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Håndtering af medicin hos borger i eget hjem

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Håndtering af medicin hos borger i eget hjem"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Håndtering af medicin hos borger i eget hjem
Velfærdsteknologikoordinator Kirsten Springborg

2 Lidt af forhistorien 2015/2016- Udviklings-samarbejde med DoseSystem A/S - test på Plejehjem og i Sygeplejen Positiv BC på plejehjem i 2015 og positiv BC i Sygeplejen i i lille skala September Ansættelse af to Farmakonomer i Sygeplejen til implementering af DoseSystem og andre løsninger, der helt eller delvis kan erstatte besøg til hjælp til medicinhåndtering

3 Farmakonomer i sygeplejen
Lægemiddelkyndig - specialviden på medicinområdet Farmakonomer har stor menneskekontakt, ved en masse om medicin og hjælper med at medicinen tages rigtigt Arbejder med sundhed, sygdom, medicin og patientsikkerhed " Spydspidser" i implementering af DoseSystem og andre løsninger i Sygeplejen og Hjemmeplejen (Screening af borgere med hjælp til medicin- administration, opsætning, vejledning, opfølgning i borgers hjem)

4 Borgerne Svært ved at holde styr på medicinen Glemmer at tage medicin
Kognitivt og fysisk kan anvende alternativ løsning eller teknologi Motiveret til at håndtere egen medicin Ønsker at være (mere) selvhjulpen Rehabiliterende indsats Medicinmisbrugere med aflåst medicin får besøg til hjælp til medicinhåndtering Svært syns- og hørehæmmede borgere får besøg til hjælp til medicinhåndtering

5 Aktører Myndighed Farmakonom Sygeplejerske Borger - hjælp til medicin
Netværk og familie Medarbejdere i Hjemmeplejen Rehabiliterende team Konsulent Velfærdsteknologi

6 teknologier og løsninger
Dosispakket medicin- Apoteket Pilleæske med alarmer og timer Borgers egne devices Dosesystem medicinhusker Pilleæske med alarmer/sms Medicin dug Apotekets medicinhusker App. Ure og diktafon med reminderfunktion, alarmer, vibration

7 Hvordan gør vi - nuværende borgere
Borger får hjælp fra Hjemmepleje eller Sygepleje til medicinhåndtering og/ eller medicindosering Borger anvender anden løsning/teknologi, hvis borger vurderes egnet hertil Visitator re-visiterer eller afslutter Farmakonom screener for andre løsninger end besøg af Hjemmepleje eller Sygepleje Sygeplejerske Faglig sparring In a municipal context, person-centered care is a basic philosophy of care, centered around the individual – in which the wishes for the future, and the needs and resources of the individual define the process and the approach tailored to each individual – (and) in which individuals are supported and encouraged to make informed decisions about their treatment and health management. It is a holistic process that is not only responsive to physical abilities and medical needs, but also to the individual’s social and psychological abilities, preferences and lifestyle. Person-centered care thus becomes a way of understanding healthcare that empowers and engages the citizens in their own healthcare journey and brings healthcare up to date with the needs of service-users today. From the perspective of the healthcare sector as a whole, for person-centred care to become a reality - the healthcare sector needs: To adopt a common, more holistic and value-based approach to the individual, focusing our efforts on the perceived value and effects of the combined initiatives across each sector in support of the individual citizen’s wishes and needs. (We need) To develop common language and a common culture that facilitate a greater role for the individual citizen in the process, as well as a closer cross-functional and cross-professional cooperation together with the individual citizens. [Finally, as a consequences of the person-centered approach – I believe we will also see the development of a new balance in the roles and responsibilities between the specialized hospitals, the municipalities and the general practitioners: With the municipalities (and GPs) taking on tasks and responsibilities close to the daily life and home of the individual, and tasks not requiring highly specialized treatment at our new and highly Specialized hospitals].

8 Hvordan gør vi - nye borgere
Borger henvises fra egen læge eller sygehus til hjælp til medicinhåndtering og/ eller medicindosering Farmakonom Individuel og faglig vurdering m.h.p. andre løsninger end besøg Visitator Henvisning In a municipal context, person-centered care is a basic philosophy of care, centered around the individual – in which the wishes for the future, and the needs and resources of the individual define the process and the approach tailored to each individual – (and) in which individuals are supported and encouraged to make informed decisions about their treatment and health management. It is a holistic process that is not only responsive to physical abilities and medical needs, but also to the individual’s social and psychological abilities, preferences and lifestyle. Person-centered care thus becomes a way of understanding healthcare that empowers and engages the citizens in their own healthcare journey and brings healthcare up to date with the needs of service-users today. From the perspective of the healthcare sector as a whole, for person-centred care to become a reality - the healthcare sector needs: To adopt a common, more holistic and value-based approach to the individual, focusing our efforts on the perceived value and effects of the combined initiatives across each sector in support of the individual citizen’s wishes and needs. (We need) To develop common language and a common culture that facilitate a greater role for the individual citizen in the process, as well as a closer cross-functional and cross-professional cooperation together with the individual citizens. [Finally, as a consequences of the person-centered approach – I believe we will also see the development of a new balance in the roles and responsibilities between the specialized hospitals, the municipalities and the general practitioners: With the municipalities (and GPs) taking on tasks and responsibilities close to the daily life and home of the individual, and tasks not requiring highly specialized treatment at our new and highly Specialized hospitals]. Sygeplejerske Sygeplejefaglig udredning

9 Hvad kræver det? Ændret sagsgang i tildeling af hjælp til medicin
Ændrede arbejdsgange/processer Ændret tilgang til opgaven - hverdagsrehabilitering Nye kompetencer til nye løsninger og nye produkter - teknologi Forskellige fagligheder bringes i spil - tværfagligt team Vurdering/screening sammen med borger Mulighed for afprøvning og valg af forskellige løsninger og muligheder Det rigtige match - borger/teknologi/løsning Forandring Viden Kompetencer Aabenraa, like most Danish municipalities, is facing a number strategic challenges – challenges with respect to providing social and health care to our citizens: We face an increasing demographic, structural and economic set of challenges: Including a substantial growth in the number of 65+/ 80+ elderly people requiring increased care. And new tasks following the new specialized hospital structure. We have e.g. seen a shortening of the duration of hospitalization by 19% and a 28% reduction in hospital beds from , resulting in some cases in the need for specialized nursing care or rehabilitation before the patient is ready to master own life back home. We face a growing complexity of health-related and lifestyle problems, such as obesity, mental health problems, and a growing number of people with chronic diseases and multimorbidity. Addressing these problems is important both for the individual and to avoid rising costs in other areas (e.g. special programmes to prevent drop of of school for young people with mental problems, or tailored initiatives to avoid loss of productivity and taxpayer money due to health-related unemployment) Finally, we face a general expansion of municipal tasks and rising expectations with respect to delivering a wide range of social and health services to a very diverse group of recipients …. All of which is to be tackled within zero-growth or declining budgets! Den rigtige løsning

10 Opmærksomhedspunkter
Borger vurderes af farmakonom i samarbejde med Sygeplejen inden der visiteres til hjælp til medicin Ikke undervurdere kulturændringen hos medarbejderne - andre tilgange og arbejdsprocesser Rådgivning, oplæring og opfølgning hos borger omkring egen medicinhåndtering med f.eks. ny teknologi, er tidskrævende

11 Spørgsmål Farmakonom Mette Frost Johansen,
TAK FOR NU Farmakonom Mette Frost Johansen, tlf.: Velfærdsteknologikoordinator Kirsten Springborg, tlf.:

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