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0 Patienter og pårørende i fremtidens hospital Telemedicinske løsninger og muligheder.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "0 Patienter og pårørende i fremtidens hospital Telemedicinske løsninger og muligheder."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 0 Patienter og pårørende i fremtidens hospital Telemedicinske løsninger og muligheder

2 1

3 2 Det telemedicinske vindue © Martin Vesterby

4 3 Intel og GE (Har lavet et nyt selskab)

5 4 Philips Motiva

6 5 Tunstall

7 6 Medisat

8 7 Det virtuelle Hospital TELEKAT

9 8 Microsoft

10 9 Google Health

11 10 Facebook 13 marts 2010 slog facebook Google i antal hits på internettet

12 11 Patients like me Patienter har selv gennemført et multicenter studie

13 12 ”Doctors like me”

14 13 Health Care - Top 10 – 2010 – 1. GE Its Healthymagination program is investing $6 billion over the next several years in mobile scanners, digital information, and other innovations in health care. 2. PatientsLikeMe The new model of online support groups, PatientsLikeMe has real-world data on symptoms and treatments. 3. Athenahealth Jonathan Bush's physician-billing-and-practice-management business is bringing the benefits of cloud computing to the doctor's office. 4. Sermo Physicans use this free Web service to discuss treatments and other medical issues anonymously. In September, the "Facebook for doctors" became a political force when members amassed 10,000 signatures for a petition opposing the American Medical Association's acceptance of the House health-care reform bill. 5. Kaiser Permanente It is working with the nation's VA hospitals to launch one of the largest electronic- medical-record pilot programs in the country. Its Garfield Center test lab does research on telemedicine and Wii-based exercise programs.

15 14 Det simpleste - mails Stadig flere bruger e-mail til at kontakte deres læge. 4,4 pct. af kontakterne til almen praksis i 2009 var e-mail-konsultationer mod 3,2 pct. året før. Antallet af telefonkonsultationer faldt fra 2008 til 2009 med 450.000, mens e-mail- konsultationer steg med 510.000. Kilde: Danmarks statistik, Ugeskriftet for læger 7 juli 2010

16 15 Forskning og IT Personal Genome Project • første hele genom – pris ca. 30 milliarder kr. • 7 år senere - for et helt genom – pris ca. 11.000 kr. • I dag (2010) er 20 komplette arvemasse kortlagt • I 2014 forventes 1 million kortlagt Dette er kun muligt på grund af hurtigere computere og netforbindelser

17 16 Samling af alt den information der genereres ligger til grund for nyt videnskabsområde: System biologi •Kræver kæmpe databaser/lagerplads •Data kan tilgås af alle •Forskning, diagnostik og behandling over afstand

18 17 IT-Monster

19 18 The RRS Project The effect of a telemedicine solution for communication, information and remote support of rehabilitation, for patients undergoing, first time, total hip arthroplasty surgery.

20 19 • Purpose: • To support and strengthen the connection between home and hospital in optimized fast track orthopedic surgery procedures • To bring preoperative education of the patient, dissemination of information and postoperative support to a new level • Interdisciplinary research: • Computer science, health science, physiotherapy, ethnography • Cooperation between the Region Hospital Silkeborg, Computer Science Department AU, Capgemini, TDC, SAS institute A/S, Lundbeckfond Center and Caretech Innovation The RRS Project

21 20 • To evaluate the effect of RRS as one of few RCT (Randomized Clinical Trial) in the area of Telemedicine • To reduce the time of hospitalization • Ability to create an environment for rehabilitation, which corresponds to the hospital or better • To gain experience in the field of health infrastructure/application in the homes of patients • Use Participatory Design (PD)/User Driven Innovation (UDI) in design and development process Goals

22 21 Design - Does not indicate disease – fits into home environment

23 22 Movie

24 23 • The RRS project will evaluate a fast-track orthopedic surgery procedure (control group) for THA with an estimated average of 2.5 days of hospitalization with the optimized fast-track orthopedic surgery procedure (intervention group) for THA supported by RSS and the goal of an average of 1.5 day of hospitalization The aim of the RCT

25 24 Evidence-based medicine (EBM) • No evidence – no known effects • Different levels of evidence – most level III • U.S. Preventive Task Force, Wikipedia • RCT is the golden standard in today's medicine Why evidence in patient-related solutions

26 25 Martin Vesterby Tak

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