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The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute Staff Meeting March. 5. 2010 Det Tekniske Fakultet.

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1 The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute Staff Meeting March. 5. 2010 Det Tekniske Fakultet

2 Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet Staff Meeting Agenda, March 5th. 2010 Coffee and breakfast rolls Research and Development The Formula Student project, Karsten Holm Andersen Messages and questions from the floor From Institute, Faculty and University Follow-up on the job satisfaction survey Faculty and institute economy – 2010 to 2013

3 Messages and Questions From the Floor ? ! Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

4 The job satisfaction survey – Faculty (1) In early April I have to convey you reflections on the three issues the Engineering Faculty has decided to focus on: Definition of and information about the goals of the organisation. Open and honest treatment of conflicts Acknowledgment for contribution to the dean and the rest of the faculty management group Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

5 The job satisfaction survey – Faculty (2)... Therefore I will send you a mail, asking you to reflect on the three issues in your “natural work groups”. I want you to reflect on situations where  You find that goals are unclear  You sense conflicts you think ought to be handled  You think there is a lack of acknowledgment The purpose is to get a better feeling/understanding of the kind of situations that need to bee handled when actions are planned. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

6 The job satisfaction survey – Faculty (3)... So when you gather in you research group, your semester group, in lab. groups, social groups etc. in the coming month, please have this on the agenda.  The message you want to send – send it to Charlotte.  Charlotte is you representative in the Work Environment Group  Charlotte will compile you input and give it to me ( If you prefer to send you individual reflections you are welcome to do so) Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

7 Det Tekniske Fakultet Økonomiforhandlinger 2010 Økonomisk oversigt for TEK 2010 – 2013 MMMI

8 Det Tekniske Fakultet TEK’s nuværende budget

9 Det Tekniske Fakultet

10 Langsigtet aktivitetsniveau (1) Mål: n Klar ramme for de kommende års aktiviteter n Sikre at TEK undgår choks i økonomistyringen n Fastholde nødvendig egenkapital n Sikre forudsigelighed Krav: n Afspejle realistiske forventninger n Robust og holdbart n Tage høje for risici på indtægts- og udgiftssiden n Indbygge vækstmuligheder for institutter og fakultet Flere STÅ = flere penge (Ny overheadmodel for private midler = flere penge)

11 Det Tekniske Fakultet Langsigtet aktivitetsniveau (2) Aktivitetsniveau: 160 mio. kr. årligt  Fastfrysning af 2009-niveau  PL-reguleres Sparekrav TEK (institutter): I forhold til 2010-budget:  2010: 6 mio. kr.  2011: 8 mio. kr.  2012: 12 mio. kr.  2013: 12 mio. kr.

12 Det Tekniske Fakultet Langsigtet aktivitetsniveau (3)

13 Det Tekniske Fakultet Udmøntning for institutterne 2009 prisniveau 20092010201120122013 Indtægter 102.072 105.124 99.529 98.063 99.212 Udgifter 138.806 142.544 140.547 135.512 132.946 Underskud 36.734 37.420 41.018 37.449 33.734 Sparekrav 5.469 7.291 10.937 Bloktilskud 31.951 33.727 26.512 22.797 40% eksterne aktiviteter 12.781 13.491 10.605 9.119 Forhandlingspulje 19.171 20.236 15.907 13.678 Aktivitetsniveau 2010 138.806 137.075 133.256 124.575 122.009

14 Det Tekniske Fakultet MMMI 1.000,- kr.20092010201120122013 Planlagte udgifter 24.639 27.435 27.502 25.731 26.413 Indtægter, budgetmodel 18.664 17.524 16.875 16.491 Tilskud, eksterne midler 3.147 4.003 4.226 3.322 2.856 Tilskud, forhandling 1.321 3.000 - - - Resultat 888 -1.768 -5.752 -5.534 -7.066 Primo egenkapital 6.608 4.840 -0.912 -6.446 Ultimo egenkapital 6.608 4.840 -0.912 -6.446 -13.511

15 2010 - planned actions to stabilize the economy. Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet  Optimize the amount of staff salary accounted to external projects.  Reduce cost of services from institute external labs (electronics, mechanics)  Optimize utilization of MMMI electronics lab.  Increase coordination of international programs with regular education programs.

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