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Præsentationer af emnet: "… DEN BEDSTE VEJ TIL SUND MAD"— Præsentationens transcript:

MADSTATIONEN … DEN BEDSTE VEJ TIL SUND MAD Ladies and gentlemen! The name of the project, I’m here to tell you about, is ”Food Station – the Best Way to Healthy Food”. Like the food in our Food Station this drawing is homemade. Our kindergarden-teacher made it for the project. The young students are going by a train, filled with healthy food. Everybody looks happy – even the vegetables and the chicken in the train.

2 Om Vangeboskolen Almindelig folkeskole i Danmark
45 lærere og 18 pædagoger (sådan cirka) 507 elever I alderen fra 6-16 år Madstationen blev igangsat af en meget engageret skolebestyrelse Med start i 2005 blev visionen omsat til praksis af en lige så engageret projektleder, Ulla Jensen Skoleleder René Glud Jensen og souschef Claus Dideriksen At first I’ll tell you a little about Vangeboschool. It’s a public school, the students are aged from 6 to 16 years and there are about 500 students (to be exact 509). To teach and learn we have engaged 45 teachers and 18 social works, which makes the school to and average school in Denmark (if we are talking about the size). In other ways we are not average – the parents are well educated and most of them pretty wealthy. The schoolboard have been very dedicated and the vision belongs to them. Our project leader, Ulla Jensen, made the vision concrete, and she should have been here today. The headmaster – thats me – is her substitute today as well as sometimes in the project. My name is René Glud Jensen and my job has been to support the project as well as possible.

3 This is last week’s team. Ulla is no
This is last week’s team. Ulla is no.2 from the right, and as you can see she keeps and eye on the whole process. The students are ”building” a sandwich, and they are doing it like a transportation band. This is the menu of this Tuesday and if you want to eat at the Food station that day, you have to have this sandwich. The students are wearing (forklæder) (with our drawing on to sharpen the teamspirit), their hands and nails are clean. The kitchen you can see behind the students are designed for the cafeteria, and the food is sold from the desk. On the next slide, you can see the result of the sandwichbuilding.

4 The picture is not made for this conference
The picture is not made for this conference. I bought one af those sandwiches – it looked like that and it was delicious. About 100 students from the school bought it, The price was 20 d/kr. Thats the price every day, no matter what the menu is. Hot or cold dishes or served portions or buffet. ”Food Station” is a educational social-cultural project. Among a lot other things we want to enhance and augment the students imagination, creativity and sense of taste. And in my opinion the picture is a kind of documentation.

5 Socialt og kulturelt dannelsesprojekt
At skabe en kantine med børn At fokusere på, at ”du er, hvad du spiser” At gøre madglæde til noget jordnært og fundamentalt At have en åben og ærlig dialog om attituder og opførsel, der passer til erfaringer med madlavning At give eleverne nogle sunde værdier med i bagagen og skærpe deres fantasi og kreativitet At styrke og udbygge elevernes æstetiske sans i tilberedelsen af maden But it was not our only ambition with the project. As mentioned we wanted to create a cafeteria – not for the students but with the students. The students are participating the process from the beginning till the end. The class in corporation with Ulla decides the weekly menu, they prepare the food, are baking the bread each day, they sell it and finally they clean the cafeteria and the kitchen together with Ulla and her assistent Connie. We want the students to focuse on ”you are what you eat”. The name – ”Food Station” – was chosen, because we are sending our students on a lifelong journey, in which it is important to have healthy values regarding food. Likewise we wanted to give the students good attitudes and behaviour relating to ”real” food and the culinary experience.

6 Hold og resurser 8 klasser deltager i projektet (5.-8. klasse)
Hver klasse inddeles i tre hold Hvert hold laver mad i en uge Maden sælges i kantinen (3.-9. klasse) This year twelve classes participate. The class is divided in two or three teams – depending on how many students there are in the class. One team is cooking in the kitchen – the rest is in the classroom and follows their ordinary schedule. Next week we change team and so on. grade to grade are cooking – grade to grade has the possibility of buying their lunch in the ”Food Station”. The team consists of 8-10 students. Their envolvement and engagement is outstanding, and that means that the project deals with a lot more than just healthy food. That is why we call it a social-cultural project.

