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Præsentationer af emnet: "Forventningsafstemning"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Forventningsafstemning

2 KLASSERUMSKULTUR En klasse udvikler sig over tid fra:
Det første møde Efter få måneder Efter år Over denne tid kommer klassen igennem tre udviklingsfaser: Tilhørerfasen Kontrolfasen Nærhedsfasen

3 Tilhørerfasen Her er den enkelte optaget af at blive en del af klassen – finde ud af, hvem de andre er og hvad det hele går ud på. Man frygter for at blive udelukket og er spændt på, hvilken plads man kommer til at indtage. Kvaliteten af det man producerer i gruppearbejde er begrænset p.g.a. denne usikkerhed.

4 Kontrolfasen Kontrolfasen er gruppeprocessens vanskeligste, idet man ikke længerer er så ’pæne’, men træder frem med egne meninger og holdninger og her udfordres de som i starten havde taget magten i gruppe p.g.a. at den mest populære, smarteste eller den smukkeste. Kampen om den kulturelle norm er begyndt. Her kan der sje forskellige gruppedannelser. De grupper der kommer igennem denne fase uden klikedannelse/mistænksomhed – glider automatisk over i den mest modne fase – nærhedsfasen.

5 Nærhedsfasen I nærhedsfasen har medlemmerne fået en realistisk opfattelse af egne og andres styrke og svagheder. Man accepterer hinanden og støtter hinanden menneskeligt og fagligt. Modtager og giver kritik på en konstruktiv måde. Det gir’ højere kvalitet i arbejdet og et godt klasserumsmiljø, som gør skoleårene en positiv oplevelse.


7 DOING WORK What’s your strategy? Avoid – it’s too scary/difficult
Wait for the excitement – I work best under pressure Wait with the decision - I want to do it right. Dr Piers Steel from Calgary University

It’s less scary if you slice it: do things step-by-step It’s more exciting if you enjoy the steps: start from what seems most interesting/work in an attractive set-up (with your favourite music on, on a sofa, together with a classmate over pizza) Don’t aim at perfection: try to work on a draft first, if you want to collect info: set a deadline for that, afterwards write your draft Work in time slots of 25 minutes (set an alarm clock) – in those 25 minutes don’t answer anybody – your phone and sound are switched off! Reward yourself – if you finish on time, you will watch a movie/ go out/ go to bed early…

9 STUDENT A fails to attend classes regularly (never on time often absent) starts his vacations early and returns late inattentive in class (back row, hoping to chat, do his homework or doze) assignments late or never handed in revises at the last moment (gives up on other subjects)

10 STUDENT B attends all her classes and daydreams her way through the day never asks a single question hands in all assignments (which usually contain some of the most obvious points taken from the teacher/textbook) revises for exams when her parents tell her to by staring at the book and teacher’s notes

11 STUDENT C never misses a class (determined to do well)
constantly asking the teacher questions about his performance, and what he should improve wants to meet all reguirements of his assignments exam provokes him into a frenzy, he wants everything repeated over and over again

12 STUDENT D never misses a class (determined to do well)
constantly asking the teacher questions about assignments: how many pages? what colour? what font? exam makes her plan even more: how many hours a day should she revise?

13 STUDENT E never misses a class (determined to do well)
constantly complaining about everything ”teacher X. does not explain things cleary” ”the chapter in the book isn’t very good” ”this is too difficult a topic to do”

14 STUDENT F highly intelligent
pays attention to what the teacher is saying (asks and comments) delights in class discussions written work is always disappointing (either not on time or lacking evidence of hard work) ”Don’t worry, ” he says, ”my final examination grades will be good.”

15 SUCCESSFUL STUDENT is motivated to succeed
is aware of what needs to be done to achieve his goals actually gets started is actively involved in the process of self-education becomes interested in the subjects being studied has the persistence and self discipline to carry his efforts through to the end

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