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Introduktion til NemHandel Infrastrukturen

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Introduktion til NemHandel Infrastrukturen"— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Introduktion til NemHandel Infrastrukturen
Heinrich Clausen 8. april 2010

2 Komponenter i NemHandel
Juridisk ramme Bekendtgørelse Tekniske standarder (OIOUBL, OIORASP, ..) Fælles infrastruktur NemHandel registeret Offentlig VANS gateway Fakturablanketten på Support Software komponenter OIORASP referenceimplementationer Nemhandelsprogrammet

3 NemHandel standarder NemHandel registeret VirkA Afsender VirkB
OIO SMI VirkA Afsender VirkB Modtager OIO RASP OIOUBL

4 Forretningsmæssige Krav
Authentication It must be possible to authenticate the sender of a business document. Confidentiality Only the sender and the receiver may know the content of the business document. Integrity It must not be possible for a third party to tamper with business documents during transit from sender to receiver. Reliability Documents should not be lost in transit even if the underlying communication infrastructure is unreliable. Generation of evidence It should be possible to generate digital evidence that can be presented in a court of law. Intermediaries It should be possible to send a business document between two parties via an intermediary party. Asynchronous communication Asynchronous communication should be possible using communication channels available to SMEs such as HTTP and SMTP.

5 Sending What?: Invoice in the context of a simple billing process
To?: CVR, EAN, … How?: Delivery point Transport protocol Encryption key

6 Receiving

7 OIORASP Reliable Asynchronous Secure Profile
Dansk profilering af WS-* stakken WS-Basic Profile WS-Addressing WS-Security WS-Reliable Messaging Anvender OCES certifikater Funktionscertifikater (FOCES) Medarbejdercertifikater (MOCES)

8 RASP Referenceimplementationer
RASP .NET baseret på .NET 3.5 (WCF) RASP Java baseret på Java 1.6 og Axis2 Testet for interoperabilitet Udover at implementere OIORASP Identifikation af dokumenttype og modtager Opslag i NemHandel registeret Dokumentvalidering - schema og schematron Certifikatvalidering Frigivet på open source licens (MPL 1.1)

9 Nemhandelsprogrammet
En desktop applikation til at sende og modtage dokumenter med Kan ikke selv producere eller konsumere forretningsdokumenter Frigivet under en open source licens (BSD)

10 NemHandelsprogrammet (fortsat)

11 NemHandelsprogrammet (fortsat)

12 NemHandelsprogrammet (fortsat)

13 NemHandelsprogrammet (fortsat)

14 Offentlig VANS Gateway
Sikrer at NemHandel brugere kan sende til alle offentlige modtagere allerede i dag Understøtter overgangen til OIOUBL og OIORASP Nedlægges 1. maj 2011 Andre VANS gateways på kommercielle vilkår findes i dag

15 Offentlig VANS Gateway (fortsat)
Envejs gateway fra NemHandel til VANS der kan modtage: OIOXML Elektronisk Regning og OIOUBL dokumenter i profilen NES Profile 5 Basic Billing OIOUBL konverteres af gateway til OIOXML Elektronisk Regning Eksponerer VANS modtagere registreret i eDir overfor NemHandel infrastrukturen

16 Offentlig VANS Gateway
NemHandel registeret OIO SMI VANS VirkA Afsender Offentlig Gateway Offentlig modtager OIO RASP OIOUBL

17 NemHandel Registeret Til registrering og accept af NemHandel vilkår
Til registrering af en modtagers understøttede forretningsprocesser Hvilke profiler i hvilke roller Hvilke transportprotokoller Krypteringsnøgle Service endpoints

18 NemHandel Registeret (fortsat)
Web Service grænseflade ProfileRegistrationService ProfileDescriptionService Web baseret registreringssite Bulk registrerings tool

19 Web registrering

20 NemHandel Registeret Publish Discovery Discovery Discovery Discovery

21 NemHandel infrastrukturen
En række fælles services der drives, vedligeholdes og supporteres af IT- og Telestyrelsen NemHandel registeret Offentlig VANS gateway Referenceimplementationer RASP Java og RASP .NET

22 Opdateringer og versioneringer
Strategier for OIOUBL standarden, OIOUBL referenceimplementationer og NemHandel infrastrukturen Den første er offentliggjort mens de to andre kommer snart Lav hyppighed! Opdateringer varsles med indikation af konsekvenser og mulighed for at gøre indsigelser Følg med på

23 Test infrastruktur Bestående af: Test NemHandel Register
Test endepunkter Test certifikater (skal anskaffes hos DanId) Planen er at offentliggøre testscenarier og testdokumenter, der kan anvendes til integrationstest Anbefalet men ikke påkrævet at gennemføre integrationstestene

24 Agenda 09:00-09:30 : Velkommen 09:30-10:30 : Introduktion til OIOUBL
10:30-10:45 : Pause 10:45-11:45 : Introduktion til NemHandel infrastrukturen 11:45-12:45 : Frokost 12:45-16:00 : Opdeling i et OIOUBL og et Infrastruktur spor 16:00-16:30 : Fælles afslutning på workshoppen The agenda is as follows… First I would like to talk about some of the effects of globalization and the appropriate strategies for e-government. Globalization means competition and innovative use of IT in new areas and from regions around the world which until recently has been considered “less developed”. This is all changing in these years. Then I would like to tell you about the Danish initiative on electronic invoicing to the public sector, and how that success can be used to drive new initiatives in e-government to the benefit of not only the public sector but even more so to the private sector. The current infrastructure used for invoicing the public sector has some limitations when it comes to B2B e-business transactions between small and medium sized enterprises. We believe that our new initiative with establishing an internet based infrastructure will lower the barriers significantly. Finally I would like to tell you about our international collaboration on these efforts. Denmark is currently leading the way in these areas internationally and we have a unique opportunity to make other countries follow in our path, but with a competitive advantage to Danish companies which will have the opportunity to try the new capabilities before many competitors.

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