7 Økonomi Kr 20,- for et måltid – og kr 5,- for dessert
Dækker udgifterne til råvarer og supplement af køkkenudstyr …men ikke løn til projektleder og medhjælper Hjemkundskab i 7. klasse erstattes af ugerne på Madstationen (4 x 20 lektioner = 80 lektioner) Skolens udgift er ca kr. pr. år This year twelve classes participate. The class is divided in two or three teams – depending on how many students there are in the class. One team is cooking in the kitchen – the rest is in the classroom and follows their ordinary schedule. Next week we change team and so on. grade to grade are cooking – grade to grade has the possibility of buying their lunch in the ”Food Station”. The team consists of 8-10 students. Their envolvement and engagement is outstanding, and that means that the project deals with a lot more than just healthy food. That is why we call it a social-cultural project.

8 Arbejdsform Én ugemenu bruges gennem et 3-ugersforløb
Administrations-uge mellem hvert 3-ugersforløb I administrationsugen: Hver elev evalueres skriftligt (til klasselæreren) Planlægning af menuer for kommende forløb Bestilling og modtagelse af varer Introforløb for den kommende klasse (ernæring og Madstationen) This year twelve classes participate. The class is divided in two or three teams – depending on how many students there are in the class. One team is cooking in the kitchen – the rest is in the classroom and follows their ordinary schedule. Next week we change team and so on. grade to grade are cooking – grade to grade has the possibility of buying their lunch in the ”Food Station”. The team consists of 8-10 students. Their envolvement and engagement is outstanding, and that means that the project deals with a lot more than just healthy food. That is why we call it a social-cultural project.

9 Maden…! Vi anvender kun årstidens frugt og grøntsager
Hjemmebagt brød hver dag Hver dag er der friske, blandede salater Dessert kun om fredagen…! Skifter mellem portionsanretninger (tallerkenservering) og buffet Både kold og varm mad Drikkevarer: Koldt vand med citron Every day has its own menu. The students and their parents can have a view on the net ( or on the blackboards at school – and afterwards decide what they would like to eat and when they are going to bring the 20 d/kr fro the meal. As you see we only use seasonal fruit and vegetables, we daily bake the bread, have fresh mied salads – frifady is the only day, where you can have a dessert (+ 5 d/kr). Sometimes the dessert is the so called René’s favourites, named after me for fun. I tell you that is good – and the youngest students reminds me of the dessert – sometimes already from the start of the week. The pictures show two kinds of buffet, the sandwichdishes before the customers arrive and an example of last mondays menu. Wednesday and Friday we serve hot dishes and every day the only beverage is icecold water with freh lemon. Nobody asks for sodas anymore.




13 Mål og succeskriterier
At eleverne synes, at projektugen har været sjov, udfordrende og spændende At lærerteamet er helt med på idéen, således at projektet bliver en naturlig del af årsplanen At forældrene udtrykker en positiv holdning til Madstationen Before we started the project for about two years ago, we put up some goals and criterias for succes. On the first of them talking about fun, excitement and interest we have had good response. Our students in the grade simply demanded to be in the project this year – though they actually were out. In the beginning the ”ordinary teachers” were worried for their lessons and their curriculum. But now they enjoy the days with fewer students in the classroom, and the possibility to have a better and closer contact to their students. Some of the parents are participating the project and I don’t think they coul express a more positive attitude.

14 Mål og succeskriterier - fortsat
At eleverne får udviklet deres koncentrationsevne og forbedret deres evne til at sætte sig ind i noget nyt At eleverne opdager en ændring i deres sociale omgang med hinanden At projektet i årenes løb er blevet en væsentlig del af Vangeboskolens profil I don’t know if we can see an improved concentration span and an improved ability to assilimate new material. But I’m sure that the boy on the picture, Lior, would say yes, if we asked him. But I’m sure that the students have shifted some of the manners – to the better. Our image – yes I’m here today, the medias have interviewed us in a very positive way, so the last goal seems to become a succes too.


16 Spørgsmål….? I hope I have given you an impression of our foodproject. I have been very positive – but I’m sure I have been honest too. Being a part of the Food Station is a vision and dream that came through. If there are any questions you may ask them now. Thank you for your time.


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