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Akkrediteringsrådet i Danmark 1.03.13 Velkommen til UHR.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Akkrediteringsrådet i Danmark 1.03.13 Velkommen til UHR."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Akkrediteringsrådet i Danmark 1.03.13 Velkommen til UHR

2 1. Velkomst og præsentation. 2. Indledende oplæg fra UHR v Ola Stave 3. Uddannelsesinstitutionernes erfaringer v Vidar Haanes 4. Diskusjon. Forslag til punkter : A. Hvordan kan I (universiteter og højskoler) bruge samspillet med en ekstern operatør i det interne kvalitetsarbejde? B. Hvilke konkrete positive eller negative effekter opstår af samspillet mellem universitet/høgskole og NOKUT (nævn eksempler fra forskellige institutioner)? C. Hvordan oplever I at NOKUT kan understøtte forskellene mellem institutionstyper og områder? D. Hvordan oplever I, at NOKUT kan arbejde for at støtte og fremme udviklingen af uddannelseskvalitet (i et uddannelseslandskab med vidt forskellige fagområder)? E. Hvordan opleves balancen mellem kontrol og udvikling af institutionerne? Har balancen ændret sig gennem årene og på hvilke måder? F. Hvilke typer af barrierer oplever universiteter/højskoler, er de mest centrale barrierer i forhold til det overordnede mål om et system, som støtter institutionernes udvikling af uddannelseskvalitet?

3 The Norwegian Higher Education system A short introduction Ola Stave Secretary general

4 Norwegian Higher Education Structure of higher education institutions in Norway •8 universities (all public) •9 specialised universities (6 public, 3 private) •27 university colleges (22 public, 5 private) •2 national academies of art (public) •Several smaller private institutions And the population of Norway is 5 million !

5 Rules and regulations •A common law for all institutions (2005) –Common purposes – all do research and research- based teaching –Common governance •Board with 11 members, of which –4 externally appointed members –2 student representatives –No tuition fees (for the publicly owned institutions) •Bologna in Norwegian –The Quality Reform – 2002 •Common degree structure •Quality assurance system •Accreditation system with criteria for becoming universities or specialised universities •NOKUT established 2003

6 UHR •The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions is open for all accredited (by NOKUT) Norwegian institutions – public and private (since 2005) •UHR has 48 member institutions today •UHR’s vision –Promote the development of Norway as a knowledge- based society of high international standard –Be the most important meeting place in Norway when higher education and research are on the political agenda –Be the national advocator to the Norwegian Parliament and Government in matters concerning higher education and research

7 Our tasks - what do we do •Interest of member institutions –Speaking/acting on behalf of our institutions towards our ministry, government and parliament in matters concerning legal regulations, budgets etc. –A lot of seminars –Offer leadership courses •National coordination –Admission –Harmonising of grades and Exams –Thematic networks •Project development –Scientific publication –National frameworks for education in e.g. nursing •Special tasks for the Ministry –Gender equality –Publication committee


9 UHR - 2013 Norwegian Association for Higher Education Institutions Executive Board Secretariat National Conference for Fac of Art Fac of Social Sciences Fac of Natural Sciences Fac of Law Fac of Dentistry Fac of Medicine National Council for Health and Social Work Edu Techer Education Engineering Education Business-Administrative Edu Professional Council for Psychology Education Pharmacy Education Industrial Design Education Architecture Administrative Committee Research Committee Study Programme Committee Scientific pub Committee for Libraries Committee for Museums Publication Committee Gender in Research Negotiation Committee + 39 National Committees on subjects Degree harmo Committee

10 Strukturen i UH sektoren The general structure of higher education is: StudentsStaff 8 universities98.000 17.000 9 specialised universities 18.000 2.000 27 university colleges83.000 9.000 2 National academies of art 800 250 29 private higher education institutions11.500 700 Total211.00029.000 +Students abroad13.000 + Exchange students 8.000

11 UHR - NOKUT •Norgesnettrådet: Pilot project 2001 •2003: NOKUT established •ESG – Bologna Ministerial meeting 2005 •Evaluation of NOKUT •Formal dialog UHR board – NOKUT board •Unformal dialog at top level – regularly •Education Committee •Seminars – thematic •NOKUTs annual conference

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