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Hvad gør store aktører i Danmark for at løse klimaproblemerne?

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Hvad gør store aktører i Danmark for at løse klimaproblemerne?"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Hvad gør store aktører i Danmark for at løse klimaproblemerne?
Claus Bugge Garn, VP ROCKWOOL International Title: “Fit for the 21st century: how the EU energy efficiency legislation can deliver quality of life for European citizens” Topics to address: - How do you define the EU Energy Union and what do you expect from it? - What do you expect especially from the energy efficiency legislation, above all the EED? - Why is energy efficiency a matter of quality of life and how do you define that? - Which fields, products and services are most promising to bring quality of life to another level? - What would you recommend to members of parliament? Next steps? Key bottlenecks to address? Maybe Claus could be a little bit broader and more political and talk about how steadily bringing buildings up to an nZEB standard in the years to 2030 and beyond will deliver a better quality of life for the people of Europe. He could talk about comfort and indoor climate, but also about wider sustainability issues - making buildings reusable and their materials recyclable as part of the circular economy, making them resilient (fire, damp) and better adapted to climate change. Plus the fact that putting this into effect through the new energy efficiency legislation will stimulate the economy across Europe and create growth and jobs. 

2 Energiforbrug i EU 33% af energien bliver brugt til transport 26% af energien bliver brugt i industrien 41% af energien bliver brugt i bygninger 2/3 af energiforbruget i bygninger går til opvarmning, afkøling og ventilation

3 Nye bygninger – vi har løsningen
Det er muligt at bygge nye huse der bruger mindre end 10% af det gennemsnitlige energiforbrug!

4 Nye bygninger – problemet er løst (i EU)
EU Bygningsdirektiv Fra 31. December 2018 skal alle nye offentlige bygninger være “Nearly Zero Energy Buildings” Fra 31. December 2020 skal alle nye bygninger være “Nearly Zero Energy Buildings”

5 Eksisterende bygninger et stort potentiale
Størrelsen af udfordringen 210 Millioner bygninger (de fleste med højt forbrug) Ca. 90% vil stadigvæk være i brug i 2050 80 Millioner Europæere bor i fugtige og utætte huse 10.8% af EU´s befolkning har ikke råd til at holde deres hus tilstrækkelig varmt Ny bygningsrate ca 0,5% Renoveringsrate ca 1% Tekniske løsninger findes 80% reduktion i energiforbrug er muligt Data from fuel poverty from BPIE – numbers from 2012 Slide from Renovate Europe

6 Byggeindustrien kan ikke drive udviklingen uden hjælp
Sektoren udgør mere end 9% af EU GDP Domineret af små og mellem store virksomheder - mere end 3 millioner virksomheder % med mindre end 10 ansatte Store entreprenører udgør mindre end 1% Bygningsarbejde udføres efter bygningsreglementer – mindre end 1% laves bedre end minimumskrav De fleste bygnings ejere er ”amatører” (Source: Transformation of the EU building Stock, OpenExp EBC and Renovate Europe ) Other points which can be mentioned: Consumer protection (General focus of having EU legislation in areas where it makes sense for the citizens) - SMEs do not necessarily have the skills/capacity to advise building owners on EE investments outside their own area of expertise Fuel poverty – and increasing problem – also an area which highlight the need for legislation to improve the energy performance of buildings

7 Fordele ved en renoveringsrate på 2%
Public Finances: €39bn per year Boost to Public Finances in 2020 Rising to €78bn per year by New Direct Net Jobs: 1.1 million Local, Permanent Jobs in Construction; This Leads to over 2 million Total New Jobs Boost to EU GDP: 0.7% per year Estimate Increase in Construction Output is in the Range €670 to €830bn per year (from 2020) Slide and text below from Renovate Europe: Looking at some of the principal economic benefits that will arise, we can draw on the work of Copenhagen Economics, that reported in 2012 on the multiple benefits that investing in energy efficiency will bring. For public finances, there will be one tranche of annual benefits that, in 2020, will total up to €39bn and, if investments continue, this will double to €78bn in In addition, in the period to 2017 when it is expected that the EU will return to structural GDP levels, there will be an additional “one-off” benefit of up to €128bn for public finances. A real shot in the arm for the government budgets. Jobs creation within the construction sector is significant. In fact, a recent Study commissioned by the EEIF showed that on average 19 new direct jobs are created for every €1m invested in EE of buildings. If we include induced jobs, this could lead to about 2 million total new jobs just from stimulating energy efficient renovation of our building stock. Finally, the REC estimates that there is a potential to increase activity on the construction sector by up to €830bn per year by 2020 – this would represent an annual increase in GDP of 0.7% per year throughout the rest of this decade.

8 Yderligere fordele Outdoor pollution
annual retrofit rate of 2% will cause a reduction of 9% particulate matter (DMI/Eurima) Impact on health and societal costs 78678 saved life years annually 6,64 billion €/year savings in societal costs (1,5-40 billion €/year) Energy poverty For every 1% improvement in energy efficiency, three million more homes can be properly renovated and seven million citizens lifted out of energy poverty Energy Security Buildings use a significant 61% of all imported gas Numbers come from Outdoor pollution and health and societal costs - DMI/Eurima: Model based upon 6 European climate zones - Largest effect was found for North-Western Europe. E.g. reductions of 9% particulate matter Energy Poverty – Theresa Griffin ( EP report - Delivering a new deal for energy consumers - Tackling energy poverty as part of the Energy Union) Energy Security – Eurima/Ecofys

9 Energiforbrug i EU 33% af energien bliver brugt til transport 26% af energien bliver brugt i industrien 41% af energien bliver brugt i bygninger 2/3 af energiforbruget i bygninger går til opvarmning, afkøling og ventilation

10 Meeting/Event name – Month date, 2011, Type of event, Country
180 audits TIPCHECK t CO2 saving identified with less than 2 years payback Meeting/Event name – Month date, 2011, Type of event, Country


12 The ROCKWOOL presentation - the Group in general

The ROCKWOOL presentation - the Group in general ROCKWOOL CARBON FOOTPRINT 1 kg stenuld medfører udledning af ca 1 kg CO2 1 kg stenuld isolering vil typisk medfører besparelser på mellem 80 – 1500 kg CO2 i sin levetid. Smelteomkostninger udgør en stor delaf de samlede produktionsomkostninger ved fremstilling af Rockwool Stor fokus på energiomkostninger gennem årtier, hvorfor de lette besparelser er taget.

14 The ROCKWOOL presentation - the Group in general

15 The ROCKWOOL presentation - the Group in general

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