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Activities At Koege Business College. The Questionnaire We had parents’ e-mail addresses from students We used SurveyMonkey for the questionnaire We sent.

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Præsentationer af emnet: "Activities At Koege Business College. The Questionnaire We had parents’ e-mail addresses from students We used SurveyMonkey for the questionnaire We sent."— Præsentationens transcript:

1 Activities At Koege Business College

2 The Questionnaire We had parents’ e-mail addresses from students We used SurveyMonkey for the questionnaire We sent the questionnaire to 45 parents and some of my students who are adults and parents We had 10 answers

3 Information At A Staff Meeting There are app. 30 teachers at my department – and at a staff meeting I informed my colleagues about the project

4 We Made the Brochure Our Marketing Department by Peter Utke made It.

5 Information on Our Intranet Lone og Anny i Irland Lone og Anny har været i Irland i forbindelse med Grundtvigprojektet ”Multiple Intelligences and Parents’ Education”

6 Information On Our Intranet Anny Tells about Our Results

7 Information On Our Intranet Lone Was An Active Participant

8 Lone Made A Worksheet Ideer til forældre, der ønsker at være med til at udvikle deres børns interpersonelle intelligens: ”Interpersonel intelligens”: Menneskeklog Interpersonel intelligens, dvs. at være klog på mennesker, evnen til at forstå andres følelser og hensigter. Nyttig viden til forældre: Psykologiske elementer: At forældre selv har kendskab til egen læringsstil (ægtepar har ofte modsatte læringsstile), dvs. hver forældre tager en test, da kendskab til egen læringsstil giver bedre forståelse for, at vi alle lærer forskelligt og udvikler os forskelligt. Ens læringsstil ændrer sig med tiden, men den forsvinder aldrig helt. Læringsstile er globalt gældende, derimod er der store kønsforskelle! To børn i samme familie vil ofte have modsatte læringsstile. Det er bedre at arbejde med få elementer end slet ingenting at gøre! Krav til forældre: At forældrene fokuserer på det enkelte barns styrker. At forældrene opbygger selvtillid og en positiv holdning til det at lære, hos deres børn. At forældrene hjælper det enkelte barn til optimal personlig udnyttelse af ”mentale værktøjer”. At forældrene anerkender og forstår egne børns individuelle forskelle. At forældrene respekterer det enkelte barns unikke måde at lære på. I forhold til udviklingen af menneskeklog: Nogle børn tænker mest med højre hjernehalvdel dvs. holistisk andre mest med venstre dvs. analytisk. Nogle børn handler mest impulsivt andre handler mest refleksivt. De følgende ideer kan bruges til at udvikle den side, som man ikke er domineret af. Samtidig at få forståelse for, at vi alle er forskellige og at respektere dette. Ideer: Udvikling af højre hjernehalvdel:Udvikling af venstre hjernehalvdel: Brug følelser- Brug logik Detaljeorienteret- ”Store overblik” orienteret Fantasien styrer- Fakta styrer Øve symboler og billeder- Øve ord og sproget Tale/tænke om nutid og fremtid- Tale/tænke om nutid og fortid Tale om og undersøge filosofi og- Tale om og undersøge matematik og forskning religion Kan forstå- Kan ”fange det” (F.eks. meningen) Tror- Ved Anerkender- Er taknemmelig Øve orden/mønster opfattelse- Øve rumlig opfattelse Kender tings navn- Kender tings funktion Realitets baseret- Fantasi baseret Hjælp til at lave strategier- Hjælp til at forestille sig muligheder Praktisk- Impulsiv Sikker- Tager chancer Lavet af Lone Steimle Kilder:

