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Neoliberalismens Rum En uafhængig studiekreds i Studenterhuset Foråret 2003 oplæg/ide af Alex K. Tonnesen og Søren Svendsen.

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1 Neoliberalismens Rum En uafhængig studiekreds i Studenterhuset Foråret 2003 oplæg/ide af Alex K. Tonnesen og Søren Svendsen

2 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT2 Oplægets opbygning: Jeg vil i dette oplæg gøre rede for følgende: –Studiegruppens værktøj (et særnummer af tidsskriftet Antipode) –Indholdet i nummeret, summarisk –Formen, herunder korrespondancen med Neil Brenner, en af redaktørerne –Indholdet i lidt nærmere detaljer –Styrken i / målet med, projektet som sådan –En række forventede spørgsmål/kommentarer –Nogle afsluttende praktiske og visionære bemærkninger til hele projektet

3 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT3 Antipode - A Radical Journal of Geography Et af de ældste og bedste kritisk-geografiske tidsskrifter Angelsaksisk, men favner verden Juli 2002, vol. 34, no. 3 Særnummeret: –Spaces of Neoliberalism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe, Guest Edited by Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore Indeholder 11 originale artikler af bl. a.: –Jessop, Swyngedouw, Brenner, Peck og Moulaert

4 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT4 Indhold – For kicks The Urbanization of Neoliberalism: Theoretical Debates Cities and State Restructuring: Pathways and Contradictions New Geographies of Power, Exclusion and Injustice

5 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT5 Form / indledende praktiske bem. Møde hver mandag i Studenterhuset kl. 20-22. Start 10/2 Pensum: En artikel En person: –Læser den grundigt –Relaterer den til tidligere/anden teori –Relaterer den til (sin egen) danske empiri –Holder oplæg –Skriver evt. et resumé/stykke papir Studie- kredsen Teori Empiri Erkendelse Viden Inspiration Debat Syntese Publikation

6 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT6 Korrespondance med Neil Brenner, NYU We are setting up a study group... discuss the article... shed light on the specific Danish situation... heighten our theoretical and analytical capacities. Form some sort of a synthesis... write an article on: Neoliberalism, urban theory and the Danish and European planning discourse. I'm delighted to hear that you found our Antipode project useful and it's great to hear you want to use this material for your reading group. I certainly have no objection to your dissemination of this material--just glad to hear that someone is reading it! Please do keep me posted on how the reading group goes; Nik and I would warmly appreciate the feedback of you and your comrades. Citat Alex K. Tonnesen:Citat Neil Brenner:

7 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT7 Indhold – For real 1 Starter med et opgør med: –”New Localism” In a geoeconomic context defined by massive upheavals of entrenched interscalar relations, local (and regional) spaces are now increasingly being viewed as key institutional arenas for a wide range of policy experiments and political strategies. (s. 1, txt. 1) See: Jessop and the concept of the spatio- temperal fix Paradoxically, much of the contemporary political appeal to the “local” actually rests upon arguments regarding allegedly uncontrollable supralocal transformations, such as globalization, the financialization of capital, the erosion of the national state, and the intensification of interspatial competition. (s. 1, txt. 1) Under these conditions, in the absence of a sustainable regulatory fix at global, supranational or national scales, localities are increasingly being viewed as the only remaining institutional arenas in which a negotiated form of capitalist regulation might be forged. (s. 1, txt. 1)

8 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT8 Indhold – For real 2 Fortsætter med en definition af: –”Actually Existing Neoliberalism” Neoliberalism and its evolving political-economic geographies (s. 2, txt. 1) Since the crisis of the Fordist- Keynesian accumulation regime and the breakdown of the Bretton Woods monetary system in the early 1970’s, (due to the halt of productivity growth, [my remark]) the global capitalist system has become increasingly neoliberalized. (s. 2, txt. 1) This multifaceted, multiscalar dynamic of neoliberalization has entailed the loosening or dismantling of the various institutional constraints upon marketization, commodification, the hyperexploitation of workers and the discretionary power of private capital that had been established through popular struggles prior to and during the postwar period (s. 2, txt. 1) Deregulation, liberalization, and state retrenchment – the linchpins of the neoliberal policy repertoire – have been imposed at a range of spatial scales, from the global and the continental to the national and the local, albeit always in context-, territory-, and/or place-specific forms (s. 3, txt. 1) [my emphasis's]

