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Katalyst AUDITORY CULTURE Marjanne Kurth Specialkonsulent, Cand.mag. TEACH. Teaching Centre Humanities The ESOF Challenge, February 2014.

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1 Katalyst AUDITORY CULTURE Marjanne Kurth Specialkonsulent, Cand.mag. TEACH. Teaching Centre Humanities The ESOF Challenge, February 2014

2 A first draft of a concept description that gives ESOF (Ditte) the best possibility to judge your theme idea, and create the best starting point for your sound productions. PURPOSE

3 Assignment Use the template (Dropbox) Delivery deadline 12 th February

4 1. Data insights 2. Theme 3. User experience 4. Sound potential. PROCESS Concept description based on



7 CONCEPT 1 SOLUTION Et koncept kan beskrives som en sammenhængende løsning fra et færdigproduceret og helhedsorienteret perspektiv. Beskrivelsen dækker ikke alene grundidéen (hvad) og operationaliseringen af grundidéen i aktiviteter (hvordan). Beskrivelsen inkluderer også strategiske forretningsmål (hvornår/hvorfor) og brugerbehov (hvem/hvorfor). Endelig beskrives den intenderede overordnede brugeroplevelse (kernefortællingen/identitet/den røde tråd).

8 CONCEPT 2 COMMUNICATION Konceptets værdipotentiale skal kunne præsenteres klart og forståeligt som en pitch. Konceptbeskrivelsens pitch er jeres korte og koncise forklaring af, hvorfor jeres koncept er værd at gå videre med som projekt. Det kræver en overbevisende værdiskabelse i forhold til investeringen.

9 CONCEPT 2 STEERING Konceptet afspejler et vedtagen fokus og udgør dermed et styringsværktøj til at bygge løsningen. Konceptbeskrivelsen er målsætningen for udviklingsarbejdet. Ikke mindst når konceptet realiseres som flere projekter, er det en fordel at have en konceptbeskrivelse som målsætningsdokument.

10 N: What is the important customer and market need? Beskriv målgruppens væsentlige behov, der skal løses med jeres projekt. A: What is the unique approach and solution for addressing this need? Beskriv projektets greb/fokus, løsning (indhold/kerneaktiviteter) og dens proces i forhold til målgruppens behov. B: What are the specific customer benefits? Beskriv projektets brugerinteraktioner (kontekst) og de positive effekter for målgruppen og opdragsgiver. C: How are the benefits superior to the competiton’s and the alternatives? Beskriv udbyttet af jeres projekt for opdragsgiver. A CONCEPT DESCRIPTION ANSWERS 4 QUESTIONS Carlson & Wilmot (2006): Innovation – The five disciplines for creating what customers want.

11 1DESCRIPTION 2DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT (The process leading to the capability to describe the concept)

12 Carlson & Wilmot (2006): Innovation – The five disciplines for creating what customers want. C ???? NAB NABC SRI INTERNATIONAL N: What is the most important user and market need? 1:BUILD DATA Observations and interviews 2: DEFINE FOCUS Analysis and insights A: What is your unique approach? 3: BUILD OPPPORTUNITY Theme and storytelling 4: BUILD SOLUTION Development and prototyping B: What are the specific user advantages 5: USER ADAVANTEGES Test and need 6: IMPLEMENT Strategy og scalability C: How does these advanteges differ from the competition? 7: COMPETITION (Dis)Advantages 1. Data Insights 3. Sound potential 4. User experience 2. Theme

13 BEFORE WE START (same but still different) Tools are just tools – not solutions To take a step back. It is part of being in a process Use your expertise - define, analyze, compare, descibe. critical reflection, methodology, present, conclude, recommend

14 NAB C BUILD DATA BASIS Observations & interviews To understand the context of the user and the client through Observations (presence) Interviews (semi-structured) Desk research (reports, theories…) Methodology Visuals & audio

15 NAB C Exercise 1 Mapping & Categorizing 1.Map your data material on the wall (one statement, thought, insight per post it). UCPH identity/ESOF identity Location characteristics User characteristics (What characterizes the educated audience?) 2.Categorize your data according to (new) connections Time: 20 minutes Increase understanding, facilitate diaolgue, create new connections

16 NAB C Focus Analysis & insights To increase understanding of the user/client challenge asking yourself what you have learned from the data material (principles, motives). To build the best starting point for selecting themes and ideas for sound productions. To secure the value creation of your concept.

17 NAB C EXERCISE 2 Analysis & insights 1.Define and decide on 5 insights from your data mapping. Choose the most crucial ones for creating value. Time: 10 min Increase understanding of the user/client challenge

18 Theme ideas Do not panic. Time to adjust and qualify. ?? NAB

19 EXERCISE 3 Brainstorming & selection Create the theme that meets your key insights 1.Confusion Tolerance: Many ideas in a short time 2.Select individual favourites and argument in the group 3.Select ONE /create a new combination! Time: 15 min ?? NAB

20 NAB C User experience Tell the story that shows the effect of what the user meets in your theme: What is changed in the user? What experience outcome do you want the achieve? 1.Take a flipover and map the experience according to before - under – after 2.Unfold the user experience: ”From xxx….. To xxx” Time: 15 min Experience & Effect

21 Building the concept (What you have….) 1.Key insights from research 2.Theme 3.User experience/change – From […] to […]. 4.Sound potential. How can sound undfold your theme and user experience? Kilde: Lundholm Experience Strategy

22 EXERCISE 4 Sound potential How can sound unfold your theme? (effects, potential, ideas) 1. Individual brainstorm (5 min) 2.Share your ideas in the group 3.Selection (max 5): Choose the strongest arguments/ideas in relation to your theme, key findings and user experience? Time: 10 minutes ? NAB

23 Document concept 1.THEME 2.Selction of key findings (insights) 3.User Experience/Change: From […] to […]. 4.Sound potential. How can sound unfold your theme and user experience? Kilde: Lundholm Experience Strategy Use concept template

24 NEXT STEP 1. Delivery Deadline for (part of) the concept description: 12 th February at 12 am Dropbox 2. Feedback Decisions and feedback from Ditte the 12 th February (evening) 3. Home assignment Make sound narrative that unfolds the concept (to create a common understanding/ownership and test the theme potential) 4.Workshop the 18 th February Qualifying concept, user experience and idea development for sound productions. KEEP YOUR MATERIAL!


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