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Præsentation er lastning. Vent venligst Expert Meeting on Accreditation Hans Monrad Graunbøl Glasgow, the 9th of February 2012 Danish experiences on accreditation.

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1 Expert Meeting on Accreditation Hans Monrad Graunbøl Glasgow, the 9th of February 2012 Danish experiences on accreditation

2 A distinction between … Drug/alcohol treatment programs 15 programs (High intensity) Substitution treatment Motivational programs (both prior to and after treatment) Cognitive/behavioral programs Anger management Cognitive Skills Booster VFP Nye veje 2 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation

3 The development of… Drug/alcohol treatment programs Prior to 1997 = non- exsistent A steady increase 1997-2006 2007. Treatment guarantee. Cognitive/behavioral programs 1993-94. Cognitive skills 2000-2012. Other programs emerge. 3 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation

4 Program courses and completion 2011 Courses started Completed/ Ongoing (%) Motivational programs150954 % Drug and alcohol73162 % Substitution treatment11257 % Cogn. /behav. programs550*80 % N = 289261 % Key figures A question of validity and reliability!  = accredited programs * Estimated. 2011 not updated. 4 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation

5 5 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation Follow-up and re-accreditation 2011-2016 1st half of 2011 2nd half of 2011 1st half of 2012 2nd half of 2012 1st half of 2013 2nd half of 2013 1st half of 2014 2nd half of 2014 1st half of 2015 2nd half of 2015 1st half of 2016 Kongens Ø (2007) Vridsløselille ANR+HMG Sct. Ols (2007) Jyderup NBI+HMG Blå Kors (2007) Kærshovedgård ANR+NBI Kontakten (2008) Ringe NSO+HMG POM (2009) KF ANR+NSO CSU Horsens (2009) Ndr. Snede NSO+ANR CSU Horsens (2010) Møgelkær NBI+ANR Sydgården (2010) Renbæk NBI+NSO Pro. Menneske (2010) Horserød NSO+HMG Hjulsøgaard (2010) Østjylland ANR+NSO Hjulsøgaard Møgelkær NSO+NBI ROC Søbysøgaard NBI+HMG Sydgården Sønder Omme NBI+HMG Sct. Ols Nyborg HMG+NBI Region Nordjylland Kragskovhede NSO+ANR Det kognitive færdigheds- Program (KUC) Anger Management (KUC) Forbehandlingen Esbjerg Farvekoder Accredited Re-accreditation Acrreditationprocess starts First follow-up Minor follow-up Major follow-up

6 Follow-up A lot of ressources has to be invested Difficulties meeting the demands that we put forward. However…some improvements on documentation after follow-up Sanctions? 6 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation

7 Sanctions Contracts with private companys = an advantage? Dilemma between the legislative demands and organisational demands Pragmatic approach! 7 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation

8 The future No plans of expanding our accreditation efforts However, a few high-intensity drug/alcohol programs can be replaced + 3 more programs might be accredited Focal point: valid and reliable documentation 8 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation

9 9 Danish experiences – expert meeting on accreditation Department of Prisons and Probation Follow-up and re-accreditation 2011-2016 1st half of 2011 2nd half of 2011 1st half of 2012 2nd half of 2012 1st half of 2013 2nd half of 2013 1st half of 2014 2nd half of 2014 1st half of 2015 2nd half of 2015 1st half of 2016 Kongens Ø (2007) Vridsløselille ANR+HMG Sct. Ols (2007) Jyderup NBI+HMG Blå Kors (2007) Kærshovedgård ANR+NBI Kontakten (2008) Ringe NSO+HMG POM (2009) KF ANR+NSO CSU Horsens (2009) Ndr. Snede NSO+ANR CSU Horsens (2010) Møgelkær NBI+ANR Sydgården (2010) Renbæk NBI+NSO Pro. Menneske (2010) Horserød NSO+HMG Hjulsøgaard (2010) Østjylland ANR+NSO Hjulsøgaard Møgelkær NSO+NBI ROC Søbysøgaard NBI+HMG Sydgården Sønder Omme NBI+HMG Sct. Ols Nyborg HMG+NBI Region Nordjylland Kragskovhede NSO+ANR Det kognitive færdigheds- Program (KUC) Anger Management (KUC) Forbehandlingen Esbjerg Farvekoder Accredited Re-accreditation Acrreditationprocess starts First follow-up Minor follow-up Major follow-up

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