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Everything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine - J.W. v. Goethe.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Everything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine - J.W. v. Goethe."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Everything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine - J.W. v. Goethe

2 Manuel Castells The Network Society, Vol. I – III, Butterworth, 1996-8

3 Det er Castells grundlæggende hypotese, at fremtidens økonomiske enhed bliver det tvær-organiatoriske projekt i netværk. Det bliver fremtidens ”business unit”. Men det kræver nye arbejdsroller. Sådanne foreslår han som følger:

4 Værdi-skabelse: De aktuelle opgaver, der udføres i en given arbejdsproces Relations-skabelse: Forholdet mellem en given organisation og dens omgivelser, incl. andre organisationer Beslutnings-skabelse: Forholdet mellem ledere (“managers”)

5 Værdi-skabelse: De aktuelle opgaver, der udføres i en given arbejdsproces. Disse opgaver er de fundamentale i enhver produktion, det være sig af produkter, processer eller services: Strategisk beslutningstagen og strategisk planlægning udført af kommandører Innovation i produkter og processer udført af forskere/udviklere Tilpasning, gruppering og målretning af produkter og processer udført af designere Ledelse af relationerne mellem beslutning, innovation, design og udførelse under hensyntagen til tilgængelige midler til at nå de specificerede mål; udføres af integratorer Udførelse af opgaver på eget initiativ og med egen forståelse; udføres af operatører Udførelse af, underordnede, præprogrammerede hjælpe- (støtte)opgaver der ikke er og ikke kan automatiseres; udføres af menneskelige robotter, de bearbejdede (“the operated”)

6 Relations-skabelse: Forholdet mellem en given organisation og dens omgivelser, incl. andre organisationer. Behov for og kapacitet til at sørge for, at enhver opgave og dens udfører kan kobles sammen med andre arbejdere i real-tid, det være sig indenfor organisationen såvel som udenfor i hele systemet. Netværkere, der på eget initiativ udvikler og udarbejder forbindelser til andre netværk samt navigerer i disse netværk Netværkede, der er on-line i netværket men uden selv at kunne beslutte hvornår, hvordan, hvorfor og med hvem De afkoblede bundet til deres specifikke opgaver, der er ikke-interaktive envejs instruktioner

7 Beslutnings-skabelse: Forholdet mellem ledere (“managers”) og medarbejdere i en given organisation eller et givet netværk. Beslutterne, der træffer beslutningerne i sidste instans Deltagerne, der er involveret i beslutnings- processerne Udførerne som implementerer beslutningerne i praksis

8 Janine Nahapiet and Sumantra Ghoshal: Academy of Management Review, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1998

9 Monitoring and Control of Collaborative Innovation in Small Firms' Networks Hermann Kühnle Gerd Wagenhaus ICE Lisbon, 2008

10 SME Networks for Innovation must be Powered by strong success visions extremely efficient self- organized processes innovations outside of organizational boundaries and across conventional hierarchies. a shared sense of trust reciprocity informality community among members

11 The crucial trust base between the partners will erode if transparency of the processes, the learning progresses, or the motivation of partners are lacking. Learning through collaboration and effective self-organization absolutely requires that the network has a "window" on the partners' capabilities, assets and commitments.

12 However, the experiences with collaborative innovation processes involving small firms show that the very detailed monitoring of the partners' roles and involvements is not only laborious and time consuming, but may also decrease the motivation and even hurt the common trust base. Detailed evaluations of the network configurations and the partners' commitments are only to be initiated, if the key indicators, agreed upon, are clearly underachieved.

13 Innovation networks may utmost profit from autonomy and self organised learning, if a solid trust base is given and upheld. Therefore all partners have to be able to verify at any time the others partners' competencies and commitments concerning the innovation object.

14 Creative Neigbourghood

15 Three attributes for monitoring: 1.Competencies and Skills 2.Level of Attractiveness 3.Strength of Relations





20 Monitoring Indicators

21 Check the partner


23 Certainly there are relations between criticality and innovative outcome. There is some evidence that the thesis: "The more frequently critical states may be found in innovation networks, the higher the chances for innovative outcome" (critical states with avalanches of innovations [Bak, 1996]) could be valid)


25 Kant in 1784 “What is Enlightenment?”: “Enlightenment is man’s release from his self- incurred tutelage. Tutelage is man’s inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere Aude! “Have courage to use your own reason!” – that is the motto of enlightenment.” Foucault responded 200 years later, that Enlightenment can be taken to be: “… The art of not being governed quite so much by  Dogma from the (Christian) scriptures  Authorities  Language and text from science (humanities, sociology, natural)

26 Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said: “The flag is moving.” The other said: “The wind is moving.” The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by. He told them: “Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving.” Wind, flag, mind moves. The same understanding. When the mouth opens All are wrong.”

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