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Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Usability af lokalitetsspecifikke digitale tjenester John Paulin Hansen (10)

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Usability af lokalitetsspecifikke digitale tjenester John Paulin Hansen (10)"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Usability af lokalitetsspecifikke digitale tjenester John Paulin Hansen (10)

2 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking af mobile enheder

3 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Fremtidens arbejdsplads

4 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Crossroads Copenhagen IT-højskolen NOKIA Danmark A/S DR CSC Danmark A/S Det Humanistiske Fakultet (KUA) Det Kongelige Bibliotek Hewlett-Packard A/S Skanska A/S TDC A/S

5 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Robert Metcalfe´s law (-the guy who founded 3COM and designed the Ethernet Protocol for computer networks) ”The Usefulness, or utility, of a network equals the square of the number of users” What is 20.000 x 20.000? Laboratory for Context-dependent Mobile Communication: LaCoMoCo

6 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen*2.55:5,2,1;time Tracking individuals Tracking groups Tracking behaviour patterns Tracking objects Tracking origins of data Tracking un-identified people

7 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking individuals Big brother (but he is a nice guy): –Where am I? –Where is my meeting partner? –Where did I leave my keys ?- well, no problem...

8 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking groups –Which of the cantinas have people I prefer having lunch with gone to? –Are there any interesting people in the faculty room that I would like to talk to? –How long time have they been there?

9 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking behaviour patterns –Where do people gather? –Who stops and talk together spontaneously? –Are there any people most likely on their way to the bicycle basement? –When should the heat be turned on?

10 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking objects –Where is the nearest available video projector? –Where is the toilet room? –Where did I leave my mobile computer?

11 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking origins of data Where is the voice recording from yesterdays meeting located? Who should permit that I use the recording? Where do I find the video recording of last weeks lecture?

12 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Tracking un-identified people Where are the located? How did they get in there? What rooms should be sealed to keep them away from any vulnerable inventory?

13 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Related research areas Pervasive computing Ubiquitous computing Extended internet Ambient computing ”The Aware Home”, Georgia Institute of Technology ”The walls are listening”, Washington Institute of Technology But remember ROBERT METCALFE´S law!!

14 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen 10 minutters individuel opgave Skriv en ”1-liner”, der siger noget om hvordan fremtidens arbejdsplads med kontekst-bestemt mobil kommunikation vil forme sig: Eksempelvis: ”Mia havde lyst til at være helt alene, så hun lod sin PDA blive på kontoret ”

15 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Scenarier Beskriver model-brugerene og de interface elementer som en bruger vil opleve - anvendelsesberetninger Susanne Bødker, J. M. Carroll

16 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Scenarie-eksempel Year 2010: A person is approaching you in his wheelchair. A mobile computer with a built-in camera is attached to his chair. The person is controlling his wheelchair by simply looking in the direction he wants to drive. Within talking distance, he introduces himself: ”Excuse me, my name is John Smith. I am very thirsty. Would you mind assisting me for a second?” he asks, with a natural voice coming fluently out of the computers loudspeaker. He starts operating the nearby vending machine by looking at a graphical image of its buttons on his screen. Withdrawal is done automatically from his account. ”Could you please pick up one of my straws? They are in the bag hanging on the back of my chair. Look at my screen and I will show you where they are.” He starts a pre-recorded video sequence, and freezes an image of the opened bag. With a cursor following his gaze, he points at a pocket in the bag. You open the bag, find the straw in the pocket, and put it in the can and in his mouth. He obviously must have had the bag all filmed by his caretaker before leaving home this morning, you realize.

17 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen ” Et fald i år 2019” Hvor mange af Sofies slags? Hvad er mest sandsynligt? Hvad er mindst sandsynligt?

18 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Kursusevalueringen Mine konklusioner på den konstruktive feedback: –Mere integration mellem øvelser og forelæsninger –Grupperne skal selv tilrettelægge samarbejdet med opdragsgiveren –Holde sig til tema- og læseplanen

19 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen Eksamen 15. januar 2003 6 timers individuel skriftlig eksamen 2 timers heuristisk evaluering af givet website 4 timers udarbejdelse af teoretisk begrundet forslag til UA-strategi for websitet, inklusiv budget og tidsplan - mulighed for diskussion uden for lokalet Al litteratur fra pensum må medbringes

20 Usability E2002, IT-højskolen CPH, Paulin Hansen ”Hvad skal de bevilges ?” 5 slides + site demo + beløb 16:00 Gruppe 1 16:20 Gruppe 2 16:40 Gruppe 3 17:10 Gruppe 4 17:30 Gruppe 5 17:50 Gruppe 6 18:10 Gruppe 7

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