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Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Syddansk Universitet.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Syddansk Universitet."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Syddansk Universitet

2 Odense University Hospital Faculty of Health Sciences

3 The Southern Danish region KLIN OUH IRS Center IRS ansatte IRS ansatte IRS Center IRS Center IRS Center K K K K K K K

4 Forskning  Klinisk forskning  Translationel forskning  Grundforskning  Kommunikation og patienttilfredshed

5 Fokuserede forskergrupper  Center Sygehus Lillebælt  Molekylær ældningsforskning, Steen Kølvraa  Syddansk colorectal cancer gruppe, Anders Jakobsen  Klinisk cellebiologi, Jean-Marie Delaisse  Urologisk forskningsgruppe, Palle Osther  Rygcenter Syddanmark, Claus Manniche  Forskningsenhed for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Jette Ammenthorp

6 Fokuserede forskergrupper  Center Sydvestjylland  Forskningsinititativ for FAM forskning  Center Sønderjylland  Reumatologisk forskning, Kim Hørslev-Petersen  Neurologisk forskningsgruppe, Egon Stenager  Center OUH-Svendborg Sygehus  Preventiv kardiologi, Kenneth Egstrup

7 Formål At facilitere klinisk forskning på OUH Virkemidler Gøre det lettere at opbygge biobanker Gøre det lettere at opbygge kliniske databaser Facilitere registerforskning på kohorter Skabe åbenhed om data og dermed facilitere videnskabeligt samarbejde

8 Strategi Baseres på eksisterende forsknings- infrastrukturer Biobanker: Klinisk biokemisk afd. Klinisk patologisk afd. Klinisk immunologisk afd. Databasen: Det danske tvillingeregister Faciliteres af fælles IT-portal med stor brugervenlighed

9 SAME Sleep, work and metabolism A collaboration between SDU, CAU and UKSH

10 Circadian rhythms clock time circadian circa 24-hour-rhythms

11 Circadian rhythms Plasma glucose Cortisol Temperature Blood pressure

12 Circadian rhythms are generated in the human body by Circadian rhythms are generated in the human body by biological clocks SC N Central clock in the brain Peripheral clocks in the body

13 The endogenous rhythms are generated by clock genes Period Timeless Clock Arntl Cryptochrome

14 The endogenous clocks are adjusted to the 24-hour-rhythm by external factors Biological clock Environment

15 External factors ►Light-dark-cycle ►Time of food intake ►Time of physical activity ►Social time cues

16 Background A large proportion of the Danish and German population suffers from metabolic disorders, sleep disturbances and shift work problems. Sleep quality and diurnal rhytm are associated with obesity and probably also hypertension and diabetes Metabolic and sleep disturbances are an important factor for invalidity resulting in early retirement of workers and high costs for the health system.

17 Aims To carry out a twin study of sleep, nutrition and metabolism and analyze the collected data for associations and interactions between these phenotypes To determine the interaction of sleep, nutritional and working patterns as well as metabolic disorders with human circadian rhythms, based on genetic and hormonal data. To analyse whether different sleep and working patterns affect the expression of genes

18 Mobilt undersøgelsescenter Status: 550 /1512 pers. Spørgeskemaer! F-glucose og insulin, lipider Hormoner af betydning for vægt Højde, vægt, hip, waist Bioimpedance (body age) EKG, lungefunktion DNA, RNA, spyt, urin

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