead to knowledge sharing among the training centres •document Quality assurance •support the preparation of certification

4 Basis Principles •Certificate – ‘guarantiee for quality assurance’ •Indenpendent assesment •Distinctive features – maintain variety and diversity •Free selection of method – but areas that must be fulfilled •Network based development among the training centres •Inspiration and process management from DGI consultants •Focus on building in quality in the daily process and not ’rely’ on quality control as the goal

5 Certification in practice •The management must be in charge of the process and the documentation of the quality in the centre •The team of instructors must be involved in the description and the policy and procedures of the training centre •The process must not be experienced as bureaucratic – but as an exiting development project

6 ….. to the 4 quality areas Equipment & facilities Organisation & operation Instructors Members

7 Quality Standard 1: Members Goal That the members are satisfied That the members gets increased knowledge and are motivated to develop their training efforts Areas that should be described a.Reception of new members, guidance and instruction of new members b.Strategies for motivating and retention of members c.Member participation and handling of member request d.Target groups (eg. broadness, offers) Areas that must be obtained All members must have individual instruction and training program Follow up shall be offered no later than 3 months after the first instruction Questionnaire survey – general satisfaction (each 1 year) Participants • Members, instructors, management Assesment Interview with members, instructors, management Description areas (a-d) Checking up training programs and follow up programs

8 Mål at udstyr og faciliteter altid er funktionelt, vedligeholdt og sikkert at anvende at udstyr tilgodeser medlemmernes behov for bredde og udvikling i træningen at indretning, pladsforhold og indeklima er i overensstemmelse med medlemmernes og instruktørernes krav. Områder der bør beskrives a.Rutiner for rengøring, orden/oprydning, vedligehold og reparation b.Sikring af muligheder for ’bredde’ i træningen (kondition, styrke i maskiner, frie vægte) og at udstyr er funktionelt c.Pladsforhold og indeklima, herunder ventilation, belysning, akustik-lydisolering, badeforhold samt plan for max. antal medlemmer Områder der skal opfyldes Equipment and facilities are in function Equipment and facilities are in a good state of maintanance Log book Minimum package of exercise equipment (DGI reccomendation) Involverede • Instruktører, medlemmer og ledelse Vurdering af mål opfyldelse Interview af medlemmer, instruktører og ledelse Beskrevne områder (a-c) Kontrol af udstyr og faciliteter Kontrol af logbog Tilfredshedsundersøgelse Quality Standard 2: Equipment and Facilities

9 Quality Standard 3: Instructors Mål • At instruktører trives og er kompetente Områder der bør beskrives a.Krav til instruktør sammensætning og kompetencer (sociale og faglige) og faglig/personlig udvikling b.Introduktionsforløb for nye instruktører c.Instruktørrollen/-opgaver i dagligdagen, synlighed d.Instruktørtrivsel (Samarbejde, information, indflydelse, anerkendelse) Områder der skal opfyldes 80% of all instructors must have a DGI Fitness certification. Up to 20% must have a level of education similar to the DGI level. Education plan for each instructor each year Involverede • Instruktører og ledelse Vurdering af mål opfyldelse Der skal ligge dokumentation for uddannelse Interview af instruktører og ledelse Beskrevne områder foreligger (a-d)

10 Quality Standard 4: Organisation and operation Mål At foreningen er synlig og åben for alle der ønsker medlemskab At ejerskab, fællesskab, engagement, åbenhed og respekt er bærende værdier i foreningen At der er klare regler for samvær og sikkerhed i foreningen At foreningen tjener penge til drift og udvikling i overensstemmelse med medlemmernes, instruktørernes og ledelsens behov Områder der bør beskrives a.Udviklingsplaner og budget b.Bestyrelses- og ledelseskompetencer, vilkår/pleje c.Kultur/værdigrundlag/regler d.Foreningens synlighed (hjemmeside, foldere elign.) samt målgrupper Områder der skal opfyldes Independence (non profit and a budget allowing development and improvement of the center) Member rules and handling of rules (eg. Doping prevention) Involverede • Instruktører, medlemmer og ledelse Vurdering af mål opfyldelse Interview af medlemmer, instruktører og ledelse Vedtægter Budget Beskrevne områder (a-d) Regelsæt for etik og sikkerhed i centret Foranstaltninger mod doping

11 The Quality Process No later than 6 month after startup the centres must initiate the Quality process. No later than 1 year efter startup the centres must have completed the quality process and certification must have been testet. The process (6-12 months – 14-18 hours of DGI consultancy/assesment): 1. Workshop for management and instructors – start up Duration: 3-4 hours Working phase in the training centre Duration: 2-3 months 2. Workshop – approval and implementation Duration: 3-4 hours Implementering Duration: 2-3 months Certification – DGI Quality mark Reasessment within 2 years – reporting after 1 year (areas of improvements/interest)

12 It is important that the Quality Process involves management and instructors… The priority phase Areas of improvement and documentation plan The implementation phase Approval, description, time and responsibility Implementation Kick off meeting Presentation of the Quality process and the 4 Quality standards (Scope, planning, setting up priorities and areas of improvement Management and instructors Certification Self test Application/ documentation Assesment Quality Mark 

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