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DIVERCITY-projektet og andre aktiviteter ved Institut for Bygningsteknik Kjeld Svidt Aalborg Universitet, AAU Kjeld Svidt  Institut.

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1 DIVERCITY-projektet og andre aktiviteter ved Institut for Bygningsteknik Kjeld Svidt Aalborg Universitet, AAU Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet

2 The IT in Civil Engineering group at dept of Building Technology Professor Per Christiansson (1998) (former KBS- Media Lab, Lund University and the IT Bygg program in Sweden) Assistant Prof. Kjeld Svidt PhD student Yoke-Chin Lai PhD student Mads Carlsen (starts summer 2003)

3 The IT in Civil Engineering group. Research areas and projects Virtual Buildings and Collaboration –’Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY’ (EU IST) –’It in Collaborative Design’ (Danish Centre for Integrated Design, CID) –Virtual reality visualisation of airflow in buildings –IT på byggepladsen Knowledge Management –Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems – BIKOM (start summer 2003) Digital Cities and Intelligent Buildings

4 Hvad indeholder fagområdet ”IT i byggeriet” ? Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet Håndtering af information i hele byggeprocessen - planlægning, analyse, design - opførelse - drift Problemstillinger vedr. kommunikation mellem aktører - personer - organisationer - programmer

5 Informationshåndtering Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet Indsamling, generering Bearbejdning Lagring Transport Præsentation, anvendelse

6 Eksempler på typer af information Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet Grundlag for udførelsen – detailtegninger – monteringsvejledledninger – love og regulativer osv....... Løbende kommunikation under udførelsen – mødereferater – fotos – emails – telefonsamtaler Til brug ved fakturering – timeregistrering – materialeorbrug

7 Eksempler på typer af information Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet

8 Eksempler på informationsleverandører og modtagere Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet Bygherre Arktiekt Ingeniør Entreprenør Underentreprenører Leverandører Myndigheder

9 Opbevaring og transport Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet Informationscontainere – Ringbind – Lokal harddisk – CD – Projektweb – Modelserver Transport – Post – Taxa – Telefon – Internet/Email

10 The IT in Civil Engineering group. Research areas and projects Virtual Buildings and Collaboration –’Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY’ (EU IST) –’It in Collaborative Design’ (Danish Centre for Integrated Design, CID) –Virtual reality visualisation of airflow in buildings –IT på byggepladsen Knowledge Management –Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems – BIKOM (start summer 2003) Digital Cities and Intelligent Buildings

11 Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems – BIKOM Gennem de seneste år er web baserede portaler for dokument og tegningshåndtering, og til dels til støtte for handel med fysiske og digitale komponenter, blevet tilgængelige såvel internt i virksomhederne som eksternt mellem virksomhederne. De seneste års udvikling indenfor ICT giver nu mulighed for at opbygge næste generation af portaler eller vidensknude- punkter. Disse kan være horisontalt orienterede og bygge bro mellem videndomæner og/eller specialiserede mod forskellige dele af byggeprocessen. Den horisontale orientering muliggør videndeling på tværs af traditionelle fagområder indenfor byggeprojekter og virksomheder.

12 IT-CODE System Architecture Knowledge Nodes (projects, team, suppliers,…) General (RDF, XML, logics) Conextt specific (digital process manager) Artefact access, User Environment Artefact control Analyses/ syntheses tools (From Lai Y-C, Christiansson P, Svidt K, 2002, ”IT-CODE -IT in Collaborative Building Design”) Using RDF, RDFS, XML, XMLSchema,

13 SEMANTIC WEB The Resource Description Framework (RDF) - developed by the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - provides a framework for metadata interoperability across different Internet based resource description communities with focus on semantics rather than meta data syntax and structure. The semantic webs (Berners-Lee, et al., 2001) will use eXtensible Markup Language (XML) RDF, and Ontologies (with taxonomy and a set of inference rules) as basic building substances. RDF will allow the resource description communities to primarily focus on the issues of semantics rather than the syntax and structure of metadata). Schema defines the meaning, characteristics, and relationships of a set of properties.

14 The IT in Civil Engineering group. Research areas and projects Virtual Buildings and Collaboration –’Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY’ (EU IST) –’It in Collaborative Design’ (Danish Centre for Integrated Design, CID) –Virtual reality visualisation of airflow in buildings –IT på byggepladsen Knowledge Management –Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems – BIKOM (start summer 2003) Digital Cities and Intelligent Buildings

15 What is Virtual Reality ?  Presentations that take place at the VR-Centre ?  Convincing your senses that something virtual is real  Realistic visualisation of phenomena which are difficult to see in reality (e.g. airflow)

16 Virtual Reality may include the following elements:  Stereo viewing (different pictures for right and left eye) Passive (polarized or colour filter) Active (shutter glasses)  A certain degree of immersion Wide screens, power walls Large curved screens CAVE Head mounted displays  Realtime interaction with the model/database Mouse or keyboard Tracking of persons or interaction devices Haptic devices

17 VR facilities at Aalborg University (1) Onyx2 IR2 (will be replaced by PC cluster 2003) Lightwave Matrix-Hub Cave Panorama 3D Auditorium

18 VR facilities at Aalborg University (2) Panorama –Ø 7.1m, 160°, H 3.5m –Mono & aktive stereo –28 persons –Tracking

19 VR facilities at Aalborg University (3) 6-sided CAVE –2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5m –Back projektion –Aktive stereo –1 person with tracking, + a few observers without tracking

20 VR facilities at Aalborg University (4) Portable equipment –2.5m x 3.5m –Portable projector and PC –Passive stereo –30 persons +

21 Case 1 3D airflow in a laboratory set-up with an isothermal slot inlet Air inlet Air exhaust

22 The IT in Civil Engineering group. Research areas and projects Virtual Buildings and Collaboration –’Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY’ (EU IST) –’It in Collaborative Design’ (Danish Centre for Integrated Design, CID) –Virtual reality visualisation of airflow in buildings –IT på byggepladsen Knowledge Management –Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems – BIKOM (start summer 2003) Digital Cities and Intelligent Buildings

23 Sub- contractor Construction Site Architect Contractor Client Facilities Manager Consultant Integrated Virtual Prototyping tools can improve communication between stakeholders Architect Construction Site Consultant PROJECT MODEL Contractor Client Sub-contractor Facilities Manager VR for the AEC Sector

24 DIVERCITY - Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry EU IST-1999-13365 The objective of the project is to produce a prototype virtual workspace that will enable the three key phases (client briefing, design review, construction) to be visualized and manipulated, and to produce a set of VR tools that aid the construction design and planning process. The Divercity project has 10 partners in 5 EU Countries

25 DIVERCITY function, form, content, behaviour DIVERCITY Application data container DIVERCITY data container Collab. Application data container 'CAD' Appl. Application data container Appl. Application data container Appl. Collab. Virtual Workspace Acoustics Lighting Simulations Thermal Analysis 4D building site Building Model (IFC,…) Client briefing

26 Communication / collaboration layer (IFC based components) eViper Briefing Client Architect Lighting Acoustic Thermal Engineer Scheduling Contractor Site Planning Construction Site Manager Divercity

27 Tak for opmærksomheden Kjeld Svidt  Institut for Bygningsteknik  Aalborg Universitet

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