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ITera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Nye anvendelsesområder for en High Availability løsning Soft Design seminar, Gl. Avernæs,

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1 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Nye anvendelsesområder for en High Availability løsning Soft Design seminar, Gl. Avernæs, 11. september 2012 Ellen Dreyer Andersen Certificeret IT Specialist, IBM Danmark A/S

2 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Downtime Source: IBM HA Presentation, Eric Hess, April 2001 Causes Of Downtime Solution Required   * ‘HA’ generally refers to solutions that provide BOTH recovery and availability. Not all technologies provide a solution for BOTH…iTera 6.0 HA does Downtime refers to a period of time or a percentage of a timespan that a machine or system (usually a computer server) is offline or not functioning, usually as a result of either system failure (such as a crash or routine maintenance. Reliability is not the same as Availability! Disaster Recovery High Availability (Continuous Operations)

3 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Formål med installationen ?  Sikre mod uplanlagt nedbrud / katastrofer  Køre videre under planlagte nedlukninger  Backup på spejlet  Forespørgsler på spejlet (aflastning)  Andet …

4 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Popular Replication Scenarios One-to-One Replication (A to B Scenario) One-to-Many Replication (A to B & C Scenario) Bi-Directional Replication Single-System Replication (A to B scenario) Many-to-One Replication One-to-Many Replication 1 2 4 3 5 6 Production System (A) Backup System (B) Production System (A) Backup System (B) Replicant/ Backup System (C) Production LPAR Backup LPAR Backup LPAR Production LPAR Production LPAR (A) Backup LPAR (B) Backup LPAR Production System Production System Backup LPAR Backup system Production LPAR Production LPAR Backup system ‘Flexibility = Business Value’

5 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Role Swap/rolleskift  Backupmaskine anvendes til produktion:  Kan applikationerne startes?  Hvad med externe forbindelser?  Printere, bruger ID’er osv. Tro ikke bare på at det virker – PRØV DET !

6 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Et eksempel fra det virkelige liv Mols-Linien råder i dag over 5 moderne færger, der årligt overfører næsten 1.000.000 personbiler og mere end 300.000 lastbiler.

7 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Opgaven DKDDT Model E8A DKDDTBB Model MMA Erstattes af DKDDT Model MMC DKDDTBB Model MMC Delvis OMS/ODS Mirror spejling Fuld spejling med iTera HA Erstatte 2 stk. iSeries med 2 Power/i maskiner med minimal nedetid FRA: TIL:

8 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Opgaven Opgradere 2 stk. iSeries til system/i uden nedetid Fra model E8A (produktion) --- > model MMA (spejl) Til model MMC (produktion) --- > model MMC (spejl) Omlægning fra OMS/ODS til iTera  Step 1: Sætte ny backup maskine ind i nettet Installation af iTera og spejling til ny backupmaskine SAMTIDIG med eksisterende spejl  Step 2: Virtuelt rolleskift med iTera – er nyt spejl OK?  Derefter nedlukning af OMS/ODS til gammelt spejl  Step 3: Sætte ny produktionsmaskine ind i nettet  Installation af iTera på ny produktionsmaskine og spejling af alle data  Step 4: TEST TEST TEST – igen virtuelt rolleskift  Step 5: Rigtigt rolleskift og derefter produktion på ny maskine

9 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Step 1 Model E8A Model MMA Ny Power 7 MMC Delvis OMS/ODS spejling Ny backup maskine sættes i netværket og spejles op Fuld spejling med iTera HA

10 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Step 2 Model E8A Model MMA Ny Power 7 MMC Delvis OMS/ODS spejling Virtuelt rolleskift og derefter gammel spejling ud Fuld spejling med iTera HA

11 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Virtual Test Role Swap Run regularly (quarterly) to check backup system is role swap ready (RSR) Allows you to test startup procedures and business applications on backup system No effect on users on the production system No system exposure or data loss Can be executed in middle of the day Virtual Mode suspends the apply process on the target Replication continues and transactions are cached on the backup While in Virtual Mode processes can be executed on the backup node to test the applications including adding, updating data When tests are complete changes made on the backup are rolled-back and normal mirroring continues A log of each virtual test is produced ‘Role-Swap Tests With No Downtime’ Virtual Test Role Swap Initiation Click here for animation of Virtual Test Role Swap

