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Digital Kultur? Opsamling. I dag Kulturbegreb Målsætning Opsamling: de 3 kultur ritter.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Digital Kultur? Opsamling. I dag Kulturbegreb Målsætning Opsamling: de 3 kultur ritter."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Digital Kultur? Opsamling

2 I dag Kulturbegreb Målsætning Opsamling: de 3 kultur ritter

3 kursets kulturbegreb socialt (menneskeskabt) fænomen processer, praksisser, ”tegnsystemer” (menings- og identitetskabelse, forbrug, relation, differentiering) (særlige gruppers) brug af – og forholden sig til – kulturelle produkter kontekstuel indlejring produktionsvilkår

4 Kursus målsætning 1. Demonstrere en basal forståelse af kulturbegrebet i en digital kontekst, herunder forbindelsen mellem kultur og (digital) kommunikation. 2. Relatere den nye mediekultur til en bredere historisk kontekst. 3. Demonstrere kendskab til og en kritisk forståelse af vigtige kulturelle og sociale fænomener relateret til brugen af internet og informationsteknologien i hverdagslivet. 4. Udvise kendskab til forskellige metodiske indfaldsvinkler til studiet af digital kultur, og kunne anvende dem i egen praksis. 5. Kunne anvende relevante sociologiske og kulturelle teorier på en vifte af emner indenfor områderne online medier, digital kultur og digital kommunikation. 6. Selvstændigt kunne identificere et aktuelt og originalt problem/spørgsmål relateret til den sociale og kulturelle brug af IT/digital kommunikation, vælge en relevant metode for undersøgelsen/diskussion, og herefter fremlægge resultaterne med udgangspunkt i relevante teorier og observationer.

5 teksterne ”præ-digitale” tekster om kulturbegrebet teoretisk udgangspunkt historisk bevidsthed aktuelt perspektiv reflektion: ligheder/forskelle Geertz, Clifford: “Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture”. Uddrag af The Interpretation of Cultures. 1972. Gans, Herbert. J: “A Comparative Analysis of High and Popular Culture” uddrag af Popular Culture & High Culture – an Analysis and Evaluation of Taste 1973/1999. Williams, Raymond: “Towards a Sociology of Culture”. Uddrag fra Culture. 1981.

6 Opsamling: de 3 kultur ritter Gans: kunst & smag Geertz: semiosis & kontekst Williams: institution, proces, materialitet

7 Herbert J. Gans Kultur: ”the practices, goods, and ideas classified broadly under the arts (including literatur, music, architecture and design, etc. and the products of all other print media, etc.), whether used for education and aesthetic and spiritual enlightment or for entertainment and diversion. Culture also includes other symbolic products used mainly for leisure or nonsubsistence consumption” (s. 5) Herbert J. Gans sociolog 1927-

8 Gans: Kunst og smag Digitale kunstværker: Bruger teknologien (digitality) Bruger digitale mediers egenskaber (interactivity, dispersal, virtuality, variability, modularity, automation...) Indeholder ontologisk rekursivitet, vi er objekttegne (Qvortrup), fortolke vs handle (Kampmann Walther i Qvortrup)

9 Gans: Kunst og smag Rez, 2001But is it culture? Who says?

10 Gans: Kunst og smag Social software: hvem er jeg? (”similar values and aesthetic standards”)

11 Gans: Kunst og smag From consumers to producers of art

12 From calculator... Gans: Kunst og smag 1950: The NORC (Naval Ordnance Research Calculator) built at Watson Lab was the most powerful computer in the world for nearly a decade.

13 ”Culture also includes other symbolic products used mainly for leisure or nonsubsistence consumption” (Gans) Gans: Kunst og smag Everyday life

14 Clifford Geertz kultur: ”the concept of culture I essentially a semiotic one. Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of a law but an interpretive one in search of meaning” (p. 5) Clifford Geertz amerikansk antropolog 1926-2006

15 Geertz: semiosis & kontekst Myter og drømme

16 Geertz: semiosis & kontekst McDonalds Videogame Sociale handlinger er afkodelige, og også spil

17 Geertz: semiosis & kontekst ZeroG Skydancers in Second Life fælleskab, identitet, køn...

18 Kate Modern: identity, self, connections Geertz: semiosis & kontekst

19 Is it a community? Comparing helps... (ex. CommuniTree fra sidste gang)

20 Alter Ego: Avatars and Their Creators Tracy Spaight & Robbie Cooper 2007 Geertz: semiosis & kontekst Real vs virtual? bodies

21 Raymond Williams ”a sociology of culture”: ”...emphasis on a whole social order, but it differs from it in its insistence that ’cultural practice’ and ’cultural production’...are not simply derived from an otherwise constitued social order but are themselves major elements in its sees culture as the signifying system through which necessarily (though among other means) a social order is communicated, reproduced, experienced and explored.” (p. 12-13) Raymond Williams marxist ”cultural studies” 1921-1988

22 Williams: institution, proces, materialitet E-petitions, UK

23 Williams: institution, proces, materialitet Institution ”control” fra ”publikum”

24 Williams: institution, proces, materialitet

25 Complex behaviour: smartmobs Page 177 Rheingold Williams: institution, proces, materialitet

26 Close inspection of technological development reveals that technology leads a double life, one which conforms to the intentions of designers and interests of power and another which contradicts them – proceeding behind the backs of their architects to yield unintended consequences and unanticipated possibilities. Noble, 1984: 324-25 Williams: institution, proces, materialitet

27 technology shifts meaning over time MacKay, 1997: 274-76 Williams: institution, proces, materialitet

28 Du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda James, Hugh Mackay and Keith Smith. 1997. Doing Cultural Studies: The story of the Sony Walkman. London: Sage. Conclusion: the circuit of culture (around IT)

29 Works cited GEERTZ, Clifford: “Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture”. From The Interpretation of Cultures. 1972. GANS, Herbert. J: “A Comparative Analysis of High and Popular Culture”. From Popular Culture & High Culture – an Analysis and Evaluation of Taste 1973/1999. MACKAY, Hugh. 1997. “Consuming Communication Technologies at Home”. In Mackay, Hugh (ed.) Consumption and Everyday Life. London: Sage. NOBLE, D. 1984. Forces of Production. New York, Alfred Knopf. QVORTRUP, Lars. 2004. “Det gode digitale kunstværk”. In Ida Engholm & Lisbeth Klastrup, Digitale Verdener. København: Gyldendal 2004. WILLIAMS, Raymond: “Towards a Sociology of Culture”. From Culture. 1981.

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