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Institut for Sprog, Kultur og Æstetik Engelsk, 1.-2. semester, 2006-2007 Tekstanalyse og -historie Jens Kirk Session One: "An Introduction to the Analysis,

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Institut for Sprog, Kultur og Æstetik Engelsk, 1.-2. semester, 2006-2007 Tekstanalyse og -historie Jens Kirk Session One: "An Introduction to the Analysis,"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Institut for Sprog, Kultur og Æstetik Engelsk, 1.-2. semester, 2006-2007 Tekstanalyse og -historie Jens Kirk Session One: "An Introduction to the Analysis, History, and Theory of Texts"

2 Agenda A genreal Introduction to the course An introduction to some key concepts of the course Group work Group presentations and discussion

3 A general introduction to the course Modulet omfatter: litteraturteori og litteraturvidenskabelige metoder tekstanalyse og tekstanalytiske metoder de engelsksprogede landes litteratur og kultur. Kompetencemål: grundlæggende færdighed i tekstanalytiske metoder med særlig vægt på tema-, forløbs- og udsigelsesanalyse og analyse af retoriske virkemidler grundlæggende forståelse af forskellige genrers og teksttypers karakteristika grundlæggende forståelse af teksters periodicitet.

4 A general introduction to the course (cont.) Prøven har form af en eksamensportefølje bestående af følgende bidrag: fire øvelsesopgaver fra kurset i tekstanalyse og -historie, med kursuslærerens kommentarer den studerendes redegørelse for porteføljens indhold (højst 3 sider). Eksamensporteføljen skal demonstrere: færdighed i tekstanalyse med særlig vægt på tema-, forløbs- og udsigelsesanalyse og analyse af retoriske virkemidler forståelse af forskellige genrers og teksttypers karakteristika forståelse for teksters periodicitet færdighed i at formidle opnået viden om kultur- og tekstvidenskab i en adækvat form og evne til selvstændigt at kunne fortsætte egen kompetenceudvikling inden for området.

5 An Introduction to the course (cont.) Key course activities: Readings and working with study questions – see the course homepage Lectures, group work, classroom discussions Written assignments, summaries, feedback – see the course homepage

6 An introduction to some key concepts of the course Theme and motif ”[…] a general concept or doctrine, whether implicit or asserted, which an imaginative work is designed to incorporate and make persuasive to the reader” (Abrams) ”A theme is generally also distinguished from a motif (or leitmotif) by its greater ABSTRACTION: motifs are generally linked to specific, concrete forms of manifestation […]” (Goring)

7 An introduction to some key concepts of the course (cont.) Motif – the literal or surface level or meaning of the text. Accessible through paraphrase Theme – the metaphorical or hidden level or meaning of the text; its depth. Accessible through interpretation Basic idea of text and meaning: surface/depth visible/ hidden

8 An Example: The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' " 'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.' " (Luke 13:6-9)

9 Group Work Read Graham Greene’s story ”I Spy” Discuss the theme(s) and motif(s) in the story What ”general concept or doctrine” has Greene incorporated in the story? What does it pursuade the reader about? How has the story been designed to pursuade us?

10 Group discussion

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