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Nervesystemets udvikling Udviklingsforstyrelser og plasticitet

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1 Nervesystemets udvikling Udviklingsforstyrelser og plasticitet
Carsten Reidies Bjarkam. Lektor, Læge, Ph.D. Neurobiologisk Afdeling Anatomisk Institut Aarhus Universitet

2 Vigtige pointer Mange hjernesygdomme og evner (eller mangel på samme) har en betydelig arvelig komponent Hjernens makroskopiske udvikling pågår gennem hele graviditeten + 25 år derefter Neural plasticitet pågår hele livet igennem Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

3 Lad os begynde med begyndelsen
Nervesystemet er baseret på forældrenes gener! Arvelige sygdomme som Huntington, Dystoni, “Parkinson, demens”. Sygdomme med betydelig arvelig komponent (risikogener) skizofreni, bipolar sindssygdom, ADHD Arv vs Miljø Hardware vs Software Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

4 Nervesystemets overordnede udvikling
Makroskopisk udvikling (neuralrørets foldninger og udposninger) Histologisk udvikling (celledannelse, differentiering og migration) Men glem ikke mikrokredsløbene! Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

5 Neuralrørets dannelse
Manglende lukning af neuralrøret = neuralrørsdefekter Anencephali Spina bifida med menigo- & myelomeningocele Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

6 Udposninger og foldninger
Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

7 Histologisk udvikling
Rygmarv Perifere nerver Autonome ganglier Binyrebark Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

8 Histologisk udvikling
Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD Hjernestamme Lillehjerne

9 Histologisk udvikling
Storhjerne Bemærk især relationen mellem hjernebarken og de dybere liggende kerneansamlinger Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

10 Hjernevægte Ved fødsel 400 g 1 år 800 g 2 år 1000 g 6 år 1250 g
Voksen 1350 g Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

11 Postnatale udviklingsforandringer
Migration (cerebellum) Modning af udløbere Apoptose? Myelinering Synaptogenese Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

12 Myelinering pågår helt op til 25 års alderen
Præfrontale cortex og andre associationsområder myelineres sidst Myelinering øger nerveledningshastighed Dvs 1 Mb, 2Mb, 100 Mb internetforbindelse

13 Synaptogenese pågår hele livet igennem
Dog mest intenst i de tidlige år Er sammen med funktionelle synapseændringer ansvarlig for plasticiteten i CNS Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

14 Funktionelle synapseændringer
Aktivitetsbetingede ændringer i synapsens effektivitet/styrke LTP = Long Term Potentiation LTD = Long Term Depression

15 LTP & LTD mekanismer Fysiologisk respons i hippocampus (CA1)
Formidles via glutamat receptorer

16 Nervesystemets langstrakte udviklingshistorie gør det yderst følsom over for infektioner, misbrug og understimulation både før og efter fødslen! Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

17 Mulige udviklingsforstyrelser
Autisme Skizofreni ADHD Was introduced in 1992 by prof benabid and coworkers from france SDBS reduce not only R;A;and T and thus the cardinal symptoms of PD but also the need for levodopa Advanced PD

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