9 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT9 Indhold – For real 3 Herefter en undren: –”The socio-spatial effects of neoliberalism” Rarely theorized explicitly at the urban scale in the older industrialized world. (s. 3, txt. 1) [original emphasis] Even though discussions of the rise, consolidation, and diffusion of neoliberalism generally contain any number of implicit geographical assumptions, the complex spatialities of these developments have yet to be examined and theorized systematically, whether with reference to cities, regions, national territories, or supranational spaces. (s. 3, txt. 1) {This is a} collection on Spaces of Neoliberalism (s. 2, txt. 1) [original emphasis] First... {we will} examine the role of neoliberal political projects since the late 1970s in shaping the dynamics of urban change in North America and Western Europe. (s. 3, txt. 1) Second, by exploring the role of neoliberal politics in molding urban spaces and, more generally, in reproducing and intensifying uneven spatial development within and between cities, this collection seeks to illuminate some of the broader geographical contours, dynamics, and trajectories of neoliberalism itself as a multiscalar geoeconomic and geopolitical project. (s. 3, txt. 1)

10 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT10 Indhold – For clarity The Urbanization of Neoliberalism: Theoretical Debates –Developing theoretical frameworks through which to explore the intersection between neoliberalism and urban development Cities and State Restructuring: Pathways and Contradictions –Analyzing the logics, dynamics, and contradictions of state intervention in neoliberalizing urban spaces New Geographies of Power, Exclusion and Injustice –Examining the divisive sociospatial effects of neoliberal urban policies

11 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT11 Konkretniveau Teori Analyse Empiri Videnskabs-teoretiskniveau Ontologi Epistemologi Metodologi Vores multidisci- plinære empiriske, analytiske og teoretiske viden Vores fælles og personlige, teoretiske og analytiske evolutions-proces Styrken ved / målet med projektet!

12 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT12 Frequently Asked Questions 1 Hvorfor skal byplanlæggere beskæftige sig med det her? –Fordi neoliberalismen er en groft overset, meget nyttig vinkel på analysen af det urbane! Hvorfor skal progressive mennesker beskæftige sig med det her? –Fordi det urbane er en groft overset, meget nyttig vinkel på analysen af neoliberalismen! Hvorfor skal erklærede neoliberalister beskæftige sig med det her? –Det skal de heller ikke!

13 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT13 Frequently Asked Questions 2 Hvad skal al denne snak om neoliberalismen til for? Der er mange andre spændende vinkler! –1. Man kan også kalde det ”samfunds-udviklingen”, ”den ny verdensorden” el. lign. pointen er at vi her har med en meget spændende og meget betydningsfuld vinkel at gøre –2. Hvis det hele ikke skal ende i ren postmoderne kultur-relativistisk small-talk hvor man aldrig kommer ud af hullerne, fordi ingen er i stand til at forstå hvad nogen som helst siger, da alle taler ud fra privat udgangspunkt, så er det nødvendigt med en art fælles reference-ramme hvorudfra diskussionen kan starte. Det her er et bud på en sådan!

14 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT14 Afsluttende praktiske bemærkninger Start mandag d. 10 februar 2003 Kører alle mandage fra 20 – 22 i Studenterhuset Offentlige møder; dog med mest mulig kontinuitet Der laves offentlig tilgængelig site: –På indeholdende: Alle artiklerne, supplerende materiale, egne tekster, links og hvad vi ellers kan finde på Søren og jeg vil gerne påtage os at holde: –Oplæg 1 (d. 10/2): Generel introduktion til studiekredsen samt: ”det teoretiske fundament for analysen af den ”faktisk eksisterende neoliberalisme””

15 Neoliberalismens Rum; AKT15 Afsluttende visionær bemærkning Studiegruppen kunne ideelt set munde ud i publikationen af et værk af en art

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