9 Anny Translated It Into English Ideas for parents who want to help developing their children’s interpersonal intelligence: “Interpersonal Intelligence”: Human Wise Interpersonal intelligence, i.e. being wise with people, the ability of understanding other people’s feelings and intentions. Useful knowledge for parents: Psycological Elements: That parents themselves have knowledge of their own learning styles (married couples often have opposite learning styles), i.e. each parent takes his/her own test as knowledge of one’s own learning style gives a better understanding for the fact that we all learn differently and develops differently too. One’s learning style will change over time, but it will never disappear totally. Learning styles are globally existing, however, there are great differences between the sexes. Two children in the same family will often have opposite learning styles. It is better to work with a few elements than doing nothing at all. Demands for parents: That parents focus on the individual child’s strengths. That parents build up self –confidence and a positive attitude to learning with their children. That parents help the individual child to use “the mental tools” in an optimal personal way. That parents acknowledge and understand their own children’s differences. That parents respect the individual child’s unique way of learning. In relation to the development of “human wise”: Some children mostly think with the right part of the brain i.e. holistically, other children mostly think with the left part of the brain i.e. analytically. Some children mostly act impulsively; other children act mostly reflexively. The following ideas can be used for developing the side that is not the dominant one. At the same time to get understanding of the fact that we are all different and to respect that. Ideas: Development of the right part of the brain:Development of the left part of the brain: Use feelings- Use logic Detail oriented- “Great overview” oriented The fantasy rules- Facts rule Practice symbols and pictures- Practice words and the language Speak about/think of the present and the future- Speak about/think of the present and the future Speak about and examine philosophy and religion- Speak about and examine mathematics and science Being able to understand- Being able to “catch it” (e.g. the meaning) Thinks- Knows Acknowledges- Being thankful Practice order/pattern perception- Practice spatial perception Knows things’ names- Knows things function Reality based- Fantasy based Help for making strategies- Help for imagining possibilities Practical- Impulsive Being sure- Taking chances Made by Lone Steimle Sources:

10 Anny Made A Worksheet Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intelligence/Body Wise Definition: Having the ability of using one’s consciousness, to co-ordinate the body and to express oneself via the body. Useful information: Students who have a bodily-kinesthetic intelligence as one of their strengths have a great ability in using their bodies for sport, drama and theatre, and for craftsmanlike challenges. They prefer themselves to carry out physical exercises, construct objects or to touch things that are part of the education. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence Characteristics:Are good at: Moves- Physical activities Uses body language- Sport Good body control- Dancing In physical contact- Theatre Willing to take action- craftsmanship Becomes restless at too few pauses- Technical things Learning Style:The Physical Active Person: Touch- Experience with the whole body Move around in the room- Repeating, jogging, swimming, walking Dramatise what he/she is learning Ideas for teachers and parents: A teacher can support this by involving creative and concrete aids in their lessons, but it is also important to add notions/words to the physical constructions. In mathematics it is obvious to involve concrete aids for constructing and experimenting with mathematic concepts. When a teacher wants to begin teaching new knowledge, it will help the bodily-kinesthetic intelligent students if the teacher can find room for presenting the concepts bodily. Generally, it will be an advantage to involve many different physical activities and bodily expressions in the lessons. Different warming-up exercises and subsequently drama exercises can help illustrating a problem. Made by Anny Willemoes Hansen Source:

11 Anny made A Worksheet Linguistic intelligence/Word Wise Definition: Having the ability of mastering language, including using language as a support for remembering information. Useful information: Students who have the linguistic intelligence as one of their strengths are good at expressing themselves as well orally as in writing. It may be in a context of which he/she has to persuade others, argue, or maybe for an information purpose. Linguistic Intelligence Characteristics:Are good at: Reads- ….at remembering: Writes- Names Tells stories- Places Argues- Times - Daily things Learning Style:The Word Artist: Say- Produce See- Edit Listen- Debate - Interview Ideas for teachers and parents: The linguistic strong children think a lot in words, they thrive in learning situations characterized by story telling, writing and reading. If one as a teacher wants to support these students’ learning, activities with elements of debate, story telling, summaries, rhymes and jingles and the like should be used. It is always best to combine the different intelligences in interaction with each other in the learning situation. Best of all, the individual student’s weak intelligence areas can be brought into play with his/her strong intelligence, so that the strong intelligence is used like a kind of lever. Made by Anny Willemoes Hansen Source:

12 Our Webpage At Koege Handelsskole

13 The Future We want to send out the brochure to our new students’ parents We want to inform the new students’ parents about the project at a parents’ meeting – probably in October by inviting an expert on informing about The Multiple Intelligences

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