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This Power Point presentation belongs to the Danish Renal Registry, which owns the copyright. It can be freely used for non- commercial study and educational.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "This Power Point presentation belongs to the Danish Renal Registry, which owns the copyright. It can be freely used for non- commercial study and educational."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 This Power Point presentation belongs to the Danish Renal Registry, which owns the copyright. It can be freely used for non- commercial study and educational purposes. Any commercial use or publication requires the prior permission of the Danish Renal Registry

2 Peritonitis 2000-12

3 Peritonitis & Modalitet

4 Peritonitis: Relativ Placering 2000-042005-092010-12 1Fredericia Holstebro 2SønderborgHolstebroHillerød 3HolstebroAalborgHolbæk 4ViborgRigshospitalSkejby 5HerlevSkejbyRigshospital 6SkejbyHillerødFredericia 7EsbjergRoskildeSkejby 8Nykøbing FSønderborgAalborg 9RoskildeViborgEsbjerg 10HillerødNykøbing F 11OdenseEsbjergRoskilde 12RigshospitalHerlevOdense 13Holbæk Sønderborg 14AalborgOdenseHerlev

5 Peritonitis-fri Overlevelse

6 Median Peritonitis-fri Overlevelse

7 PD Patientoverlevelse 1990-2012 *:Prognose

8 Hjemmedialyse Prævalens

9 PD Tekniksvigt 1990-2012

10 PD Tekniksvigt 2005-2012

11 Hvad sker med PD Patienter?

Download ppt "This Power Point presentation belongs to the Danish Renal Registry, which owns the copyright. It can be freely used for non- commercial study and educational."

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