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Digital Kultur Complexity. I dag Complexity Rheingold: smartmobs Cavanagh: network society Keen: amateurs Mini kursus-evaluering.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Digital Kultur Complexity. I dag Complexity Rheingold: smartmobs Cavanagh: network society Keen: amateurs Mini kursus-evaluering."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Digital Kultur Complexity

2 I dag Complexity Rheingold: smartmobs Cavanagh: network society Keen: amateurs Mini kursus-evaluering

3 complexity Complex is complicated, intricate, hard to understand or deal with. Complex is also something composed of many interconnected parts, or has a complicated arrangement of parts. A complex system consists of many interconnected and interdependent parts. The parts themselves may be simple or complex, but the real complexity comes from their interaction. The complex behaviour of the system is said to be emergent, it cannot be inferred by the behaviour of its components. Both things are true of Sweestser

4 The collective behaviour of the system is not equal to the simple sum of its parts. 100 billion neurons Sweestser

5 Properties of complex systems PROPERTYDESCRIPTIONBRAIN example Elements Basic components of the system Neurons Interaction Take place between elements Synapses Formation How interactions and elements are formed Learning Diversity Diverse range of behaviours and states Potential, pathways Environment Where interactions occurBody, world Activities Carried out by the systemThought, behaviour, motor control Sweestser

6 Examples of complex systems PhysicalBiologicalSocial GasesDNAGovernments CrystalsCellsCulture LasersOrganismsMilitary WeatherBrainEconomy FluidsHumansFamily GlassesProteinsCorporation EarthquakesEcosystemsFlock FractalsEmbryosTraffic SolidsAnt ColonyInternet Galactic StructuresLifeOnline games Sweestser

7 emergence Properties, behaviours and structure that occur at higher levels of a system, which are not present or predictable at lower levels, i.e. a brain is not a collection of neurons, it is a thinking machine. Sweestser

8 Do smartmobs show emergent behaviour? Page 177 Rheingold

9 Tekst-guides Rheingold: SmartMobs

10 roleplay You are spin doctor for the first opposition party in Danmark. You dont seem to be making any advances in popularity even though the government makes some ”mistakes”. The government announces the suppression of the S.U. System, and your party leader charges you with the following assignment: get a smartmob to protest heavily and ruin an international topmeeting that is about to take place in Copenhagen. -Can you do that? -Why is it a good idea for your party?

11 give us a break!

12 complex popular culture Johnson, 70 Degrees of passivity?

13 complex popular culture Dallas´s Social Network (Johnson, 110)

14 complex popular culture 24´s Social Network (Johnson, 112)

15 How complex is our activity in relationship to digital culture?

16 Tekst-guides Cavanagh: Network society

17 give us a break!

18 Tekst-guides Keen: Amateurs

19 wikipedia Can knowledge be democratic? How is the quality of the articles? Process of edition? How much can we trust it?

20 Til OM 2 uger! (påskeferie) lÆS –Kahn, Richard and Kellner, Douglas. 2004. “Technopolitics and Oppositional Media”. –Norris, Pippa. 2001. The Digital Divide – Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide. –Mehra, Bharat. 2006. “An Action Research Manifesto for Cyberculture Power to “marginalized” Cultures of Difference. Praktisk: find eksempler på politisk digital kultur som er relevante for at dele med holdet og som relaterer sig til de artikler (i.e. En politiker´s brug af blogkommunikation, en projekt som etc.

21 Bibliography Bell, David. 2007. Cyberculture Theorists. Manuel Castells and Donna Haraway. London: Routledge. Johnson, Steven. 2005. Everything Bad is Good For You. London: Penguin. Sweestser, Penny. 2006. Emergence in games. Boston, MA: Charles River Media.

22 The poll: undervisning Jeg foretrækker den NY stil / den GAMLE stil 1/3 ting som er gode/vil beholde: -Forlæsning -kursusemner - tekst-guides -to-og-to forberedelse til diskussion (folk kan tvinges!) - God eksamensform: opgave skrivning 1/3 ting som er skidte/kan forbedres: - Mere tid på forlæsning (perspektivering) og teksterne (fordybelse) -øvelser -Læsebyrden er for stor (derfor kan folk ikke deltage i diskussioner) -Nogle svære tekster - Info om eksamensopgave ikke ud endnu

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