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CEAC Hvad er det ? Hvad kan vi få ud af det ? v/ Dan Foldager.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "CEAC Hvad er det ? Hvad kan vi få ud af det ? v/ Dan Foldager."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 CEAC Hvad er det ? Hvad kan vi få ud af det ? v/ Dan Foldager

2 CEAC En af 3 grupper: – CAAC – Common America Advisory Council – CEAC – Common Europe Advisory Council – LUG – Large User Group

3 CEAC’s mission Indsamling af ’requirements’ Diskussion heraf Diskussion af ’future functions’ mm. Prioritering og argumentation Dialog-partner for IBM

4 CEAC gruppen 10 personer (bred teknisk baggrund..)‏ – Kunder – Konsulenter IBM’ere – Rochester

5 Min rolle i CEAC..

6 CEAC møder 2 årlige samlinger over to dage Et 1-times telefon- møde hver måned Lukket diskussions- forum

7 Er der kommet noget ud af det ? PHP ('hot' lige nu...)‏ CD-labeling (ja, - men...)‏ PDF fil-generering (OVRPRTF)‏ m.m.m +.. jeg er blevet meget klogere..

8 Requirements (eksempler 1)‏ pp and ptf CD labeling system controlled password expiratio Add'l descriptive text on objects Thin Client Console Include source code by label reference CLP-editor CHGOBJD for IFS files *

9 ” CHGOBJD for IFS files ”

10 Requirements (eksempler 2)‏ Free form RPG compiler directives Modernization for free !! Calendar controlled jobscheduler Command DSPDTAQ Coloured 5250 screens setup /free form SQL logical summary file *

11 ” logical summary file ” (1 af 2)‏

12 ” logical summary file ” (2 af 2)‏

13 Requirements – hvordan ? bliver opmærksom, og hvad så ? – Kort beskrivelse – Hvorfor (begrundelse)‏ – Forslag til løsning – Business impact - alt på engelsk

14 ..Kort beskrivelse (1 af 5)‏ ”Reducing no of codelines”

15 .. Hvorfor ? (begrundelse) (2 af 5)‏ Problem description: – 'many' lines of code needed for simple logic.. Business logic is very often simple; - yet it requires several lines of coding which seems odd if you compare to other programming languages. Calc-logic is most often filled with extensive use of if- and select-structures. The way you have to code these structures today, ends up in many lines of code to overlook for the programmer. Current workaround: None

16 ..Forslag til løsning (3 af 5)‏ Proposed resolution: An obvious solution is demonstrated through these samples compared to current coding (all free-RPG): ********** SAMPLE A ( 66% reduction in number of codelines needed): proposed: if [condition] then [action]; current: if [condition]; [action]; endif; ********* SAMPLE B ( 80% reduction in number of codelines needed): proposed: if [condition] then [action1] else [action2]; current: if [condition]; [action1]; else; [action2]; endif;

17 ..Forslag til løsning (4 af 5)‏ ********* SAMPLE C ( 50% reduction in number of codelines needed): proposed: select; when [condition1] then [action1]; when [condition2] then [action2]; when [condition3] then [action3]; when [condition4] then [action4]; other [action5]; current: select; when [condition1]; [action1]; when [condition2]; [action2]; when [condition3]; [action3]; when [condition4]; [action4]; other [action5]; **** END samples ****

18 ..Business impact (5 af 5)‏ Business impact: – Easier to learn and overview the RPG syntax and coding, thus making it easier to create and maintain programs.

19 Hvordan formidle ’requirements’ Kontakt CEAC-medlem: Dan Foldager Tlf: 44 47 11 99

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