12 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Production (Source) System Backup (Target) System iTera Apply Job Production DB Local Journal Remote Journal Business Applications Business Applications Data applied in real-time to backup database Data still sent to backup system but not applied iTera apply is suspended Users test business applications ZZ Audit heals backup database Virtual Test Role Swap ‘Role-Swap Tests With No Downtime’ During normal replication users and business applications update the production database. Data is captured in the local journal which automatically sends a copy of the data to the remote journal. The iTera HA apply job reads the remote journal and applies the data to the backup database in real-time. The production and backup databases are in-synch. 1 During a virtual role swap test the iTera HA apply job is suspended so the backup database is frozen at a point in time, simulating an unplanned failure. Users are unaffected on production. Production data remains protected because it is still being sent to the remote journal. Users can now sign onto the backup system and test the backup application including running batch update routines. 2 After users have finished testing the backup system, the backup database is then ‘healed ‘(rolled back) using the iTera HA ZZ Audit feature. The backup database is locally journalled so user updates can be identified. The ZZ Audit retrieves records that need to be healed from the source database by RRN. This introduces no down- time and is much faster than a traditional full database re-sync. 3 After the backup database has been healed by ZZ Audit normal mirroring resumes. During the virtual role swap test there has been no down-time and no risk to production data. Typically customers run virtual role swap tests during the day so there is no out of ours working plus planning and scheduling is reduced to a minimum. 4 Backup DB Local Journal

13 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Production (Source) System Backup (Target) System iTera Apply Job Production DB Local Journal Remote Journal Business Applications Business Applications Data applied in real-time to backup database Data still sent to backup system but not applied iTera apply is suspended Users test business applications ZZ Audit heals backup database Virtual Test Role Swap ‘Role-Swap Tests With No Downtime’ During normal replication users and business applications update the production database. Data is captured in the local journal which automatically sends a copy of the data to the remote journal. The iTera HA apply job reads the remote journal and applies the data to the backup database in real-time. The production and backup databases are in-synch. 1 During a virtual role swap test the iTera HA apply job is suspended so the backup database is frozen at a point in time, simulating an unplanned failure. Users are unaffected on production. Production data remains protected because it is still being sent to the remote journal. Users can now sign onto the backup system and test the backup application including running batch update routines. 2 After users have finished testing the backup system, the backup database is then ‘healed ‘(rolled back) using the iTera HA ZZ Audit feature. The backup database is locally journalled so user updates can be identified. The ZZ Audit retrieves records that need to be healed from the source database by RRN. This introduces no down- time and is much faster than a traditional full database re-sync. 3 After the backup database has been healed by ZZ Audit normal mirroring resumes. During the virtual role swap test there has been no down-time and no risk to production data. Typically customers run virtual role swap tests during the day so there is no out of ours working plus planning and scheduling is reduced to a minimum. 4 Backup DB Local Journal

14 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Step 3 Model E8A Ny MMC prod Ny MMC backup Fuld iTera HA spejling Ny Power 7 produktionsmaskine sættes i netværket og spejles op Fuld iTera HA spejling

15 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Hvad skal spejles?  ALTING …?  Udmærket anledning til at rydde op  Ting der IKKE kan spejles  Spejle alt hvad der er nødvendigt for at køre videre på ny produktionsmaskine  Brugerprofiler, autorisationslister, programmer, print …?

16 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Step 4 Model E8A Ny MMC prod Ny MMC backup Fuld iTera HA spejling TEST TEST TEST – virtuelt rolleskift flere gange Fuld iTera HA spejling

17 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Step 5 Model E8A Ny MMC prod Ny MMC backup Fuld iTera HA spejling Rigtigt rolleskift ! Fuld iTera HA spejling

18 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Opgaven DKDDT Model E8A DKDDTBB Model MMA DKDDT Model MMC DKDDTBB Model MMC Delvis OMS/ODS Mirror spejling Fuld spejling med iTera HA Erstatte 2 stk. iSeries med 2 Power/i maskiner med minimal nedetid FRA: TIL: Løst – sammenlagt nedetid på under 11 timer... Projektets varighed: 23.1. til 22.4.2012

19 iTera HA - High Availability and real-time Disaster Recovery Spørgsmål ? Ellen Dreyer Andersen,, tlf. 2880

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